
Picking a Date

Is anyone else planning their wedding around their grad school schedule? Ugh. We came to the realization last nite that we need to get either get married next year or wait 4 years until Im done with my residency. Ugh so fustrating. I am glad I started school later in life but boy is this difficult to plan adult things around it.

Re: Picking a Date

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    Yep.  We chose sooner rather than later simple because, for us, not being married is more complicated than being married.
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    That is pretty much how we are feeling.
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    We're getting married right after undergrad, because if we didn't, we would have to wait until my FI finished his PA school.  
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    I graduate from grad school January 2014. Once I do, I will have a year to plan our wedding which is in March of 2015. We are waiting till I graduate and god willing find a job. That's why we are having an almost 3 years engagement. I knew I couldn't handle the stress of planning and doing good in school and internship. That's what I decided to do. Hopes this helps.
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    Its looking like we are going to end up going with next year when I am done with all my undergrad stuff. The next year or so is going to be the lightest course load I have for the next 4 years so I think it is the best time for us.

    I just cannot believe that we are picking wedding dates around graduations, finals weeks, and midterms. Its crazy.
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    For us it worked better to wait until after grad school was done, but I know plenty of people who either got married before, or during.  Mostly it's just a decision based on where you are in your relationship compared to where you are in school

    I'm curious as to why you think you can't get married during your residency, though.  I mean, don't get me wrong, I know it's busy, but I know a guy who just finished who got married and had two kids with his wife during his residency.
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    Our original date was after undergraduate (Sept 17, 2011), but then we both decided to go to grad school and that date didn't work and money was tight and whatnot, so we found ourselves in a situation where it was either during or after grad school. Since we'd already been engaged for 3 years (he proposed early in undergrad), we decided to set our date halfway through the summer after 1st year of grad school. 

    The reasoning for this was because we had been together since we were 16, engaged since 19, and didn't want to wait to get married an extra 3 years. We picked mid-summer because it gives us a buffer of 6 weeks after school gets out to finish last-minute planning before the wedding and 5-6 weeks after the wedding to spend time together before classes start again. So when he proposed in September of 2007, FINALLY, June 30, 2012, we are getting married. If we had waited until after grad school, it would have been 2014.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Picking a Date</a>:
    [QUOTE]Our original date was after undergraduate (Sept 17, 2011), but then we both decided to go to grad school and that date didn't work and money was tight and whatnot, so we found ourselves in a situation where it was either during or after grad school. Since we'd already been engaged for 3 years (he proposed early in undergrad), we decided to set our date halfway through the summer after 1st year of grad school.  The reasoning for this was because we had been together since we were 16, engaged since 19, and didn't want to wait to get married an extra 3 years. We picked mid-summer because it gives us a buffer of 6 weeks after school gets out to finish last-minute planning before the wedding and 5-6 weeks after the wedding to spend time together before classes start again. So when he proposed in September of 2007, FINALLY, June 30, 2012, we are getting married. If we had waited until after grad school, it would have been 2014.
    Posted by egeurts[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>We had the same issue.  It was either going to be right before he started his PA stuff or after.  So summer of 2012 or Winter of 2014/Spring 2015.  For us it wasn't worth the wait, especially since we'd be living together by then anyway.

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    edited May 2012
    Mostly because we are not sure where we are going to be and more than likely it is going to be out of state. I have a few directions I can go right now, and all of them are pretty extensive.I also have a lot of responsibilities running the family business while I am in school so it will be an utter nightmare. I am always on call and I would not be able to get the time off for a honeymoon and wedding. It would be a hurry up and get it over type thing. Something I want to avoid at all costs. My brother is also going to be getting married during that time frame and his FI would be pretty angry if we rained on her parade since they have a baby on the way and everything.

    I am 26 and FI is 28 so we are pretty well established already and I went back to school a few years ago. Actually, my family does not even acknowledge I am in college and just complains that I am never around. But this timeframe seems to be working for us so we have time to enjoy the planning process. This is my last year of undergrad but working on grad stuff concurrently so I only have 16 credits.

    Our problem is my program runs all year so I do not get the summers off. So we were thinking next April when I have an extended spring break.
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    bluebear1588bluebear1588 member
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    edited May 2012
    Were getting married next April leaving me with summer semester of undergrad school. Then in the fall I'll start grad school. We decided to get married before because we've been together for 6 1/2 yrs and decided would just be better for us this way.
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    We're getting married next June...about two weeks after I officially graduate with my master's.
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    DramaGeekDramaGeek member
    5 Love Its First Comment
    edited May 2012
    Our original date was after undergrad, DURING grad school.  We quickly decided that wasn't happening.  Neither of us wanted to wait until after grad school though, so we ended up getting married during Christmas break of my senior year of undergrad.  Best decision we could have made, in my opinion.
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    ChloeaghChloeagh member
    First Anniversary 5 Love Its Name Dropper First Comment
    edited May 2012
    We picked a date that was important to us, then found out that that will be the week after spring break during my first year of grad school. But we wanted to keep the date and since FI is buying and remodeling a house, we would have budget issues anyway, so now it's just a private ceremony with parents and siblings. That's going to be much easier to do in the middle of school!
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    i am getting married first summer of medical school, so my senior year of undergrad and the minimal breaks i get during first year of med school med school will be my planning time. 

    thatis why we are setting our budget and researching the big stuff so we can book it right before i start med school in fall 2014. 

    so getting married DURING medical school is hard but its doable, a LOT of ladies here are getting married during their medical school

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    My school is kind enough not to post academic calendars years in advance.  Thanks for that CUNY.  I looked at the previous semesters for an idea of when to expect classes to be.  We're getting married about a week before my spring semester starts.  We would have loved to get married this summer, but my FI is taking the bar exam on 7/24-5, and that's enough stress for one summer.  
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    EC88EC88 member
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    I have this issue. I'm graduating with a bachelors degree in two weeks and I'm hoping to go to grad school in a year. In the meantime my fiance is now going back school and will be in school for two years. Currently he is providing the main income for us (we live together) but once he starts school he will be making almost no income. This is going to be a really tight couple of years for us in terms of money but we are tired of waiting and know that it will be at least 3 more years if we wait until we are both done with school. We decided that it is best to get married when at least one of us isn't in school so we are getting married next summer once I've had a year to work and save. Luckily we aren't paying for it all on our own.
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    My fiance is in medical school and they also DO NOT post academic calendars... so annoying! He actually went to administration and asked when would be a good time, and the gave us very specific dates that would be our best options. We are having to compromise by getting married in May and taking our honeymoon in December, but we're making it work! Good luck to everyone in getting through school and living happily ever after :) No big deal, right?
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    I got engaged NYE 2011, and then got my acceptance letter to nursing school in April 2011, started school Sept 2011, and graduating May of next year...thankfully FI has been incredibly supportive through everything and we've had some challenges since we've been engaged for sure. I'm hoping to take the NCLEX end of July or ASAP after graduation, and then get married either end of August-end of September 2013. We've  been together for almost 8 and a half years..I'm trying not to stress myself out too much, but I want to just get started with planning and get stuff done...we already bought our wedding bands because we got them for a good price but everything else hasn't quite fallen into place yet...
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