New Jersey

NWR: Have to share- our commercial/ TV debut

I know a while back I mentioned I was surprising my FI at the time (H now) with something on TV. So anyway, he's a huge fish person and wanted to get a fish tank after our wedding in June. There is a new show called Tanked on Animal Planet and they casted us...i got to surprise him with this amazing tank for his man cave. Its airing next Friday night Sept 2nd at 9pm. And we were watching this weeks episode w/ my parents after we helped them prepare there outdoor furniture for the hurricane and OMG we are on a commercial for next week. It was the weirdest thing since we totally didnt expect to see ourselves on TV! So if you guys see a commercial on AP that talks about next weeks episode and a girl surprising her FI, thats us! Watch the episode next week and let us know what u think, Im so excited!

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