May 2013 Weddings

Jr bridemaids, tuxes and invitations, oh my

We had a productive day on Saturday.  While it was quite chaotic at times, I think we accomplished everything I was hoping to.

After being disappointed at the very small selection of Jr bridesmaid type dresses at our bridal shop, I checked at Macy's.  We found this dress, and the best part is we got them for $17 on Saturday. (we ordered a size too big in case the girls grow)

Since we had one bridesmaid, the groom, a groomsman and the father of the groom in the same place at the same time, we went ahead and set up our tux contract.  We were pleasantly surprised when this tux was actually a lot darker than the picture showed:

All of the guys will be wearing this.  FI will be in a silver vest and silver and black tie and top hat, the groomsmen will be wearing the same color the bridesmaid they are paired up with is wearing (we're going with 6 colors).  We haven't decided colors for his dad, or my brother yet.

Then, we went and looked at invitation stuff.  We were going to have my FSIL make the invites, but after looking at prices and stuff, we decided it would be easier to order the invites and hand make the reply cards.  I ordered a bunch of samples off, and priced out the paper for the reply cards.  With any luck, we should be able to do invites for less than $2 each.  

We also had my future in-laws over for dinner and discussed the rehearsal dinner and came to an agreement on renting a park pavilion.  Food is still up in the air, but it's sounding like we'll be doing Famous Daves.  Not my first choice, but definitely budget friendly.

And, to finish things off, I managed to lose my voice after all of this, so I'm sitting at work today sounding like a pre-pubescent teenage boy.  Oh well.  

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