Wedding Woes


I have a confession:  I hate cooking for just me and the kids.  If DH isn't home, I feel very 'fck effort' about it.  But I need to get past it, because it's just going to be me and the kids eating w/o DH probably 2-3 times a week with his new position and hours. 

The weatherman said there might be snow on Monday.  The thought makes me so ragey that I want to throw things.  

Re: 'Sup?

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    Don't think of it as cooking for just you and the kids.  DH will still eat it, right?  Just later?  FWIW, I have been hating cooking lately as well.

    I'm also hating Son's baseball coach.  This is the first year DH isn't coaching (too much bullschit to put up with in our league) and I hate it.  He's scheduled practices in other cities and they're ridiculously long (3 hours this friday and 4 hours on saturday).  Dude, this effs up our lives, not to mention you can't have 11-12yos going that long on a regular basis or it will ruin their arms.

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    I like cooking while I'm alone, but like above it's because I don't have to worry about kids.  I just throw a turkey burger in a skillet, eat half a sweet potato and some veggies.  Easy and lazy.  :)   Or I eat the stuff H wont' like brussel sprouts or quinoa. 

    I'm here early, mostly because I want to make sure I can help if needed.  Either way I'm paid.  And I'm still needing to research job titles.  Lazy.
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    Yeah, DH will eat it later.  It's the only reason I do cook. 

    I'm just trying to adjust to this 'new normal' and it's been harder than I anticipated.  The kids, especially DefConn, are also a little edgy about it all. 

    I know it's hard on DH too.  He's mising out on stuff at home and he's trying to find his way with the promotion.  He's feeling a little fish out of water at work; which he's worked there for 5+ years, so that's really throwing him. 

    I think we'll find our stride here soon.  The next week or two is going to be a little hectic, but then it should get better. 

    WTF at the coach?!  3 and 4 hour practices are way too long.  We never practiced that long for football.  Our youth sports league is full of politics and assholes.  It must be the trend. 
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    Taw-that reminds me of my nephew who was in Freshman football this past year.  He was told by the coach that football was more important than school, and that coupled with the fact that he was over used on the team (offense and defense), he quit.

    Coaches need to realize these are students that play, not players who learn.
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    These are practices scheduled for this week.  DH and I will not allow it to happen again.  We're super-competitive, but we're not stupid.  We've also BTDT and know that 3-4 hour practices are not necessary.

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    A lot of the time is just spent standing around watching others do things too.  It would be more effective to workout portions of the team at separate times with a little overlap.

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    O - DH always had 3-5 stations of different drills so no kids were standing around.

    This is how the whole season is going to go - me cutting this guy down because the league ran off the best coach they had (my DH - he won back-to-back league titles and tournament championships) due to schitty politics.  Petty?  Sure.  Don't care.
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    Taw-be petty all you want.  Other parents will probably back your whines....and validate your feelings. Just sit back and watch it unfold.
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    Eh, I will probably only complain to DH.  Maybe here if something ridiculous happens.  ;)
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    WzzWzz member
    First Anniversary 5 Love Its Name Dropper Combo Breaker
    yeah, it's a lot different when both people in the couple work.
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    I feel ya MrsConn. I hate cooking for me and DS even if DH is going to come home and eat it later. I just feel miserable today. I'm that tired that just prevents you from moving any body part. I'm hungry but I feel too tired to eat. Thankfully I don't have jury duty today. To add on, DS didn't go to bed until 9:30 pm (bedtime is 8 pm) and was up at his usual 6:15 am. He cried the entire way to daycare because he didn't want to go, which is highly unusual because normally he runs to the car to go.
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    I think I am finally recovered from the weekend. Finally. Bean's baptisim was wonderful, the party was great, and because of my sster/her now godmother and my mom, I had very little to do cooking wise. Sister had the idea for a lechon (whole roasted pig) and mom made a couple of sides and picked up the italian cookies. All we had to do was clean up, set up, and buy fruit, veggies and drinks, it was nice.

    DH took monday off,hisparents left that day, but we didn't get much rest until last night. Bean must have been prepping for a growth spurt because she was up every 3 hours on the dot Saturday-Monday night. She finally is back to longer sleeps, with a 10-4 last night. She was up again at 7 and then crashed again. Which is great, I needed the sleep. I've been up and productive this morning unlike yesterday.
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