Snarky Brides

Emotional Overload

My Monday and Tuesday were so crazy with work that today I played catch up. Day starts with finding out my 8 yr old son is for sure having surgery this summer. We suspected it was needed but I had hoped there was another solution. I know he's I great hands though since my boss is doing the surgery but its still a bummer. Then I get immature catty-ness at work. My FI showed up to pick my son up from his appt and surprised me with Starbucks. GAWD love him!! One of the girls leans over and says "OMG that's her fiancé" dude WTF is that supposed to mean? so what he doesn't have a surfer body like your boyfriend but ya know what else he's got that your boyfriend doesn't?? A decent job, a carreer, and common sense. Eesh!!! I was so annoyed today at work, I just wanted to run out of there. Its become am inside joke that I like my men big and strong so he can toss me over his shoulder and carry me out if I can't hang. ;-) I'm 5'1" 120 lbs and FI is 6'2" 280 lbs. but I wouldn't have him any other way!!!!!! Day progresses and FI being the rescuer that he is tells me he did all the shopping for the kids surprise trip.... Oh yeah did I mention they are in a way going on our honeymoon with us?? My mom wants to take the kids on a cruise (I have 3 sons from my first marriage). Their dads stipulation is I have to go. Well with our honeymoon cruise and the wedding I'm done with vacay time for a other year. Solution.... Grandma takes her grandsons on the same boat, cabin on opposite side of the ship, dinner seating at a different time. If we see them great, if not that's great too. FI was more on board than me actually. And best of all my mom is footing the bill ;-) its a win-win I suppose, but the kids needed new sandals, board shorts, water shirts, etc and he did it all today, and then some. Woohoo!!! I'm pushing through finally convincing myself I can make it the rest of the day (around 1 hr to go) my phone rings repeatedly. I kick it to voicemail and shoot a text. Next thing I know multiple ppl from the kids school are calling me. My heart stops bc the last time this happening their bus had over turned and kids were seriously injured. Today I knew they were home. Someone finally texts me and tells me. My 5th graders teacher passed away today. He's been sick for awhile but no one knew just how serious it was. Last week he skyped the class from home to let them know how proud of them he was and he's sorry he didn't stay the rest of the year and he explained that he was in fact sick (a rare auto immune disease) and his treatment was not working but that no matter what he is proud of them and all their efforts. I find out he went on hospice care. And today a great man got his angel wings. He was only 42 yrs old.... So leave work, bawl all the way home. Spend the next 2 hrs with a devastated 11 yr old. Emotionally I am just done right now. Trying to push through the next few days, hopefully with some ease. We're planning to hit the road Saturday and head to Laughlin for the holiday weekend. Hope no one minds, had to get it off my chest. I am fighting to not become a basket case. I ran outta work like a bat outta h*ll today so I'm sure tomorrow it'll be a ton of catty gossip nonsense.

Re: Emotional Overload

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    Ack sorry can't figure out how to do paragraphs with the new lay out,
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    B2Z728B2Z728 member
    First Comment 5 Love Its
    I'm sorry you had such an emotional day. Here's a virtual Minion hug. They solve all problems.

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    That made me spit my water out, thanks :-) BTW absolutely love your pic. The clouds gives me chills. It looks like a painting.
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    Aww Jillian I'm sorry love! I hope things get less stressful for you! 

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    I hope that your day gets better and that as time progresses the stress goes away. I am sorry you had a day like this...
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    Sorry you had such a rotten day, Jillian!  I hear you on the physical difference between you and your fiance. My husband and I get that kind of attitude a lot b/c he's a big guy. 

    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
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    LOL thanks stage. How do I do it myself? I've never cared what people think but it gets old. I'm 31, get carded everywhere, can pass for 20 apparently. At theme parks everyone assumes my 11 yr old is my brother or nephew or I'm the babysitter (my 11 yr old is 3 inches shorter than me). When we first began dating we went to one of FIs favorite Vegas casinos. The bar tender says "you finally brought your daughter" we just froze, now we laugh. Last week at Magic Mountain we did an age guess for FI. I was rolling when she said 52 (he just turned 37). I met him when he was 28-29 and at the time even I thought he was 40. I NEVER asked his age until our first date. He did not know how old I was either. Had an idea but never asked. At the time I was 27 and he was 33. The biggest joke for us is that he upgraded from his ex (when they married he was 20, she was 39). I'm almost half her age, if he upgrades again it'll be illegal ;-) poor taste but our close friends love that we joke about it. What it boils down to is that were happy, and were great together, the rest of the world can kiss my damn ass and just fuck off!!!!
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    They made the announcement at school about the teacher. My younger kids don't understand, and are pretty confused. Thankfully they have an amazing big brother who explained MrM was really sick and isn't hurting anymore. Oldest son said a group of kids made it a point to tell Mr M's jokes and honor him today to cheer others up. My sons loving heart makes me so proud, I need to thrive to be more like him.
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