Snarky Brides

Snarkity Snark Pants on Today

PolarBearFitzPolarBearFitz member
First Comment First Answer 5 Love Its Name Dropper
edited December 2013 in Snarky Brides
I was reminded today of a semi-awkward situation and am in full snark mode filled with boredom so I'll share.

My FI's ex-gf invited us to her wedding the day before her event via Facebook message to him. Facebook invite?! The day before?! Really...?

A little boring backstory:
They have maybe spoken a handful of times since we have been dating and are not close friends.  She has been in an relationship/engaged since FI and I began. I have not once met her or her FI so I have no connection to them other than she is my FI's ex-gf. The only connection they have is the fact that they are Facebook friends which I have no problem with. They were friends for a bit after breaking up but drifted apart, she has maybe sought him out for council about her relationship once but that's it.

Back to the snark:
Upon receiving le awkwardest message FI brought it to my attention. We discussed the awkwardness, giggled a bit and decided on a thanks but no thanks response. We tried to figure out why, the day before her wedding, she would randomly think to invite two people who are not really a part of her life. It seemed maybe we were C-listed (beyond B-listed) and she was grasping for people to fill her reception.

Well, this is what I thought until a couple weeks later she invited us to a BBQ house warming party. Then I pegged her invites as gift grabby or possibly trying to force a friendship. We definitely responded with another 'thanks but no thanks.' Either way it seemed awkward to invite your Ex and his FI to personal social events like this when you are not really friends.

Anyone else have any funny/interesting/awkward Ex-bf/gf stories?

Edit: I really cannot grammar today.

Re: Snarkity Snark Pants on Today

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    edited December 2013
    Wow, that's just really...weird. 

    Nothing too crazy or awkward. I met FI through an ex-boyfriend of mine. The ex and I dated on and off for a long time. I met FI during an "on" time in 2008. He and my ex are still very close friends. 

    FI's ex-girlfriend's twin sister dated my uncle. We just realized this last month. FI and I are good friends with the ex-girlfriend and twin sister. 

    Another one of FI's ex-girlfriends is a trainer at my gym. She gives me the stink eye a lot. 
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    I was at a holiday/birthday party last weekend and one of the guests brought a friend no one else at the party knew. She got extremely drunk very early into the evening and decided to tell the hostess (it was her bf's birthday) that if she wanted bigger boobs she'd just sleep with the plastic surgeon to get her a discount. Umm, thank you? Then, when we were playing cards later, I saw her randomly walking up to guys at the table grabbing their head and shoving it into her boobs. Of course, my FI was one of them. He looked so stunned he didn't know what to do. It was the weirdest thing. The hostess came up and said that if he were her man, she would have knocked her out. I just laughed and said I wasn't worried about it. My FI has an engagement ring and it's very obvious he's off the market. Still, very weird and uncomfortable. The party wrapped up pretty quickly after that card game. 
    "There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness." -Friedrich Nietzsche, "On Reading and Writing"
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    My FI used to play semi-pro football in our area and is relatively well known for it in our hometown. A couple weeks ago we were out at the bars and this girl literally pushed me out of the way to talk to him and claimed she "knew" him from his football days. She then proceeded to hug him grab his hand a bunch of times and all that other touchy feely kind of stuff right in front of me and my bestfriend. I could see the horror in my FI's eyes lol. He definitely did not know the girl and was trying very hard to get her to backoff. My friend was getting really irritated with it but I laughed because the girl looked so desperate. I am the one with the ring on my hand getting married in 2 weeks. I was not concerned in the slightest but it was definitely awkward. She eventually went away when my FI asked if she remember his lovely Fiance ( I was a first responder on site for most of the games) I just smiled and gave her a little wave. She got the hint haha.

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    My FI used to date my childhood best friend. That is how FI and I met. We became friends when he was dating her. My best friend broke his heart and I didn't agree with what she did. I took his side. She and I didn't remain friends and FI and I became close. This was a long distance relationship. He is from NY and she and I from CA.

    FI and I realized we had feelings for each other about a year after all this happened. So that we weren't setting ourselves up for heart break he flew out to CA so him and I could meet face to face. When his ex found out about this (he was going to meet her on the first day to get unfinished business done between the two of them) she sent me a letter the night before he was to arrive. Rubbing it in my face that she was many of his firsts (not THAT first). 

    While he was out here he went and saw his ex to get final closure. After that we spent the rest of the week site seeing CA. While on this trip he would get messages, emails and text messages from her asking him, more like begging him, if she could go with us on this trip. Asking if her and her boyfriend (the guy she left my FI for) could come with us to see San Fran. That she promises she would "behave" and not "start anything with me" as long as she got to see him some more.

    So yeah FI said no and it was just really weird and awkward for us. Since that week we haven't heard from her since.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    My H ex wife married my SIL ex FI and we see them at fire depts get togethers and such.

    Last year at H fire dept party, a "little girl" ( she was 20 at the time) walked by us and ran her fingers through his hair asking why he used so much hair gel then came back about 20 minutes later and sat on his lap! Neither of us said anything, were both stunned she was acting like this (she was hittingn/hanging all over all the guys). My final straw came when the f.f were all in a circle doing a shot together and she slid up next to him and put her arms around him. Let's just say that night she found out I wasn't like the other wives who won't say anything about that kind of stuff and my H isn't the kind that's just going to let it happen
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    edited December 2013
    ETA: I write a lot, I know.  Sorry in advance.  

    So before I embark on my long rant about this ex, let me state the big problem right now: She's going to expect to come to the wedding.  FI says it'd break her heart to not get an invite, so I'm either going to have to send her an invite or expect a huge fit from her.  So if I sound extra snarky here, that's because that whole situation makes me mad. (If you wanna skip the rant go to the last paragraph for a shorter version.)

    My fI has an ex similar to your FI's ex- friends after breaking up, drifted apart, just Facebook friends, etc.  The difference is that while he doesn't consider her much of a friend at all, she's convinced they're great friends.  Which is weird, seeing as for the past few years they've only spoken on Facebook.  She doesn't do much else other than complain.  She's just a big bundle of first world problems demanding everyone both pity her and think she's the best person ever.  She's constantly doing the whole "I'm going to complain about myself so that you'll compliment me" routine, and she gets upset if you don't play along and shower her with compliments.     

    Now, since high school ended, they've met once.  For two minutes.  She was friends with one of his old roommates, so she started announcing weeks beforehand that she was coming to his apartment to visit.  Naturally he and I bought tickets to a music festival for that day. It was his idea, he didn't want to be stuck listening to her complain all day.  In that two minutes however, she went on and on about how wasted she got off of two glasses of wine the other night.  FI couldn't resist asking if she had to cut it with cranberry juice.  (I feel like this needs a bit of context-  She thinks Hookah is some kind of hallucinogenic meth cooker, when in reality it's a completely legal tobacco product, and she thinks you can die from smoking weed.  It gets ridiculous how neurotic she can be.)

    Now as you can tell by my tone, I do not like this girl.  That would be because she started bitching about me as soon as FI and I got together, and is STILL doing it.  I wouldn't mind if she just bitched about me once a while ago and got over it, but the fact that she's been comparing herself to me and claiming she's more worthy of FI than I am for YEARS is just obnoxious.  Seriously, they dated for two months in high school, he's engaged now, she needs to get the f over it and realize she's not going to get him back. Oh, and did I mention that she also tells people she hooked FI and I up?  FI and I were both confused when we found out about that, seeing as she never said a word to either of us about getting together.  

    She's also nasty as all hell to my friends.  She told my MOH she'd never get asked out because only pretty girls get asked out, and makes snide comments about her weight any chance she gets.  Fi's ex is just flat out condescending to other girls, although she pretty much imitates a disney princess when men are around.  This is why her and FI's friendship ever lasted at all, she hides the bitchiness when she talks to him, although he's caught on to that after catching wind of all the things she's been saying about me and to many of our friends.  He's not happy about that.

    Now that I've finished my rant, you can see why I DON'T want her at my wedding.  She still wants FI back, she hates me, and she's nasty to all of my friends.  If she came, she'd spend the whole night either complaining about her first world problems and expecting people to spend the whole night giving her lots of attention and compliments to "Cheer her up," or she'd spend it bitching about me and looking for any tiny detail of the wedding to use as an excuse to complain about me and show how unworthy I am of getting married,  or she'd spend it making snide comments to my friends, or she'd tell everyone about how she "Hooked us up" and try to get as much attention with that as possible. 

     Now I get that I won't really have to interact with her much, but if she is around, my friends will get stuck dealing with her, because they'd be the only people she'd know.  She is condescending to all of my friends and being around her annoys the crap out of all of them.  So even if she didn't affect MY night, she would definitely be a huge annoyance to my friends, and THAT'S where this situation gets really frustrating. I want my friends to be able to enjoy my wedding and have fun, not spend the night being picked on and whined at.
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    awkward ex moment of mine, 

    I was my sisters moh and my ex was a groomsman. well i went to the wedding with my FI who during the wedding sat close to the ex's new gf. During the entire ceremony the ex kept looking at me all weird. another BM asked if he was my FI, because he kept looking at me like he was in love. my FI and his new gf kept it cool during the ceremony. my FI laughed it off but his gf got really mad they ended up fighting then she took off for good. She was a really nice girl too just way insecure, but he acted like a total fool! 
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    @HaileyDancingBear: your FI needs to be less concerned with breaking this girl's heart by not inviting her and more concerned with the fact you have legitimate reasons for not wanting her there.

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
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    @HaileyDancingbear GIRL lol Do not invite that hot mess to your wedding...your FI shouldn't worry about any backlash seeing as how they don't even really see eachother.
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    @HisGirlFriday13 I agree, and I'm going to have to discuss it with him when we finalize the guest list.  It's not that he's super concerned about her feelings in particular, he just doesn't like the idea of making anyone upset in general.  That's just the way he is.  I appreciate that he's so nice, but I'm going to have to put my foot down on this. 
    Honestly if the only problem was that she hated me and wanted Fi back, I'd just suck it up and let her come- it's not like she has a chance at stealing him away and if she wants to torture herself by watching him marry me, that would be her problem.  I just can't put up with the way she treats my friends, at all.  If she made rude comments to my MOH about her weight in front of me I'd have to slap her. I can't let her show up and ruin their good times with her condescending attitude.
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    @HaileyDancingbear: And that's good enough reason. I get not wanting to offend people -- I certainly invited people to my wedding for the sake of not offending people (per my mother's request) -- but this is beyond the pale. 

    Actions have consequences, and if your action is to be a total asshole, the consequence is that you don't get invited to fun events like weddings.

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
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    This isn't that terribly awkward... or maybe it is, I just thought of it as more humorous than anything.

    I actually met FI's ex gf this past week at a Festivus Party. After cheating on him a few times years ago, and trying to physically hurt him for trying to take alcohol away from her and suggest treatment (she's an alcoholic), she left him and moved to Arkansas to live with a man she met on the internet during a role playing D&D game online. She still keeps in touch with old friends from the area and was visiting family the other night in town, and decided to stop by the party. She and FI made their peace years ago and are FB friends, which doesn't bother me in the least.

    At this party the other night, she starts talking to me, and I figured I would be nice and socialize with her for a bit. She then proceeded to say things like, "well isn't that a 'cute' job" about my profession, and "so you're 'smart' then" (she actually used finger quotes around the word's smart and cute btw, which was weird) about the fact that I'm in grad school. She then commented on my weight, saying that it's crazy that FI is interest in "heavier chicks" now. I'm 5'4" and 140. She, on the other hand is my height and probably at least 190lbs. Not that it makes any difference, but if you're going to comment on my weight, better check your own first. I actually laughed in her face, put my hand on her shoulder and said, "It was just so enlightening meeting you", and walked across the room to talk to friends. FI and I have been laughing about it since it happened. I actually felt kind of sad for her.
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    My DH had an ex who constantly texted him or facebook messaged him while she was engaged. It pretty much happened after she found out that we got engaged 1 month after dating. 

    She also texted my husband the day after HER wedding, while waiting to go off to her honeymoon. Really? Really.....? 

    She continued for about 3 months until she pulled this move on him. She texted him "Why haven't you commented on any of my wedding photos? Don't I look good?" Clearly, she doesn't want my DH but what she wants is for HIM to want her, and be obsessed with her and be angry that she is with someone new. 

    DH asked me "Why would anyone act that way?" and all I could tell him was "Women do some fucked up things that even I can't explain." All I could come up with was.... when you aren't 100% happy in your relationship, you try to flaunt that relationship in front of your exes just so you can get a reaction and it fills up that void. Sick but bitches be crazy.
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    This isn't that terribly awkward... or maybe it is, I just thought of it as more humorous than anything.

    I actually met FI's ex gf this past week at a Festivus Party. After cheating on him a few times years ago, and trying to physically hurt him for trying to take alcohol away from her and suggest treatment (she's an alcoholic), she left him and moved to Arkansas to live with a man she met on the internet during a role playing D&D game online. She still keeps in touch with old friends from the area and was visiting family the other night in town, and decided to stop by the party. She and FI made their peace years ago and are FB friends, which doesn't bother me in the least.

    At this party the other night, she starts talking to me, and I figured I would be nice and socialize with her for a bit. She then proceeded to say things like, "well isn't that a 'cute' job" about my profession, and "so you're 'smart' then" (she actually used finger quotes around the word's smart and cute btw, which was weird) about the fact that I'm in grad school. She then commented on my weight, saying that it's crazy that FI is interest in "heavier chicks" now. I'm 5'4" and 140. She, on the other hand is my height and probably at least 190lbs. Not that it makes any difference, but if you're going to comment on my weight, better check your own first. I actually laughed in her face, put my hand on her shoulder and said, "It was just so enlightening meeting you", and walked across the room to talk to friends. FI and I have been laughing about it since it happened. I actually felt kind of sad for her.
    My point exactly how bitches be crazy...
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    Not to mention rude and vindictive when they are miserable and cannot control their mouths or actions and move on...
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    Nyquil cocktail. Not kidding, or kava kava cocktail. Both sleepy
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