For warning I am simply venting here...
It seems in many social situations lately I either get asked if someone is invited or someone in fact invites themselves or someone asks when we are having kids. I have kept my responses on the self invitees to the classic 'We are having a smaller wedding with mostly family.' This really works for me because my FI does in fact have a large family and it's a true statement.
Then there's the 'When can we expect to see you reproduce the spawns of your combined DNA?!?!?! HUH HUH HUH?! WHEN?! HOW MANY KIDS ARE YOU GOING TO HAVE?!' I feel like this is a pretty personal question considering we haven't even walked down the aisle yet...and I do want kids but what if I didn't? How is that anyone's business?
Sorry...just the cojones on these people kill me. /endrant