Wedding Invitations & Paper

How to indicate plus ones for family members

I'm having a hard time with how to indicate that certain members of a whole family have plus ones on my wedding invitations.  For example, my aunt and uncle have three kids in their teens and twenties, all of whom are invited.  All three of the kids are in serious long-term relationships and I want them to be able to bring their significant others, but how do I indicate that all three of them have plus ones if I'm sending the invite as "Mr. and Mrs. so and so and family..."?  I guess I could send separate invites to my cousins at their own addresses but I'm pretty sure only has moved out of the house, and the other two are in college and still live at home.  It's probably a very easy solution- I just don't know what the etiquette is here!  Any suggestions would be appreciated :)

Re: How to indicate plus ones for family members

  • First, find out the SO's names. Then send each couple an invitation. For example, one for Mr. and Mrs. Uncle. Then one for Miss Kid 1 and Mr. SO1. Then one for Mr. Kid2 and Miss SO2. Then one for Miss Kid3 and Mr. SO3.
  • Ditto PP, although if you only want to send one invitation, you could address it:

    Mr. and Mrs. Uncle LastName
    Mr/Miss Oldest Kid and guest (or and SO if you can find out the name)
    Mr/Miss Next Oldest Kid and guest


    Kids are listed oldest to youngest.

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • Typically, even when living at home, young adults age 18 and older receive their own invitation.  As PP's suggested, try to get the names of the SO's before writing out the invitations.
  • Find out if the one has moved out and if so send it to their home address. As PPs said, if they're over 18, they get their own no matter where they live. If under 18, write their name and SO's name on another line:

    Mr. and Mrs. Smith (uncle/aunt)
    Mr. Cousin and Ms. SO
    Ms. Cousin and Mr. SO

  • First, find out the names of the SOs.

    Second, each social unit in a household gets its own invitation.  Social units are all couples and singles over 18.  Children under 18 can be invited on their parents' invitation, although they often appreciate getting invitations of their own.
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