Just Engaged and Proposals

Royal Engagement!!!

Well my proposal story is a little different than most it all started with a local radio station running a contest "Engagement of the Century ". The contest consisted of why you wanted to propose on the day of the royal wedding, the prize a beautiful sapphire engagement ring. I was made aware of the contest in an email from my Mom who thought that it would be great idea for us to enter. We have been together 8 years and spent the last two putting every penny we have had into house renovation. I sent the email along to my boyfriend Jeff getting the expected response of "We would never win" That was the last thought I had about it. A month later the day of the Royal Wedding rolls around and I sick in bed with a nasty head cold. I had spent the week getting worse and worse and finally decided it was time to stay home and get better. At 8:00am Jeff comes in to wake me up asking me to come out into the living room and have something to drink. I threw my robe and head out to living room, while sitting there sipping on some water there was a knock at the door. Into the living room piles a large group of people from the local radio station, I was in complete shock, Jeff got down on one knee and proposed. We had won the contest!! I don’t know if I was in more shock that he was proposing or the fact that I was in my bathrobe sick in front a group of strangers. It was amazing, bathrobe and all I would not trade that moment in my life for anything.
You can even watch it online...lol

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