October 2013 Weddings

The good, the bad, and the ugly

I'll start one this time.

The good: We mailed our invitations today! Two months to the wedding, RSVP date of Sept. 25, I'm so excited.

The bad: FI's grandmother has taken to telling people, "The RSVP date is sometime in October, but you don't have to RSVP, they know you're coming."

The ugly: The fight gma and I had about that statement when I found out about it.

I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'

Re: The good, the bad, and the ugly

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    The good: Last class of the semester tonight. Two weeks of no class after that, and then last semester will start. Yay!

    The bad: I am super sunburnt from tubing the river on Saturday. Wearing clothes in general is painful.

    The ugly: I told my boss that I'm done covering overnight shifts. Not sure how she will take that :(

    @HisGirlFriday13 Fights with family are the worst :( Does FI back you up at least?
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
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    @EmilyTork: he does, thankfully. She tries to tell me one story and him another, and play us off each other, but we know she does that, so it doesn't work. And if the fight *I* had with her was ugly, the fight he and she then had was even uglier. So there is that. But jeebus --  WTF do you think RSVPs are for?!

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
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    The good: There are only two months left now and I'm excited as hell! Also, FI is FINALLY getting the groomsman stuff in order this weekend. Yay!

    The bad: Me, my three year old, and my five month old all have colds right now. Soo not fun!

    The ugly: My current online class is stressing me to the max, my instructor sucks, and I'm so close to failing. Two weeks left in the class and I'm just trying to power through and not fail.

    @HisGirlFriday13 - I've heard through the grapevine in my family that some people will not be sending their RSVP's because we already "know" that they are coming. I agree with you - what the hell do you think the RSVP is for??
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    The good: I'm on vacation Thursday & Friday, and I get to see my family (I haven't seen them since the end of April!) and FH (I haven't seen him since the beginning of June!).

    The bad: The owner of our company will be here on Friday. I like him, so I'm actually a little sad I won't be here. We also always get delicious noms when he's in town.

    The ugly: I admit that when I get overwhelmed with frustration or anger, I cry a little bit. This woman got all up in a tizzy about how I called the manufacturer to double check the pricing of a product we're buying from them because I was shocked at the cost they were giving us. Well. I had a fun afternoon. Not. & I just remembered that I'm out of beer at home.....
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    @simplykayla -- I know, right?? It's pre-stamped. All you have to do is fill it out and mail it back! Hell, they're NUMBERED, even, so if you forget to write your names on it, I can figure out who you are! 

    Write your name. Write number attending (should be 2). Check yes or no. Put in mailbox. Total time: less than two minutes.

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
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    @simplykayla -- I know, right?? It's pre-stamped. All you have to do is fill it out and mail it back! Hell, they're NUMBERED, even, so if you forget to write your names on it, I can figure out who you are! 

    Write your name. Write number attending (should be 2). Check yes or no. Put in mailbox. Total time: less than two minutes.
    Exactly! It's so easy that it's silly not to do it.

    Actually, FI was even on the phone with his BM the other night and asked if he had gotten our invitation. BM said yes, so FI just asked him to remember to send us the RSVP card. BM's response was "What's the RSVP card? I think I threw that away." What?? I know he's the BM and all, so he's obviously coming, but to just toss that and a pre-stamped envelope in the trash? Come on!
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    The good: Lots of good! Bought paint for the house, setting it up, wedding plans are on auto-pilot, etc.

    The bad: Still recovering from the bug I had the last time this was posted. (Ugh.)

    The ugly: Um, nothing really. (I'm boring this time around.)
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    image 293 (Adults) Invited
    image198 Yes (+ 12 children and 3 babies)
    image95 No
    image0 Unknown

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    I have a new ugly, because I'm about to get ugly with somebody, because somebody lost my veil!
    I ordered my veil off of Etsy, and it was "Confirmed Delivered" by USPS yesterday. However, it's not here! It wasn't in our mail yesterday, it wasn't in our mail today. And some heads are about to roll.
    Now I have a mess to sort out to figure out where my dang veil is!
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    The Good:  Yesterday was my birthday!  FI got me a new saddle and gave it to me on Sunday for my weekly trail ride!!  AND he baked my cake AND iced it AND got both our boys to sing Happy Birthday to me!!

    The Bad:  My phone acting dumb yesterday.  It's still not 100% now and is acting weird.  I hate doing resets on my phone!  Although, it seemed to 'remember' what apps I had, and just automatically downloaded them for me!!

    The Ugly:  I'm worried about tan lines with my wedding gown!  I've taken to wearing long-sleeve shirts if I'm out in the sun, but, I have a thick/chunky necklace I wear 24/7, and it's leaving me with a "ring around the collar" so I'm fretting a tan line!  MEH!!!!
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    KimB603KimB603 member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    edited August 2013
    The good - Just wrapped up my grad school program and an end to 3 hours a day of commuting, FI and I are celebrating with a vacation to the place he proposed at

    The bad - this evening I got a bad UTI

    The ugly - I am uninsured for the 3 weeks between when I aged out of my parents' insurance and when my new grad school program begins.  No insurance, in a remote area with no urgent care clinics open, nearest ER 2 hours away with a $600 fee just for walking in the door.  Anddd the oysters FI ate gave him food poisoning...trying to ride this out until tomorrow.  :-(

    Also, I boiled corn husks to make tea...supposedly it is a home remedy for UTIs.  It is not.  And it is gross.
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    @kimB603 - for your UTI - definitely drink cranberry juice, but the MOST important thing is to drink, drink, drink (not alcohol).  You need to flush the bacteria out of your bladder.  It sucks the first 24 hours because it hurts to pee but you have to flush it out as much as you can.  I had already known that, but last time around, my Dr decided I needed a little anatomy lesson about how bacteria grows and flushing it out.  Now drink!  Lots!
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    @kimb603  drink lots of cranberry juice, water. Also there's a pill called AZO Standard that helps with the pain.. I used to get them all the time.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    image 107 Invited so far!
    image 63 Are comming!
    image 9 Will be missing out!
    image 36 Can't find the mailbox!
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    Good-- School starts back Thursday! And FBIL set his wedding date for Sept 6th  :-)

    Bad-- FI got switched to working overnights

    Ugly-- My attitude when I realized I don't have anything that I fit into to wear to his wedding!  I gotta go shopping.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    image 107 Invited so far!
    image 63 Are comming!
    image 9 Will be missing out!
    image 36 Can't find the mailbox!
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    Clpapke83 said:
    Good-- School starts back Thursday! And FBIL set his wedding date for Sept 6th  :-)

    Bad-- FI got switched to working overnights

    Ugly-- My attitude when I realized I don't have anything that I fit into to wear to his wedding!  I gotta go shopping.
    Sorry about FI getting switched to nights! My FI works nights as well, and it was a bit of an adjustment getting used to the opposite schedules.
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    Good:  FI spent a lot of time at the new house tonight stripping wallpaper and got the ugly valance down!  I got a lot more packing done on the apartment and am feeling much less stressed.  I get to spend some time at the house tomorrow putting things away and cleaning. 

    Bad:  Taking down the valance was a two-person job, not a one-person job, and there's a little crack in the ceiling now.  Just superficial, but now we have to patch.  

    Ugly:  My body is rebelling with all the extra physical activity.  The next couple weeks may kill me.  Iburprofen is my savior. 
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    The good: 2 months to go, everything seems to be in order, and I am still on summer vacation!

    The bad: I'm on summer vacation and I am bored!!! This means I need to start going to my classroom...

    The ugly: Summer vacation is almost over, one of FI's friends called to say he assumes his gf of 1 month is invited to the wedding (even though he wasn't given a +1 since we finalized guest list 5 months ago before they even met) and put her down on the RSVP card.  We talked to him and explained the situation of how we are over our limit already, and if we can get enough no's, then we will def. let him know so she can come.  I know, I know.. please don't flame me but he knew the situation before he even met her....
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    Good: My shower is this weekend! My MOH gave me part of my gift last night and I love it!

    Bad: This week is taking forever. I have to go over to FIL's tonight and I am not looking forward to it.

    Worse: Im exhausted.


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    @Stina51286: OK, you can't tease like that! What was the gift??

    GL with the FIL's, and let us know how it goes.


    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
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    Its a scrapbook she's been working on for a good year or two.


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    Good: making progress on wedding stuff received my mothers wedding jewelry i got her, my bridesmaids earrings, bracelets and brooches i got them, my earrings, bracelet and my garters came in today my FI had them set out for me when i got home from work. RSVP's are coming in no, so far only 1 no and it's because they are out of town. Wedding is only 2 months and 1 week away now :) dress fitting is Sept. 4th, got most of the stuff figured out and now just have to pick up, purchase, pay or meet with to finish up things.

    Bad: I told my bridesmaids to not throw a bridal shower as they kinda made it seem like a hassle to do even though they were the ones to bring up the idea and wanted to do it. My first dress fitting is on Sept. 4th and i have gained a bit of weight since we ordered it from stress and such (we did order it a size larger just hoping my biking to work will help me lose some of what i gained.

    The Ugly:This has been the ugly of the whole wedding, FI's parents separated a month before we got engaged the divorce just finalized, FI wasn't talking with his mom during the separation bc she lied and he was hurt, i got him talking to her again as she is his mom, but now she seems to being pushy about visiting an stuff though she still says she hasn't lied and we know she has so he's still hurt by her, we know she is pushing to come to the wedding(at this point she isn't invited) adn it's hard with his dad and the family all hurt by the separation and her lies and not wanting to see her, if she does come will probably only be for the ceremony. she wants to come over wed evening to see our new place which we agreed upon but FI is still iffy about her coming around and keeps saying he's only talking to her bc i told him to which makes me feel bad because if she lies or hurts him again. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    Good: Invitations went out and I've been getting confirmation that people have received them.  I was concerned because the lady filling in at the post office told me that if I were at her post office she would have made me add an extra 20 cents in stamps. I told her I'd be glad to do so - but she said I was ok if the regular employee said it was fine.

    Bad: FI isn't sure yet if he's inviting his dad.

    Ugly: Silly drama with my step aunt (see RSVPs thread) - but I'm going to nip that in the bud (butt?) today. I can never remember if it is bud or butt :)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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