Wedding Etiquette Forum

Facebook etiquette

I have a friend who posts very specific things on her Facebook about her wedding, such as "hey everyone attending our shower, please be sure to follow the dress code." Today she posted some specifics for people booking rooms at a local hotel. I feel like that's a bit rude to put up such specifics. Shouldn't those things be included in invitations and not broadcast it to people who are not invited? Just wondering.

Re: Facebook etiquette

  • You're right, she's being a bit careless.

    If you're very close to her, it might be worth PMing her about. Otherwise, it's probably not a battle worth raging.
  • Anytime anyone starts anything with FB, it's usually followed by a bad idea. You're right about them not belonging on FB.
  • Yeah, it's very rude. In this day and age, it can be difficult to keep EVERY detail a secret, especially if someone's digging around (it's easy to find people's wedding websites sometimes) or if someone with information doesn't know to keep it quiet (e.g. a friend who's in your wedding, posting about it on facebook). But there are a lot of steps people can take to, ya know, NOT be a jerk.

    This friend of yours is definitely being rude.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • Oh no I wasn't gonna say anything regardless I just didn't know if that was inappropriate or not. She even has a fb event for her wedding and only invited a handful of family members, but its an open event so everyone can see it.
  • She shouldn't be specifying a dress code anyway. And a dress code for a SHOWER. That seems even more outrageous than for a wedding.
  • Annoying really especially since sites like the knot offer a free website to post wedding related information... Some people
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • Schatzi13 said:
    You can unfollow her by going to her Timeline and clicking on "Friend" or "Friendship" or something like that. There's some option like "Show all updates" that's probably checked. (Also works great with those annoying family members who reshare thirty random images a day.)
    This. Unless you're close enough to her to say something like, "I don't know if you meant to make that post public instead of to the 'shower' or 'hotel' group, but..." then just unfollow her. 

  • The best choice is to post NOTHING wedding related to Facebook.  

    I have only posted two wedding related things to Facebook...  The first was that FI had proposed and then the day I went dress shopping.

    It is tempting to post more, but I know how annoying it is to see brides post EVERY.LITTLE.DETAIL so I made a decision to make sure I was not one of those brides.
    photo composite_14153800476219.jpg
  • My friend just posted a pic of her shirtless fiance flexing and holding a bottle of champagne over his dick with a caption to the effect of: "I'm marrying that."

    Facebook etiquette is not a battle any of us will win.

    Sweet mother of mercy that's terrible.
  • And what is the dress code for the shower? I'm genuinely curious.
    "There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness." -Friedrich Nietzsche, "On Reading and Writing"
  • My friend just posted a pic of her shirtless fiance flexing and holding a bottle of champagne over his dick with a caption to the effect of: "I'm marrying that."

    Facebook etiquette is not a battle any of us will win.

    Hahaha that's fantastic.
  • And what is the dress code for the shower? I'm genuinely curious.

    From what I saw in later pictures, it was very fancy. Her FI was our best man and was one of my DHs best friends. Our wedding was very casual, and it seemed like this bride posted specific things in her "dress code" that were aimed at insulting our style. I dont think she was intentionally mocking us per se, but she insisted that it be far from casual, listing certain things that were not to be worn. From the pics it looked like people were dressed more like they were at a wedding reception than a shower.
  • My friend just posted a pic of her shirtless fiance flexing and holding a bottle of champagne over his dick with a caption to the effect of: "I'm marrying that."

    Facebook etiquette is not a battle any of us will win.

    thats gross...
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