Getting in Shape

Can We Start Photo Phriday Early Again?

I really really just want to AW my nails.  It's one of our newest products, and it's so freaking cool.  I picked the lace pattern in honor of date night tonight. :)

Edit: Sorry it isn't closer, so you'll have to click on it to really see the pattern.  I also apologize for my terrible cuticles, I really need to get them cleaned up soon (this is probably why I didn't just take a close up photo...)

Re: Can We Start Photo Phriday Early Again?

  • Lobster, I want those nails! Super cute.
  • Lobsters - what is the product exactly? Very cool!
  • Lobsters25Lobsters25 member
    1000 Comments 25 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited April 2013

    Thanks everyone!

    Hmm-how to describe...

    It's like a stick on cling for your nails, but it actually sticks really well, and then you just file the cling down to size. There's all these fun and crazy patterns, too.  It felt weird at first, but now I don't even notice it on really.

    And kw, that's my wallet.  Yay for Target!

  • go get it!  I bought it at a Target outside of Denver :)

    More pictures people, more pictures!
  • super cute, would be perfect for someone like me who's not a manicure person and has ugly nails but needs to do something with them for the wedding!!

    I'm low on pics here at work, but I will AW a pic from a few years ago that I found with me and my FI (though he was just BF at the time) at a friend's wedding.  The others are the bridesmaids dresses for my wedding (they'll be burgundy though).  They got to pick their own styles and finally did so this week, yay!!

  • Ah! furbaby! :D

    I love the sign on the scale, and the cake you made for H!
    Did you for reals used to model?  I freaking love the 90s-wear. :)
  • Lobsters25Lobsters25 member
    1000 Comments 25 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited April 2013
    love the photos choagie!  that's awesome that they got to pick there own!  I wanted my girls to, but they didn't want to make decisions.
    the nails are indeed easy if you don't want a mani - though I still suggest at least getting your cuticles cleaned up! (clearly I'm on a roll with that PSA today.)

    xcaly-that is so cool!
  • lobsters - thanks!  i think the dresses are good choices, and everybody gets something they actually (at least sort of) like!  plus i have WAY different body types in my bridal party, so no way i was going to force them all to dress alike!

    xcaly - those are fantastic.  all of them.  equally.  your puppy and my kitty would be friends, as my kitty ("Martini") alerts us of any birds, bunnies, and squirrels through his aptly named "bunny alarm," consisting of smacking his tail against the window and making bizarre noises.  He also follows the squirrels as they run up trees, by going from the first floor to second floor windows at breakneck pace.  It's actually a pretty dynamite workout by the look of it...
  • Cute nails Lobsters! And I really like all your BM dresses Choagie. All good picks.

    I had my bridal shower on Saturday, so pictures from that!

    Presents, yay! And that cake shaped like a suitcase was hand made with love from my MOH's dad. He's a closet cake boss.

    I have yet to read the advice. But I probably should. 

    Yay for gifts!

    I had to cut my own cake. Slices were horribly uneven. 

    My girls =)
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  • cnf-ahhh! love your shower!  it looks like a wonderful time, and love love love your dress!  most people gave me stupid advice.  I think I threw those things away.

    xcaly-the family photo just made my day.  bahahaha amazing bathing suit.  my word do I love the 90s.
  • cnf - i second loving on that dress.  i oogled it for quite some time.  your shower looks awesome and that cake looks delicious!

    xcaly - the bathing suit pic is priceless.  work it girl!!
  • The dress was $20 from Target and the belt was $6 from Old Navy. Huge splurge I tell ya. 
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  • Oo this is fun! Kwit - those are all super cute!

    Ack TK won't let me post anything right now. Shall have to try again soon.
  • love the clothes kw!!!
  • With my boss and Lieutenant Governor Sheila Simon this morning! She is my new favorite person.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • *sigh

    xcal, I graduated from high school in 93...

    Love the clothes kwith! Sometimes you just have to splurge!

    Did I show you guys my dress? Not me in it, but here it is:
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I'll AW my dress. My first fitting is this Sunday! This isn't me in it, but this is the pattern:

    I'm using gold lace that has a fairly bold pattern. I can't get a picture of the lace to upload! Stupid TK.....
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Can We Start Photo Phriday Early Again?</a>:
    [QUOTE]winelover and jenny, I ADORE both of your dresses.  Sometimes I wish I could throw myself a PPD so I could buy a dress that I like more than my actual wedding dress.  Oh well.  I guess I'll take a happy marriage instead of another wedding dress...
    Posted by kwitherington[/QUOTE]

    Thanks :-) Do the PPD! But only if you make sure that you have BMs and give them a list of chores to do along with doing a bouquet toss and any other bridal-y things you can think of ;-) I'm just lucky that I found a seamstress that I can afford. If I didn't, I'd have a different dress and would be quite bummed.
  • LOVE your dress, wine!

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I bought my dresses for both showers.

    This (but the black lace is white). I couldn't find a photo of that combo online.
  • @Lobsters, love your nails! I need to get myself some of those.

    @cnf, you had a gorgeous shower! I love your dress.

    @Jenny and winelover, those are amazing dresses. I bet you can't wait to wear them.
  • Love the dresses everyone!

    FL is far, but I would make the trip :)  Or you can all pile in our vaca rental on Cape Cod... :)
  • Cute dresses, Andrea!

    I think you should all can your beach plans and come crash my wedding! We'll show you how to par-tay, Canadian-style. (Although, to be fair, Newfoundland parties are even more awesome than Canadian parties, but I might be biased)!!!

    Anywho ...

    I've seriously got the travel bug again. Here are some pics from my last trips, and I can't believe that they're two years ago already...

    The surprise Disney trip. The kids didn't know we were going until I picked them up, bags in car, to go to the airport.

    Lounging on my private patio in Varadero, Cuba. I miss tanning, but am being grown up about it. *pout

    Fancy dress - still one of my faves.

    I need a trip.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • YAY for Photo Phriday! Love all of the pics so far.

    r the wedding. It's $28 on Etsy, but I am thinking I could probably find the materials to make it for cheaper...hmmm...

    Here I am with my foul ball from the Rockies game last weekend...such a good time, and perfect weather!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Can We Start Photo Phriday Early Again?</a>:
    [QUOTE]winelover and jenny, I ADORE both of your dresses.  Sometimes I wish I could throw myself a PPD so I could buy a dress that I like more than my actual wedding dress.  Oh well.  I guess I'll take a happy marriage instead of another wedding dress...
    Posted by kwitherington[/QUOTE]

    <div>Kwith! I feel the same way, but only because my dress ended up being so big on me and didn't fit as well as it could have. Glad I did the weightloss, which I had a do-over for the dress lol</div>

  • Just got these three dresses from Old Navy to replenish my "spring/summer" collection. Wore the top one on Monday this week and got lots of compliments - it's probably the most form fitting dress I've ever been brave enough to wear, and I was surprised it looked good! DH said I looked like a 60's stewardess, but he just don't know what's in fashion right now lol
  • lol - well, if you're part of the Mad Men crowd, 60s stewardess might be considered HAWT. (FTR, I AM a part of the Mad Men crowd. I'm catching up on the last couple of shows from last season - we lost them during our move when our pvr wasn't hooked up).

    Those dresses are seriously cute, Entropic. I love the bottom one.

    It's been a long time sine I've been called cute or adorable ... Both in one day?!?! My head might explode from blushing!!!
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