Just Engaged and Proposals

I'm engaged!

My FI (!!!!) and I have been together a little over two years and started to talk about taking the next step. He had been acting really weird lately and I'm not going to lie, he was starting to bug me a little bit. We went to the Catskills (I used to vaca there with my family when I was a little girl - beyond thrilled to share a part of my childhood with him) and went horseback riding at the same stable my grandparents took me to as a kid. We came back from a trail ride, and he wanted to go take pictures by the lake with all of the mountains in the background. I was hot, sweaty and had some serious helmet hair - I was begging to just go back to the hotel it was that hot. He said "I have something to ask you" and I said "awesome. ask me in the air conditioned car".

And then he dropped down on one knee. I slapped him on the shoulder (I thought he was messing around) and told him to get up I wanted to go. And then the ring box came out and I was speechless. Could not believe what I was seeing at all. I turned around and walked a few steps and looked back to make sure what I was seeing was real. And once I realized this was happening - I fainted! I feel ass first in to some muddy pondish water mud mixture - embarrassing! Once I regained some semblance of what was going on, he was still holding the box and was just like "Will you say something?!" and I said yes! It's certainly not a conventional engagement story, but I think it's a good one!

My FI is from Ireland. We'll be having people coming from Europe and Australia for the big day, so given that consideration we are thinking 2015 (march, july or september). If anyone has any ideas as to where we should start and when that would be greatly appreciated!

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