Snarky Brides

Wedding.... A friendship ender!

My friend sent me a STD last fall. Was addressed to only me knowing I was engaged. 2 wks later FI and I set a date and and she tells me I don't need to try to one up her but getting married 2 weeks later. I shrugged it off since im not competing with anyone. FI and i picked out date around our vacations, our kids schedule of school getting out and competiations they have all summer. She kept trying to share details/ideas with each other, I was nice but found my way out of it as much as i could. Invite comes, addressed to just me but the invite stated its a family affair. I held it for a week or so, checked the "respectfully decline" box and sent it back. she asks me why, i state that im sorry but we go out of town every year and i dont feel right attending without my fiance anyway. she never says a word, but i later find out myex husband was invited so she didnt feel right inviting my fiancé for fear of issues (they are 80% civil actually). With the invite was registry cards for FOUR stores. I get her bridal shower invite (thrown by a fam member). i have plans so I jot a quick email saying I'm sorry but I have plans. I get a second invite after the date of the first with a note on it saying she's having a second shower for those who couldn't attend the first one. This ones thrown by her. With that i now get the 3rd set of registry cards. GIFT GRAB MUCH?? I'm overly annoyed by this and don't even RSVP as a no. That started the emails, texts and calls asking why I'm being so hateful and not sharing her wedding joy with her. I told her I'm not being hateful, I'm sorry she feels that way but spring is the busiest time of year for our family. Yet again invited to her bachelorette party. It was on FIs bday (which she knew). It seems every pre wedding party she had was on or right around a holiday. through all this she kept telling me she wanted me to come so we could discuss the ideas she's not using at her wedding so I can use them. Seriously??? The wedding was this weekend. Friday evening her sister texts me (I was busy and DIDNT answer her 4 phone calls) saying how hurt her sister is that I'm not there, blah blah blah. I responded with "I'm very sorry but we are out of town every Memorial Day weekend, we have been for as long as I can remember". the sister tackily asks me if I'm still sending a gift. What the fuck?? I never respond. I see pictures on Facebook. Everyone's (150+ guests in attandance) talking about her wedding. Pictures of first kiss, first look, first dance, cake cutting, signing of the certificate, you name it, they took pictures of the first everything. OH DID I MENTION... THEY GOT MARRIED IN NOVEMBER OF 2005 AND I WAS THERE??? It was a very nice wedding. So ALL OF THIS was a PPD, not even near their anniversary. Not a single person has called it a vowel renewal, everyone has called it a wedding. She had 5 bridesmaids, 5 groomsmen, and their 5 children were part of the wedding party, long white gown, 5 tier cake, etc. They are even taking a "honeymoon". Today I was greeted with an email saying how rude I am for my actions these last few months and don't expect to see her and her husband at my wedding.... Umm they weren't invited. We are having a small intimate affair with 50 of our closest friends and family. THAT is the true reason I made no effort to attend. All I can say is good riddance and happy gift grabbing. (Sorry if its all 1 paragraph I can't figure out how to break it up on my iPad)

Re: Wedding.... A friendship ender!

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    Wow! That girl is nuts! It's probably better to not have people like that in your life anyway.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    Sounds like you're not missing out on much of a "friendship"! I would say that you're better off without people like that in your life! Enjoy your wedding. :-)
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    That is crazy. However she contacts you next (phone, e-mail), use that same vehicle to let her know you would like her to stop contacting you. I wouldn't engage with her or explain why (she should know), but I would say something simple like, "Your many contacts are bordering harassment. Please stop contacting me immediately." 
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    I At one point discussed with her that its a vowel renewal not a wedding. She said no difference, its a wedding. I blew it off. I called my phone company and blocked her and her sisters numbers bc I have no desire for such negativity with less than 2 weeks until my own wedding,
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    That is crazy. However she contacts you next (phone, e-mail), use that same vehicle to let her know you would like her to stop contacting you. I wouldn't engage with her or explain why (she should know), but I would say something simple like, "Your many contacts are bordering harassment. Please stop contacting me immediately." 

    I agree with this. Frankly, she sounds like a bitch as well as an AW. I have never heard of a PPD nearly 8 years after the wedding. I would be pretty disgusted by that and probably wouldn't have attended even if the woman wasn't a huge nightmare.

    Sidenote: it's vow renewal, not vowel renewal. Not to be the spelling/grammar police but this one makes be as crazy as "walk down the isle"!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickersFollow Me on Pinterest
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    Whoops sorry I didn't even notice my error. Its right up there with AXED for asked right?? ;-) I can't stand see/saw/seen either. I seen you at the movies. WTF?
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    Wow. That woman is coconuts, as are the family and friends that supported the craziness.
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    Whoops sorry I didn't even notice my error. Its right up there with AXED for asked right?? ;-) I can't stand see/saw/seen either. I seen you at the movies. WTF?

    Yes! I feel like that I've been hearing that one a lot lately too!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickersFollow Me on Pinterest
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    Wow, I thought she sounded horrible BEFORE you said it was a PPD.  PLOT TWIST! I can't wrap my head around people
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    I am overall very confused by this. What was her reasoning for this at such a random time (8 yearsish)? And I thought PPD were when people eloped or a courthouse ceremony because they didn't get a "real wedding".

    There likely is no answers for my questions... lol


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    Wow, that's crazy, and your "friend" is a little nutso! I'm sorry that you had to go through that, but hope that your wedding is fantastic! :)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    I figured it was a PPD. Maybe its a re-do who knows. When I mentioned its a VOW renewal ;-) she said its not different than a wedding. Who knows!
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    Bag of crazy right there. Enjoy your wedding and don't think about her PPD!

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    Wow... your "friend" can't be serious. What a nut! I can't believe that 150 people would even show up to that! LOL...
     Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    Wow.  Your "friend" sounds totally insane.
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