Wedding Woes


How was the weekend?  What's up for the week?

We had a pretty good one.  My folks came over Saturday to play.  I tried a new soup recipe and it was pretty darn good.  Sunday we attempted to hit Lowes for cabinets.  1 wanted to be part of the discussion.  2 tried to slam every door. 3 was trying to eat all the cleaners and open the bottom drawer of every oven.  We didn't know much about quality difference so we need to research.  Next time we'll either get a sitter or leave the kids with sMIL and go with FIL.

This week I need to get my butt in gear for Max's party.  It's been 2 months since his first pictures to his first party.  No wonder it seems to have dragged out.

I'm also calling my credit card to dispute charges for an item that never came.  I've emailed  times and they have never responded.  Problem is I don't know where my phone is.

Re: Morning

  • Weekend was pretty good.  

    I worked Friday, but it wasn't too bad.  Saturday, we puttered around the house, took Christmas down, and just hung out in general.  Yesterday, BIL and SIL were over to watch football and hang out.  They took the kiddo with them to my IL's and they're taking all the kids to see Frozen today.  

    DefConn went back to the sitter today and it was a rough drop-off.  And he's going to my mom's tomorrow because my sitter is closed and we're going OOT for NYE.  Poor guy.  We're just screwing him in the schedule department. 

    Rest of the week, work, work, off New Year's, work, work. This is the beginning of our busy season and mandatory OT is in full effect.  DH is also going to be kicking a big project into full gear. At least he doesn't have to be OOT for 2 weeks like we originally thought. 
  • Weekend wasn't bad. DH didn't work on Sunday and he normally does, so we got to leave my parents' house later than we usually do when we're visiting. Usually, it's go to Mass, come home, eat a hurried lunch, load the car, and hit the road, and yesterday we got to take them out to lunch and then chill for a bit.

    I'm at work already (usually I work 3-11, so working 8-5 is a schedule shift), but then after work, I'll go to a local grocery store that we got gift cards to as part of our work Christmas bonus. (I suppose I should make a shopping list).

    DH and I are off tomorrow, work New Year's Day, work Jan. 2, then are off Jan. 3 together. My parents are bringing my nephew down to where we live on Saturday for a train show (because he's 2.5 and trains are the Coolest.Thing.EVER. if you're 2.5), and it will be nice to see them. 

    But that of course means I have to clean the apartment before they come.

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • We went to my parents' house on Saturday to celebrate Christmas with them. My sister and her jackhole fiance weren't there, so it was nice. Afterwards, we went to the international grocery store because I was out of tofu and wakame for my breakfast. Husband hadn't been to that particular international market before, and as we were leaving, he said that anyone who couldn't understand white privilege should go there to know what it's like to be in the minority, as we didn't hear English (but plenty of Arabic, Farsi, Spanish, Vietnamese and Korean) while we were there. I think that would be a good idea, especially around here.

    I also saw an Indian grocery that I didn't know was there, so I'm going on my next day off to get the stuff to make lassi, dosa and halwa. I've considered getting something to make idli, but idk -- I don't even know if we have enough room in the kitchen for another cooking item. It would be nice to have another breakfast option if I get sick of miso soup and tamagoyaki. Of course, I wouldn't be able to make idli during the winter (easily, at least), but whatever. Summer breakfast.

    Yesterday we didn't do shit. I got a lot accomplished on The Sims and that's about it.

  • We tried to go to the zoo lights on Saturday night.   It was a giant fail since it was "warm" and everyone else went too.  We were gone for 4.5 hours, only 1.5 was at the zoo- the traffic was horrible around the zoo.  I don't do well in giant crowds, apparently even worse when my baby is there.  It was so dark in areas I was afraid I'd hit a kid with the stroller and it was just awful.  I almost had a panic attack :/

    Sunday we ran errands and watched Monsters University and Breaking Bad.  The baby slept a lot yesterday so I didn't get to play with him enough.  I hate work.

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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