My mom and I went yesterday to another farm we were going to look into as a ceremony venue. It was exactly what I was looking for all along. Its beautiful and rustic and even though we won't be able to married completely in a barn, it is the exact setting we want. The owners said they would have to talk about it and would let me know today if it is possible for them to host the wedding, since Sept 22nd is their prime weekend for preparing for the pumkin/apple/school field trip season. She and her husband seemed optimistic because we would be in the back of the farm and out of their way, and only there for a few hours (set up, reherse, then show up and get married). So I am hoping this pulls thru or else we are SOL. I really don't know what we will do if we can't get married there. I asked FI if he would consider a local church and he adamantly said no. Not sure why, but he just won't.
We also were talking about our honeymoon yesterday. We are considering postponing it for a number of reasons. FI doesn't fly so we would have to drive to Iowa. Not a problem. BUT.... my brother is getting married about 6 months later in SC and we will have to drive to that. I'm starting to think that we just can't do both. We would have to rent a car for both cases, and then pay for hotels, food etc. It's just not feasable to do that close together.
Then... we went to an event at a local ATV dealer and saw one I really liked. The price was so reasonable that we met with someone to talk about financing. It really would not be hard to pay for, and FI just got a raise and added hours, but I just have it looming over me that its one more thing to pay for. Fi pointed out that if I don't get it now I never will because There will be other things in life coming up. I have until tomorrow to decide, but I am thinking of passing on that.
Ok I just had to blurt all that out, since it kept me up for hours last nite.