Getting in Shape

Workout Accountability: Thursday

Good morning everyone!  One more day until the weekend!

Legs and back was a great workout, minus the fire alarm going off for about five minutes mid workout, and my knee acting up again.  Today is kenpo and tomorrow is finally a rest day.  Week five has been a butt kicker.

Eating is also on track, but I have NO clue what to have for dinner tonight.  We've had a lot of chicken lately, and I'm not in the mood for fish.  Any suggestions?

How are you lovely ladies this morning?

Re: Workout Accountability: Thursday

  • Morning!

    Lobsters I am having a chickpea dinner tonight...not sure what I am doing with it (probably curry) but its a great protein replacer when you get tired of chicken.

    Yesterday was a rest day and the day we went to meet our officiate..thankfully she was awesome and we booked was cute FI stopped her mid sentence to ask..."before we go any further I need to know if you have ever or would you ever marry a gay couple"
    I think she was caught off guard and responded " well I dont know if this will bother you but I marry ALL couples with out a second thought yes I have and will continue to do so" FI response " Ok good..just wanted to make sure we were clear on that so I dont have to storm out and start looking again for someone"

    he is so cute sometimes :)

    Tonight it is back to the gym for a second spin class.
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  • I ran a little over 7 miles before work!  I really didn't want to, but it felt good when I finished.  Tonight we're having burgers on the grill - SO excited.  Last night I made these awesome shrimp marinated in reduced sodium soy sauce, garlic and lemon juice.  FI was raving about them all night!  We had them with fresh corn on the cob and wild rice.  Then we got ice cream and I got cake pop flavor, which is cake batter ice cream with cake pop pieces inside.  I swear I could have eaten an entire tub but I just had 1 scoop :)
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  • edited June 2012
    awww souptin good for your FI!!!

    @lobsters - I get sick of chicken & fish all the time. I feel like it's all I eat. When I'm really getting sick of it I will go for a light pasta meal (with wheat pasta) or pork loin. Pork loin is lower in fat than pork chops and I like the flavor better. If you throw a rub on it (really any seasoning you want) and grill it or roast in the oven I love the flavor. Here's a basic recipe to use as a guideline:

    @aloski - I wish I could run like you!! I'm pretty beat after 4 miles. Still trying to improve though!

    This morning I went to my Thursday morning spin class. It was ok but I had a really hard time getting through it. I am house sitting for my Aunt this week and all she has is a water-bed. I slept on it for the first time last night and it was awful. Every time FI moved I woke up, my back is killing me. It was so uncomfortable. I think I will try the futon tonight. My back was so sore this morning and I was so tired I had a hard time getting through spin. If we can't deal with the futon we will have to just go over daily and feed her cat and water the plants, etc because I can't deal with this no/uncomfortable sleep!

    On a positive note I decided to weigh myself at the gym this morning and some how lost 2 lbs! I feel like last week I ate like total crap so I am happy I lost.
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  • Workouts were good yesterday, food not so much.

    Went on a walk with co-workers in the afternoon (quickly becoming a habit that I love!), then I went to the gym after work with FI (who has not been to the gym in almost a month). I got 20 minutes of stairmaster and 30 minutes of elliptical along with stretching and crunches. I didn't get a chance to do weightlifting though.

    Food was awful for me yesterday. For lunch I had been planning on just eating a freezer meal because FI was supposed to work, but his schedule got changed so we were going to eat lunch together. He ended up burning our sandwiches on the foreman grill, and instead of telling me (I was in the other room doing some quick paperwork), he got upset and started cleaning the kitchen...about 15 minutes later I was wondering what was taking so long and that's when I figured out that there was no food ready and I was officially out of time and had to go back to I grabbed a handful of pretzels and an apple and that was lunch. I was pissy the rest of the day (which is stupid, but it happened).

    For dinner we were crunched for time because we'd gone to the gym, so we just made nachos, and then I had some delicious strawberry cheesecake ice cream to help ease the frustrations of the day.

    Food fail for the day, but i'm glad I still went to the gym.

    Tonight is the kickoff for an event I'm volunteering for, so we'll see if I can get some quick exercise in after that. I'm hoping the food they provide isn't horribly unhealthy.
  • Good morning ladies! 

    Yesterday was a good food day - but was my day of rest so I just walked a couple of miles after work to stay active. This morning I worked out with my PT and he kicked my butt! But that is a good tihng. I have all my meals packed so I can try to have another healthy day - and am planning on staying away from the ice cream event our building is having this afternoon and will just order water tonight at book club. We are discussing 50 Shades of Grey - so I don't want to miss this one!

    I haven't been using the scale - but I am feeling really good - can't wait to weigh myself in about a week! 
  • Morning ladies.   Food at the conference has been relatively good  lots of veggies and salads on the buffet which is unusual.   Last night went out for Mexican with a friend I avoided the margaritas and rice! 

    The hotel gym isn't that great for weights but I did get a bit of a weight workout in this morning.  I couldn't do another cardio day.    

    Tomorrow is a rest day and then the weekend is spent hiking in southern WA/northern OR.

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  • souptin- I forgot I had chickpeas in the pantry, and they're one of my favorites-thank you for saving my dinner!

    aloisk-way to go on the long run! 

    mari-congrats on the weight loss!  we do pork a lot too so I was trying to take a break, but I may need to pick some more up today for future dinners.  that recipes looks delicious!

    entropic-good luck tonight!

    k-I hope you feel better!
  • Morning everyone!

    FI and I went for a 45 minute brisk walk last night. I had wanted to run, but I got this book I ordered a couple of days ago called Run Your Butt Off, and I figure it will help with my C25K too, but it said to start out with a 30 minute walk for 4 days. Ha, so I'm going to be going back and forth-ish between what it says and my C25K. Also, though, I didn't have tennis shoes with me, so I knew I couldn't run last night, but should NOT have ended up doing the quick walk either. The sad thing is I KNEW that would probably happen, but did it anyway. Now regretting that decision painfully with a blister on the ball of each of my feet. :-) But it did feel good. Doesn't seem to compare with the amazing workouts you ladies have done!

    This morning I got up an hour earlier than normal and did my Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD workout. It felt really good. I need to keep up the motivation and accountability to get up in the mornings and do it!

    Lunch today for me is another Smart Ones, Oriental Chicken. Never had this one before, but I'm sure it will be as delicious as the others! Not sure what I will have for dinner. Last night was Chipotle. I had a fajita burrito bowl with brown rice, bit of sour cream and cheese, and lettuce.

    Planning to do Day 1 of my C25K tonight, blisters and all. I have blister bandaids on them, which is helping.
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  • kwitherington - I'm sorry I totally missed your post about the 1/2 last weekend. Just wanted to say AWESOME job!!!! I hope you start feeling better soon!
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  • Morning everyone!

    This cold will not go away. It just makes me feel so pooped all of the time! I'm really not sleeping well because of the cold, and waking up tired has just been killing me.

    Today I'm taking the dog for a long walk, and if I get inspired I'll go for a short run too.

    As per usual, eating will stay on track!
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  • I did okay with food last night. I'm glad I did 30ds in the morning, though, because my commute home was horrendous. It usually takes 20 minutes but took 2 HOURS instead. By the time I got home I basically threw together a meal Chopped-style and then curled up with a book and an adult beverage. Yikes!

    This morning I did the elliptical but my back has been bothering me. I feel your pain, K!  I helped FI move a mattress last Friday and that might have bee a bad idea...About 8 years ago I had lower back surgery (for a herniated disk) so I'm hoping it's not that acting up again. I'll just keep stretching in the meantime!

    Lobsters, I'm having a veggie quiche tonight for dinner (similar to K's suggestion).

    Great job to everyone out there!
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  • You could always try spaghetti squash....high in fibre and replaces pasta so no/low carbs!  Make your spaghetti sauce as you normally would.  If you want ground meat, put it in there...last time I omitted ground meat and used chick peas  with lots of veggies instead in my sauce. 

    Cut your spaghetti squash in half, brush with a little oil and sprinkle with some salt and pepper.  Lay face down on a baking sheet and bake at 350 degrees celcius for ~ 40-50 mins.  It'll be a little brown in areas on the shell.  When you take it out, flip it over, careful of the steam.  Take a fork and scrape the insides out and it comes out like pasta.  Top with your sauce of choice (load your sauce up with veggies) and sprinkle with paramesan.

    I was skeptical at first, but it really was tasty.  A great way to do a meatless meal.  And you are stuffed with goodness after.  Even FI enjoyed it.

    Its ok the day after too, not quite as textured, but you could easily save some for lunch the next day.
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  • Miss, I have done the spaghetti squash, but never thought about it with meat sauce.  That would be amazing!

    Thanks everyone for the wonderful ideas, I think I'm going to have to do some major 'new idea' cooking over the next week!
  • Miss-I've done the spaghetti squash with sauce and parm before, but never thought about it with meat sauce.  That sounds amazing-thanks!

    Thank you everyone for all of the wonderful ideas.  I'm excited to have so many for the next week or so!
  • Spaghetti squah is DELICIOUS! love it. :-)
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  • Good afternoon everyone.  I'm really on a roll making healthy, tasty meals this week.  It makes sticking to my calorie count so much easier when it all tastes good.  Yesterday was awesome, and so far today has been good as well.  I only work out 3 days a week (MWF) so today is sort of a rest day, but I'm going to go for a walk as soon as I finish this.  I'll walk part of the subway line and get on a few stops down the road.  My class isn't until 5:15, and leaving from up here I need to be on the train around 4:35ish, so I have time for a decent walk.  Today is my last day of carrying dinner to class, and I'm glad for that.  Next session, class is from 2:30-7:15, so I'll snack during class and eat dinner when I get home.  I think I'll like that better.

    Have a great evening everyone, see you all tomorrow.
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  • Lobsters: Are you doing the P90X doubles? How is that going? Also for the no chicken or fish...I am pretty much vegetarian these days but it was hard in the beginning to think of new things to eat. Here is some stuff I enjoy: lentils, quinoa, any kind of bean (chickpeas, black, red, kidney, black eyed peas), tofu, pasta, tempeh...a lot of times I will cook one of those things mentioned and then stirfry veggies, and done! Also, even just a dinner of whole wheat naan, hummus, and some raw veggies (cucumber, tomatoes, etc.) is delicious. I try not to get too much at dinner anyway...Hope that helps! I have lots of recipes if you are interested too.

    aloisk57: WOW, 7 miles?!? Congrats! I am training for a 10K right now and I am working my way up there...that is very inspiring!

    As for my workout today...I ran a little over 2 miles on the treadmill this morning and then did full body weights.

  • Got YogaX done. Well... Most of it... I can never finish that workout!

    I would love to know some of everyone's favorite chickpea and quinoa recepies, I am still getting used to using them!
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  • andrea-yup, doubles.  It's killing me right now but I'm keeping up with it.  Cannot wait for rest day tomorrow

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  • Evening everyone! My accountability for today consisted of loading and unloading three cars worth of boxes in +95F heat today with my Tetris Master of a FI helping with the packing.  I'm worn out ;)  If exercise gives you energy then why is moving so exhausting? ;)
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