I am fortunate to have one of the best sisters ever! She and her FI both are wonderful people and it is so exciting to see how much they love and appreciate each other. They were both previously married and have 7 children between the 2 of them. Right there an intimate wedding count would be at 9 people. We also have a father, and 2 step dads that we see regularly. We also spend time with our half sister, her husband and their 2 children. One of our step dads married a long time friend who has a daughter and the daughter married our cousin -we call her our sister cousin. I don't know his family well but he has a dad, step dad and step mom.
They would like to have an intimate wedding with possibly all of the above people (28 total) and then invite their friends, both families through 1st cousin's children, coworkers (with SO) and her preschool class with families to a celebration afterwards -fully hosted for the appropriate time of day. In her plan, they would still be in their wedding outfits but there wouldn't be toasts, tosses, 1st dance etc. There would be cake because well, we like cake but it wouldn't necessarily be weddingy.
Does this work etiquette-wise or has it become tiered ? I know the intimate thing is sort of out the window with the large # of dads but with the exception of our sister cousin, all are immediate family. It sounds like we are trying to make exceptions to the rule but we aren't. If it's not tiered, she'll probably do it. If it is, she'll go back to the drawing board.