Texas-Dallas and Ft. Worth

Our children and our wedding

My future husband and I have twin two year olds together. We plan to have them in our wedding like most people do. We are not doing bridesmaids or groomsmen, we plan to have our mothers walk them down the isle at the same time take them up to kiss their father and have a seat on the front row outside seat. Then my father will walk me out and before giving me away I'll stop and kiss both of my boys as they sit with their grandmothers.

My problem- I'm a little concerned about them not behaving during the ceremony. I have well behaved kids, but let's face it. They are two. A well behaved two year old is like the uncle at every party that doesn't know when to stop talking then gets belligerent and leaves screaming and shouting.

Im mostly worried they will fight their grandmothers about sitting when they want to stand up front with us. And I'm not totally against that idea is just be worried they wouldn't stand still and would end up running around causing a distraction.

I'm open to any and all other ideas about how to include them but I do really love having our mothers walk them out. Any tips on how to keep them still and quiet?! I should also note they will have just turned three when we get married.

Re: Our children and our wedding

  • Would it be totally inappropriate to bribe my children with candy just this once?!
  • edited February 2014
    You know your kids best. As you said, even the best-behaved kids can be nightmares when you least expect it. I think the front row is definitely the best place for them, that way they can see you the whole time. Just be prepared for someone to take them out if one of them has a meltdown (and maybe find someone other than your moms to do this so they can see the whole ceremony).
    Unless they're diabetic or something I don't see the evil in giving them candy. :)



  • You know your kids best. As you said, even the best-behaved kids can be nightmares when you least expect it. I think the front row is definitely the best place for them, that way they can see you the whole time. Just be prepared for someone to take them out if one of them has a meltdown (and maybe find someone other than your moms to do this so they can see the whole ceremony).
    Unless they're diabetic or something I don't see the evil in giving them candy. :)

    So you think having some candy on hand and one person prepared to take them away if they start getting antsy is good?

    They are my first kids so who knows, maybe when they get closer to three they will be easier to talk to and make them understand that they need to sit with their grandmas and behave hahahaha one can hope, right?!
  • I mean, I have one kid and she's 7 months, so I'm definitely no expert. Would candy just make them more hyperactive? Or will they quietly suck on a lollipop through your ceremony?

    Can you give them books or other quiet toys? Maybe a fake camera (or a disposable one) so they can take pictures of Mommy and Daddy?

    And I was in a wedding where the ring bearer stood perfectly still for a REALLY long time until he just couldn't stand it and hurled the antique ring pillow as hard as he could into the pews of the church. And he was like six. Hopefully they will behave, or at least give you something to laugh about later.



  • Also, one person per kid is probably a good idea. If DS1 melts down and DS2 waits until he's gone to also melt down, you want someone there to handle it.



  • Well a lollipop won't keep them seated. I'm thinking if they have some skittles or m&ms that they can eat one at a time. I thought about giving them their play cameras but they like to scream "SAYY CHEEEEEESE" I'm sure however they act it will just be something to laugh about later id just like to have them as involved as possible without them losing it. We will have a pretty quick ceremony as it is. Well just have to time it to how long it takes them to eat a bag of m&ms. Hahahahahahaha
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