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So C and I talked. Annnnnnd we are not together anymore. Annnnnnd it sucks.

So last Saturday I had my freak-out and attempted to end things right there, but I was not ready for that conversation even though all of my feelings were like, "I can't do it anymore." So I didn't end up making any sense and was a tearful mess, plus obviously he was surprised and hurt, so we agreed to talk later on about why I felt this way.

He wrote me a long email on Sunday that was basically like, "I'm probably crazy, but I don't care. I'm still here and I will do just about anything to work through this with you. We have too much going for us to just give up like this." It was very nice to hear, but at the same time, we have had the same issues for so long and they have not gotten any better. I knew I couldn't continue in that vein any longer.

Because I fear conflict like nothing else, and because I get so emotional when faced with situations like this, I decided to just write him a letter with all of my reasons and give it to him to read when we got together to talk. So that's what I did. He read it, and even though it's not what he wanted to hear, he accepted it for what it was. FWIW, he agreed that the things I had pointed out were all correct and that he wanted to commit to working on them - even on his own, if necessary. It's difficult, because it felt so good to hear him say that he understood where I was coming from and was going to change these things, but at the same time, I can never really know if he's doing it for the right reasons, or if it will actually stick. As my mom pointed out to me, "Amapola, that boy would probably have himself castrated if he thought it would get you back." So, there's that.

Anyway, we agreed to take plenty of time apart. I'm not sure how long that will be, but probably at least some number of months before we communicate again. We both agreed that after enough time has passed, we do want to try to get our friendship back. (That's the thing about getting into a relationship with someone who has been your best friend: it makes it so freaking hard to say good-bye to all the good things you share, even when it's marred by a few significantly bad things.) I didn't want to get his hopes up, but damn it, my hopes are up. I know this is coming from less than 24 hours post-break-up, but I just desperately want to believe that, if we both do the work we need to on ourselves, maybe someday we could have a better relationship and do all the things we talked about in life. I tried really hard not to go there in our conversation because it's way too soon to even think about that, but in my mind that's the only thing that makes this whole thing even somewhat bearable.

So, that's that. Like I said, he has work to do, and I know I certainly do. While I have mentioned to C every single one of the things that were not working for me in our relationship, I have a tendency to back down at the first sign of conflict - like even the sense that he doesn't understand where I'm coming from. It's especially hard because C is the kind of person who will insist that he's right and then only later will consider other ideas and decide that he could stand to learn from them. As someone who was raised by a verbally abusive father and a mother who never really stood up for herself, I know I have some extra sensitivity in this area, and it really has prevented me from doing the mature thing throughout this relationship. I would mention when things bothered me, then if he didn't immediately back all the way down, I wouldn't stick up for myself and be like, "No, really. This is a relationship-threatening thing right here, and we need to talk about it now." I just let things go for the sake of us getting along, and obviously that hasn't helped either of us in the end. So I need to grow a backbone and learn to deal with disagreements as they come. But I feel like I can't work on that and be in this relationship right now, even though I reeeeeeaaaaaaally want to be.

It sucks. Barring a few big things, he has been a wonderful boyfriend to me and I do love him very, very much. But not feeling free to speak up when I needed to was killing me.

I'm just really sad right now, and yet I have all this hope that I'm afraid is going to drive me to do something stupid like call him and be all, "I'm sorry. I was wrong. I'll never do this again. Let's just please forget this ever happened." So ladies, please keep me in check. We need to be apart right now, and when we do reconnect someday I need to be very, very careful about seeing what progress he's made and deciding whether that's enough for the rest of my lifetime. *Sigh*

OK, done rambling, lol. Time to start distracting myself.


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    :(:(:( I'm so sorry.

    I know that exact feeling post-break-up, where you just want to run back. It can really feel like you're just overreacting. But you're definitely not overreacting.

    I don't know if this is your first big break-up, but my first big break-up was like ... the hardest thing that I ever dealt with. Either way, we're all here to support you and distract you and remind you that you = awesome. That someday, you won't be sad anymore, but until then, you can be sad and it'll be okay.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
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    Hang on to the thought that you're doing the right thing for you right now. And eat all the chocolate - it helps.
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    I'm so sorry you're going through this. It sucks. We're all here for you!
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    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    I'm so sorry! Even when you know you made the right decision break-ups are rough! I suggest lots of ice cream, wine, and funny movies. It sounds like you are handling it really well and I'm glad your last conversation went well and didn't go like this:

    And because I can't give you a hug I present you with hug gifs:

    funny minions hug gif

    funny friends hug gif

    funny cat hug gif

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    I'm so sorry Amapola... We are all here for you to vent to, keep you in check, or just lean on. Definitely thinking about you and sending you mental hugs!!

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    Omg I love you guys. <3 Thank you for the support and hugs and encouragement to consume highly caloric goods. Y'all are the bomb.
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    I'm so sorry! Break-ups are so hard to go through and it sounds like you're handling it really well though. Definitely have a wine/chocolate filled weekend and just go do something you really enjoy doing to get your mind off of things. Lots of hugs!
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    Don't let yourself call him. The post-break up "what have I done" response is normal. It sounds like you thought this through in a rational way, so don't let your irrational mind take over now. A clean break will make it so much easier for both of you to move on faster, and if you do end up having a friendship later there won't be any resentment that a long drawn-out breakup can create. 
    I agree with all the sentiment to eat the chocolates. And you should get a mani/pedi. And watch a bunch of ridiculous movies (think Pineapple Express/40 Year Old Virgin type stuff). 
    You will get through this!

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    I'm so sorry for you Amapola, and I hope things go well for you! Definitely you=awesome :) We'll definitely be here when you're down.
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    I'll brainstorm TV/movies that don't focus on romantic relationships because those always make me SUPER DEPRESSED during a breakup.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
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    I personally recommend ice cream even though its so cold outside! Love you and I know you can get to the other side of this!

    My one big breakup ended with me rocking it out in the last few years of my undergrad degree though so if anything this could be a good thing for your nursing future :)

    Let us know if you need anything!!
    I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. - Peyton
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    I'm so sorry, sending you lots of hugs.  If you want someone to vent to or chat with I am around.  It was a tough decision but it sounds like you made the right one.


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    I'm sorry :(
    It sounds like you have made the right decision so try not to second guess yourself on this.  
    I recommend lazing on the couch or in bed, watching movies, looking at cute/funny videos on the internet, and eating all the sugary junk you can.
    After doing that for a while, maybe you could treat yourself to something ie. a new hairstyle or a mani/pedi.  
    Here for free mani-pedi  I haz a coupon
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    So sorry to hear this. I know that doesn't make it feel any better but I feel for you. Definitely treat yourself to some wine, chocolate and a mani/pedi. Reconnecting with an old friend also feels great when you're down. Hope you feel better.
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    I am so sorry. Break-ups are tough. Take time to spoil yourself with chocolate, bubble baths, candles, finny stuff. And take time to do things that you don't normally do or try new things. You deserve it. It was a hard choice to make, but just remember there are really good reasons you made that choice and it was in your best interests. It may be awful right now, but it will all work out in the end.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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    I'm so sorry.  Break-ups are difficult, but you can get through this.  Like the others said, treat yourself to some pampering and spoiling.  You'll come through this stronger than before.  We're always here for you.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    I haven't read all the responses (I was gone all weekend, bad knottie!), but I am so fucking proud of you @amapola14

    You rock the shit out of life. 

    "You're our early 20's BSC scarecrow. They cower at your maturity." - lennonkdc Anniversary
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    Thank you everybody! (Especially @audrewuh, haha. I deeeefinitely don't feel like I'm rocking the shit out of life right now, BUT that is so good to hear!)

    All weekend I've been in this horrible, "OMG, what the fuck have I done????" mode. I just feel crazy for doing this and I miss him so much. But I will definitely be making the most of the time I've got to myself right now and just see where it takes me. It's too late to turn everything around anyway.
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    Don't worry @amapola14. The "what have I done?" feeling comes with the territory of long relationships coming to a halt. I had that feeling about 6.5 years ago when I ended my undergrad relationship of 3 years. It took a few months of leaning on friends and keeping busy, but I finally found my stride. I loved being single and loved how I had found myself happy again. You will find ways to fill the void. At that point it was waaaaay easier for me to examine my past relationship, remember the good things, and highlight the bad (so I avoid them in the future). 

    Just come here and spill your guts whenever you haz a sad. We will all understand. :-)
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    @arnapola I'm so sorry! Here's all the internet hugs from me!

    And cute puppies!image

    And cute kitties!


    And a hedgehog cause they're cute too!image

    But seriously. I know how that "What the fuck did I just do?" feeling feels. When I broke up with my ex over 3 years ago now I had to travel from SD back to GA to move back in with my family. It's a 17+hour drive so the first night after I left him I had to stop in a hotel. I came so so close to just turning around that night and going back to him. It took me months to really start feeling like myself and to stop mourning the relationship (even though it was a super shitty and I was much better off without him). It's so hard. I'm glad you know you can come here for all the hugs, support, and love you need. I hope you get to take some time for yourself in the next few days to just have a night of wine, chocolate, and sappy girly movies.

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    I'm so sorry you are hurting right now.  we are all here to listen and give you internet hugs and encouragement.  I wish I could give you a REAL LIFE hug!

    FWIW, and I'm not saying this at ALL to get your hopes up, H and I were in a relationship for a while and we broke up because he was basically a drunk and a douchebag and really wasn't committed to ME, but liked to flirt around with other girls in front of me.  we broke up, and it was as heart-breaking as when my first love broke up with me.  I physically couldn't eat and lost a ton of weight.  I had a short rebound relationship.  I told all my friends and family to NEVER let me date him again.  however, H did a lot of work on himself FOR himself, not for me.  he had a lot to prove a year later (including, I wanted him to apologize to my family for what happened) but somehow it all worked out.  he is a wonderful, sensitive, caring, committed man now who doesn't touch alcohol (except we split a glass of wine on our 1-year anniversary).  in fact, we pastor a small Spanish-speaking group at our church.  I know a lot of people say that break ups happen because the relationship is broken, but we are one of the very small minority who found our way back together and have a functional, healthy marriage.  it is possible, but something that can't be forced back together.

    and if it ISN'T him, then there will be someone later who will make you wonder why you wasted your tears on all the others before him.  :)

    big hugs!
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    @Amapola14, you are strong and you did it for the right reasons. Eat all of the chocolate, drink all of the wine and I second the treat yourself to a spa day. You'll find your groove and things will be ok. Be sure to stick around here! I know i'd miss you so much!!! 


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    Everything will be fine.  Take some time for yourself and stay strong.  Once the inital hurt is gone you will feel better than ever and you will be ready to reflect upon the past and find that person who better suits your needs and desires.  Most of us have been in your shoes before so we are here whenever you need us

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    I'm so sorry, but definitely hold on to the thoughts that this IS the right thing for you right now. It's so hard to go back to where you're comfortable, even when it isn't working. I'm proud of you for doing what you needed to do for yourself & staying strong. 

    We're all here for you, whenever you need us. 

    Here's a huge hug for you.


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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    I'm so sorry to hear about this.  I admire your strength though in knowing that something just isn't working and not holding on just for the sake of holding on.  I think the hardest relationship I broke off (3 year relationship, living together) I held on to for wayyyy too long (like 2 years too long) because I was scared.  I'm really proud of you for not letting fear keep you back from finding exactly what you deserve.
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    Amapola14 said:
    Thank you everybody! (Especially @audrewuh, haha. I deeeefinitely don't feel like I'm rocking the shit out of life right now, BUT that is so good to hear!)

    All weekend I've been in this horrible, "OMG, what the fuck have I done????" mode. I just feel crazy for doing this and I miss him so much. But I will definitely be making the most of the time I've got to myself right now and just see where it takes me. It's too late to turn everything around anyway.
    You've got this, girl. 

    "You're our early 20's BSC scarecrow. They cower at your maturity." - lennonkdc Anniversary
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