Not Engaged Yet

Introducing myself!

Hi everyone!  I wanted to introduce myself in hopes that I can become an active member of this community.  My name is Sarah and I am in a relationship.  We're going on 4 years together this February. I'm 33 years old, so I've been waiting (not so) patiently!  Ha.  I live in Rochester, NY.  I have been ready for marriage and kids for a while now, but I fell for a younger guy who is very career driven, which has caused me to have to keep waiting.  Supposedly the time is coming, but he has been saying that for awhile now, and actions speak louder than words.  I'd love to believe that he is ready for the commitment and the future, but time will tell I suppose!


I will complete this survey so that you can get to know a little bit more about me.


Screen Name: SgrPlum12
Age: 33
Significant Other's Age: 30
What You Do: High School Math Teacher (Algebra and Geometry)
What SO Does: Finance Manager of a huge wine company

State of Relationship: Living Together (I own the house)
How Long You've Been Together: almost 4 years
How You Met:

Wedding Date (if you're engaged/married): No date until we're actually engaged.  I'm hoping 2015.

Real Babies: None yet, but getting baby fever. (waiting until marriage though)
Fur Babies: My cat Ollie (long haired orange crazy kitty)
Loves: my family, friends, music, cats, great weather, running outside, reading, ,watching tv, food

Hates: Abuse, neglect, corruption, lying
Pet Peeves: when people don't reach their full potential, friends who don't keep in touch
Hobbies/Activities: cooking, photography, playing on my iPad, surfing the internet, singing, riding my bike in the summer, hanging out with family and friends
Favorite Thing About Your SO: He is very level-headed and doesn't let emotions take over.
Least Favorite Thing About Your SO: He is very level-headed and not as emotional as I am. ;)  (Sometimes you want to see your SO let himself get emotional)

Describe Your Personality: I am very passionate and intense in everything I do.  I try to help my loved ones as much as I can.  I am a hard worker and a perfectionist at times.  I love deeply and have a big appreciation for the little things in life.

Snark Level (1 [low snark] - 10 [high snark]): Sorry, no idea what this means.  Maybe a 5???
I've Been On TK SinceI was on TK 5 years ago, when I was engaged to someone else at that time.  The relationship came crashing down and blew up in my face.  I was single for about a year before I met SO.

How You Came to Be On TK: I think I knew about it from friends who were getting married.
How I like my potatoes: sweet potatoes are the best, with just a little bit of greek yogurt (sour cream substitute). Or baked sweet potato fries!
Favorite book/authorI love chick lit.  Emily Giffin is great.   I also just got into Gillian Flynn.  Love Mindy Kaling's new book "Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me" also.
Tell Us Something Interesting About Yourself: My parents were born and raised in Italy.  They both moved here when they were 17 and didn't speak a word of English. They both came here with nothing, and started working and saving money and have come so far.  They came here separately and didn't meet until they both lived here in Rochester, NY.  They speak perfect English now (with accents).  They stressed the importance of education since they were unable to finish their schooling (had to go to work for their poor families) and I have a lot of respect for them.  A lot of my extended family never moved to America, so they live in Italy and I miss them always.  I have been to Italy 4 times to visit them, although that isn't nearly enough.


Re: Introducing myself!

  • sgrplum12sgrplum12 member
    Knottie Warrior Name Dropper First Comment
    edited December 2013
  • Hi! Welcome to the boards :)

    My BF's family is from Italy, his grandma came over from Italy.

    Can we see pics of you cat?

  • Welcome to NEY! What kind of wine is your favorite?

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Welcome! What's your favorite winter activity? Favorite crafty hobby, if any? If not, worst Pinterest disaster?
  • I'd love to show you pics of my cat! I tried doing so by clicking "attach a file" but it wouldn't upload. Hmmm. My fav wine is probably Riesling. One i love is called Ruffino Moscato D'Asti. I tend to drink more whites than reds, although my bf knows how to pick out a wine that I would love, so I trust his judgement. My fav winter activity is probably cooking or baking since I don't like being cold and outdoors in the winters. Our winters in western NY are pretty rough. Although, this past September I went hiking in the Adirondaks for the first time and loved it! I'm not crafty at all, but if I had to choose something, it would be making photo books and photo projects online. Hope that counts! Lol
  • Hey there!

    I love substituting greek yogurt for other things too! Have you ever tried it instead of mayo in chicken salad? So. Good.

    What's your favorite thing about teaching high school? Favorite type of dessert?

    Also, pictures won't upload directly - you can upload it to tinypic, then click the picture icon and plug in the url

    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • Hi and welcome! You seem normal and that makes me happy. 

    What's the last movie you saw in the theater?
    Where did you go on your last vacation?
    How do you feel about guacamole?

  • @sgrplum12 welcome! I like that your BF works for a wine company. Do you get wine hook-ups? If so can we be friends???

    Who's your favorite NEY poster?

    Where in Italy are your parents from? Have you been to Italy?


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    image 59 Invited
    image 36 Yes
    image 2 No
    image 21 Unknown
  • @sgrplum12 Welcome to NEY! I think your BF's job sounds really cool! I'd love to have an "in" to the wine industry.

    What is the best thing about being a math teacher? The worst?

    Are you fluent in Italian? Do you plan to teach your future children Italian so they can communicate with their relatives in Italy?

  • Thank you for all your replies!


    @lalalaurita, yes I use Greek yogurt as a mayo substitute all the time!  I use it in chicken salad, tuna salad, in anything I would put sour cream on too, like topping off my turkey chili, and my tacos!  Have you ever tried mixing it with fresh fruit or peanut butter?  Both are so good!

    My favorite thing about teaching high school is that my students are becoming who they will be as adults, since they are young adults.  They are 15 going on 16, so they are in the process of getting their drivers license, they are starting to think about college plans, they are more self-sufficient.  For example, they can sit in their seats and listen to directions quietly, and if I give them a task, they can work on that or with a partner or group, and they are able to raise their hand to ask me any questions.  High school is a pivotal time in their lives.  And I'm glad to be a part of it.

    My favorite dessert is anything with chocolate!  I have a major sweet tooth, and I crave dessert every day. Possibly after every meal as well. It's sad.  I just made a dessert for some friends at work last week and they loved it.  Here's the link to the recipe that I just made:

    What is your favorite dessert? 


    @Swazzle, the last movie I saw in the theater might have been Superman, since my boyfriend wanted to see that.  I did him the favor of watching it with him.  Haha.

    I haven't gone on a major vacation since 2010, when my boyfriend and I went to Spain. We traveled to 7 different cities by train. We went there just because we both love traveling and wanted to go to Europe.  (I have been to Italy 4 times, so we wanted to go somewhere I hadn't been yet).  My boyfriend actually ran with the bulls while we were there.  Still can't believe it.

    A more recent vacation I went on was to Boston for the first time with my sister.  She is one year younger than me and very close.  We both went to Boston because we had heard great things about it and it was only a 6 hour drive from where we live.  It was a great city and I hope we can drive back next year!  Maybe with our men.  (She's married with a 15 month old)

    I love guacamole!  I also love plain avocado. Sometimes I will mash up the plain avocado and use that as guacamole cause I love that as well.  Are you a big fan?


    @buddysmom80 Yes my bf has major wine hook ups!  And the sad part is, I'm not even a huge wine drinker!!  I drink wine maybe every 3 months.  I drink so rarely that his hook up kind of goes to waste.  He gets discounts on wine, he gets a wine allowance to spend on wine each year, and he sometimes gets free wine because they give it away at his work.  Pretty cool, huh?  And yes we can be friends!  haha.

    My mom is from a very small town in the mountains in Italy, but the general area is called Isernia Italy, but basically 2 hours from Rome.

    My dad is from Lucera, Italy. Both of their hometowns are a 2 hour drive away, so when I visit Italy (Yes, I've been there 4 times), I can easily see both sides of my family. I have many aunts, uncles and first cousins there, along with one living grandfather.

    I don't have a favorite poster yet, since I've kind of been browsing for a week or two, but not every day.  Also, since I don't really know anyone yet, everyone's names are kind of a blur!  :)  Hopefully that is changing.

    @Imhollister, The best thing about being a math teacher is.... Oh boy, there are many things I love about it!  I love my students and my classes, they are so wonderful and sweet.  Teenagers get a bad rep sometimes, but the majority of them are so great and hardworking! I love that I get to share my passion for math and my talent for teaching it with them, and I love that I can make a difference in their lives.  I love that I generally feel appreciated (trust me, there are some days I don't).  I also love that EVERY day is different.  My days are very, very busy and I'm going non-stop, but they time usually does fly by. 

    The worst thing is all of the changes in education going on right now. Teachers are being blamed for a lot of things that are not in our control.  That is frustrating. Also, not sure if you've heard of "common core" but that has hit the Algebra curriculum and will hit the Geometry curriculum next year, so I have been sooooo busy "reinventing the wheel" this year.  I have had to start over from scratch and I am planning day to day all new lessons, quizzes and tests.  That has been really rough, especially since I have no idea what the final exam will look like!  No teacher will know until the day of the test. We are all basically shooting at a moving target in a dark room, if you can imagine that, because that's exactly what it feels like!

    I wouldn't say that I'm "fluent' in Italian, but I would say that I am "proficient".  I took Italian in college and I was the best in the class, if that means anything.  But the material was a little too basic for me.  I know a lot more than just basic nouns.  I can speak in complete sentences, but sometimes I may not know a certain word, so I have to explain myself in another way. 

    I would LOVE for my children to learn Italian, but I will leave that up to my parents to teach them.  I can ask them to speak only Italian to them.  It's so hard to have children in America know a second language. The only time that ever happens is when the parents at home ONLY speak that second language in the home.  So, I'm not sure they'll grow up to be fluent, but I hope they will at least know what I know, and it is very important to start them young!

    I'd love to know more about all of you guys too!  Thanks for making an effort to get to know me, I really appreciate it!

    Also, I'll try to upload pics of my crazy kitty soon!

  • @sgrplum12 - That Spain trip sounds amazing! I love to travel too. I've only been to Boston once (to visit some ladies from this board) and I really liked it!

    Whereabouts on the East Coast are you? If you don't feel comfortable saying, I understand. I'm in NJ.

    And I LOVE guacamole! I make a meeeean guac. Just ask @buddysmom80 :)

  • Wow, that's so cool that you guys have met each other before! I live in Rochester, NY. It's an hour east of Buffalo if you're not familiar with it. Which is also close to Niagara Falls. For my last birthday, my SO, my sister and her husband all went to Niagara on the Lake. It beautiful there. We went to a bunch of great wineries and then to a Brazilian steak house for dinner, and stayed overnight in Niagara Falls. It's only an hour and a half drive from my house.
  • By the way Swazzle, your wedding picture is gorgeous!
  • @sgrplum12 - Thank you!

    We actually just had a g2g in the Finger Lakes a couple months ago. There were 8 of us that met here on NEY that went. We rented a house on Lake Keuka and spent a day doing wine tastings. It was amazing.

    I'm in North Jersey, right across the river from NYC. I've been to Niagara twice but I've never been to Rochester.

  • Wow, the girls wine tour sounds like so much fun! My SO and I just did a wine tour in November on Keuka too. The wineries had a Christmas theme and we got food at each winery too. And each winery gave us a different ornament. It was so cute! I love that you all bonded. That's cute tool
  • @sgrplum12 - That is so fun! I love that you got an ornament from each winery!

  • @swazzle I'm thinking we need to rent that house again in November this time. I want wine ornaments!!!!!

    @sgrplum12 BF and I might go to Niagara Falls next summer. My parents live in NY (near Binghamton) and I've spent many summers, etc there but have never been to the Falls. All I know the Canadian side is better. So, since I'm like the only non-Italian in a major Italian area, I have to ask you three things: 1) sauce or gravy 2) ricotta or rigot and 3) manicotti or manigot? I always called things sauce, ricotta and manicotti until I moved to this area and was told I was wrong, but other people in other areas say I'm right or it doesn't matter, so I'm going to ask you.

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  • @buddysmom80 - I want to move into that house permanently! 

    Also, you forgot 'mozzarella'. Those Italians always say that one funny too. 

  • @swazzle I want to live there permanently too!!! Mozzarella was the other word!!! I was trying to figure out what other word I was prounouncing wrong before moving to my neighborhood. Everyone here says it's 'moozarell"

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    image 36 Yes
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    image 21 Unknown
  • @buddysmom80 - YES. Or they make the R sound like a D so it's like: moozadell. Do you ever watch Giada on Food Network? She kind of drives me fucking nuts.

  • @sgrplum12 - I live just outside of Albany! So, not SUPER close, but we're in the same state! I've been out to Rochester for a wedding, but that was my only time. I was also at the Finger Lakes g2g and I went to a bachelorette party on Seneca Lake last summer. I love it out there! 


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  • @buddysmom80. 1) sauce. (Although true Italians who live in Italy call it "salsa". That's the Italian word for sauce. 2) ricotta 3) manicotti Those are the true Italian words. Whoever told you you were wrong was the wrong one! "Manigot" and "rigot" are completely wrong. Even the spell check iPad keeps trying to correct those words. Haha. Seriously though, those words are basically a really bad dialect from generations of Americans who are far removed from Italy. Mozzarella is also the correct word. Italian words end in vowels! Haha. Thanks for asking! By the way, where do you live? And yes, the Canadian side is the better side, plus it has the better view of the falls. The prettier falls are on the American side but you need to be on the Canadian side to see them! What do you plan on doing in Niagara Falls while you're there? @BriSox81, do you remember where the wedding was that you went to? I went to the SPAC last summer for an amazing Jason Mraz concert. Afterwards, we drove the full 4 hours back home. I was worth it though. And that was a beautiful venue! And you're right, the Finger Lake region is really awesome! Lots of great wineries on those lakes!
  • @sgrplum12 Everyone has already used my go to questions but I just wanted to say hello! My family has been visiting the Buffalo area every summer since I was 7 (and occasionally other times throughout the year). I love western NY and wouldn't mind moving there! Thought of a question...what's your favorite kind of cookie?
  • Hi Riss2893! My SO is from Buffalo! Specifically from Hamburg. Why do you go there to visit? Where do you live? My favorite cookie is chocolate chip! Although I also love these dark chocolate peanut butter chip cookies that I make from scratch. The recipe is on the back of every package of Reese's peanut butter chips. I also love this chocolate mint cookie made with Andes chocolate mints that I learned from watching Giada at home. :). What's your favorite cookie?
  • sgrplum12 said:
    @buddysmom80. 1) sauce. (Although true Italians who live in Italy call it "salsa". That's the Italian word for sauce. 2) ricotta 3) manicotti Those are the true Italian words. Whoever told you you were wrong was the wrong one! "Manigot" and "rigot" are completely wrong. Even the spell check iPad keeps trying to correct those words. Haha. Seriously though, those words are basically a really bad dialect from generations of Americans who are far removed from Italy. Mozzarella is also the correct word. Italian words end in vowels! Haha. Thanks for asking! By the way, where do you live? And yes, the Canadian side is the better side, plus it has the better view of the falls. The prettier falls are on the American side but you need to be on the Canadian side to see them! What do you plan on doing in Niagara Falls while you're there? @BriSox81, do you remember where the wedding was that you went to? I went to the SPAC last summer for an amazing Jason Mraz concert. Afterwards, we drove the full 4 hours back home. I was worth it though. And that was a beautiful venue! And you're right, the Finger Lake region is really awesome! Lots of great wineries on those lakes!
    I WAS AT THAT CONCERT!!!!!!!!!! Christina Perri is one of my biggest girl crushes. That whole concert was just amazing. 

    I really don't remember where that wedding was... it was my one & only time being in Rochester, haha. It was a pretty standard wedding reception facility, if that narrows it down? 


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