Wedding Reception Forum

Need your opinion

My wedding and reception will be taking place at the same location. Since the guests will not be leaving and going to a different site for the reception, I was thinking of maybe having some interactive activities for the guest while we leave to get our pictures taken. There will be a candy bar and hor dourves, plus the dj will be playing music. The activities my FI and I were thinking are kind of along the same lines of the games you play at a bridal shower, like who knows the bride and groom the best. The table who gets the most right answers will be the first to get food after the family and bridal party. There are a couple of other ideas, but just wanted to ask if anyone thought this was cheesy or a good idea... Opinons please!

Re: Need your opinion

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    edited May 2010
    Ugh, no. 

    Well i guess i shoudn't say that. It's just that, people I know dont go to weddings to play games. Cocktail hour will be fun enough with folks mingling, eating, drinking etc, that organized games aren't nessasary.

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    I think it is a bad idea.

    It reminds me of gradeschool in the cafeteria, the table that was the most quiet, sat up the straightest and folded their hands in their laps the best go to leave the cafeteria to the playground first.

    I would not want to eat last because I didn't know what your favorite movie was. It's not kindegarten, your guests do not need games to keep them entertained.
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    ditto.  i hate bridal showers for this very reason.

    do a the cocktail hour with hors d'oeuvres and candy will be fine. your guests will mingle and be happy

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    I agree with the others, no games.  People don't really enjoy them and feel obligated to play.  Drinks, food, and music is all adults need to have fun and socialize.
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    Organized games kill the party, because people feel like they have to play even if they don't want to.

    Just provide food, booze, and music and let people mingle.  They'll be fine.
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    Sometimes I feel like people think that brides are delicate little flower princesses who get all dressed up and pretty for one special moment of their dreams, when really they're just normal people who just happen to be getting married. Things shouldn't have to be sugar-coated for grown-ass women. -mstar284
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    Agreed. I kinda hate those games...

    However, at some point on here/TV/somewhere I heard about someone having Rock Band available at their reception during the cocktail hour. I'm not much of a gamer, but I could see that being sort of fun...

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    Why are you leaving to get pictures taken and how long are you going to be gone?
    Typically there's a cocktail hour immediately after the ceremony, with drinks and hors d'oeuvres. Some couples choose to take pictures during that time. But that's one hour of food and drink and mingling; games are not all necessary and not in keeping with most weddings.
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    You can set some game cards on the tables (mad lib, crossword, wordfind) and the guests could choose to play or not.
    I'm married!
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    Or you could do you pictures at another time.. ?
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    That's what cocktail hours, or refreshements are for - to give the guests something to do/eat/drink while the WP takes photos. 

    The idea is that a wedding is a social event, and socializing with friends, family, acquaintences, and even strangers used to be considered entertainment.  I think this is partly a generational thing, in that younger people are not as used to actually socializing in person as much, and are used to constant electronic activity to amuse them.

    I would feel rude to choose games/activities over socializing with friends and family.  If I didn't know anyone else at a wedding, or didn't feel comfortable socializing for 30 minutes or an hour on my own, I probably wouldn't feel comfortable playing games with strangers either.  It still requires a partner or a certain amount of socializing to play games. 

    If you feel the need, you could put out a game table for those that prefer games, a basket of cards or board games, some simple activities for kids, or maybe a photo booth, or designated photo area for family to get pics of each other.

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    I agree with all the others that are saying no games. People think cocktail hour = mingling and what not, not feelings "forced" to play games. If it's that much a big thing you could always just do pictures a different day. I've heard of many people doing this because both reception and ceremony were held at the same location and they didn't want their guest sitting around doing nothing. If you for some reason feel you "need" to take pictures that day after the wedding just make sure the atmosphere is nice and lively for the guest to enjoy. Even think about making a slide show of you and your then hubby or what not to keep guest that are a little more shy entertained. :)
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    thank you all for your honest opinions! I really do appreciate it. Saving me from a possible disaster!
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