Wedding Reception Forum

sunday weddings

yay or nay labor day Sunday wedding. What are the pros and cons?

Re: sunday weddings

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    1) More travel time
    2) Those who have Labor Day off don't have to get up for work in the morning, can schedule an evening wedding if possible for everyone

    1) Many religious Christians won't attend a wedding on Sunday
    2) Venues may not be available if they are churches or otherwise closed
    3) Since this is on Labor Day weekend, people may not be willing to give up holiday time to come to a wedding
    4) May be more expensive over Labor Day weekend to book venue and travel
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    Nay on holiday weekend weddings.

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    To add to the pros and cons above (or really the cons):

    *Many people already have vacation plans (in my area, it's the last big hurrah to the cabin and many use that weekend to clean out the cabin getting it ready for winter)
    *For families with school age children, it's often an already busy time of getting ready for school to start the day after Labor Day and again, and/or one last family weekend away

    Not saying they wouldn't be willing to give that up for your wedding, but it does factor in there.

    Know your crowd though.  If your VIPs are all cool with it and you're prepared for a possible high decline rate due to the holiday go for it.  I personally wouldn't have a problem with it if the wedding were local to me, but there's no way I would drive out of town for it in all of the Labor Day cabin traffic unless you were a VIP family member for me.
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    I actually was planning mine for the Sunday of Labor Day and I had a lot of close friends and family push back that they go camping or have family plans on that weekend and they would feel forced to "give up" their holiday weekend. So I listened and chose 2 weeks later. 

    Also if you're doing it for pricing, that may not work. I wanted to do it because I couldn't afford the normal Saturday minimum and thought that would be my way around it but the venue said since it was a holiday weekend they had high minimums on that Sunday too. (even though all other Sundays don't)



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    Not a fan of a wedding on a long weekend.  Unless you were family, I'd probably decline.
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    I was in a wedding on Labor Day weekend on the Cape two years ago. Pros were definitely the long weekend meaning I didn't have to take off from work and it was a full Catholic Mass so that was taken care of as well. 

    Cons were the high cost of hotels on the Cape that weekend. Also con was that I was moving that summer with a lease ending Sept. 1 in Boston (the biggest moving weekend of the year here if you're not familiar) and because I was in the bridal party and had to be on the Cape for Sept. 1 for the rehearsal (the Sunday was Sept. 2 that year) I did have to find an apartment that would allow me to move in before Sept. 1. Fortunately it worked out.

    I don't think they had many no's because of the date though. They had booked the date two years in advance however so everyone had been planning for it. I believe some elements were cheaper for it being Sunday while others, were more expensive for the holiday weekend so that was likely a wash. A holiday weekend would never deter me from going to a wedding though, a free meal and a great party on a holiday weekend sounds perfect to me.
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    Viczaesar said:
    Nay on holiday weekend weddings.
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    I would love a Labor Day weekend wedding on a Sunday, if I had to travel by air to it. I would be able to choose a late Friday or early Saturday flight. If I had to travel by car, and stay overnight, not so much ..., because of Labor Day traffic. If I was local, no problem. All this assumes you are only inviting those people who would never miss your wedding.
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    Ditto what others have said. We had planned on having ours that Sunday as well because of the long weekend but a lot of our friends and family go camping out of town or hang out by the lake which is also out of town.  We didn't want to make family and friends feel like they had to skip their normal holiday plans for our wedding, so we chose the weekend after. 
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    I would be ok with a Sunday wedding, but not on a holiday weekend.

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    I would like a Sunday wedding if it was local and early. I would be annoyed at any holiday weekend wedding, regardless of the day, time or location.

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    Sunday afternoon weddings are fine, but not on a holiday weekend.
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    CMGragain said:
    Sunday afternoon weddings are fine, but not on a holiday weekend.

    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
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    I would not enjoy this.  I actually like Sunday weddings/events because my schedule is pretty packed.  Fridays and Saturdays seem to go fast!  But, with this on a holiday weekend, I'd lose the whole holiday.  If the wedding was Saturday, I'd still have Sunday and Monday to do something.  Heck, if the wedding was Monday, I'd have Saturday and Sunday to do something else.  Putting the wedding right in the middle takes up the whole weekend.  Also, holiday weekends are one of my only chances to get away to do something fun that I want to do.  While weddings are nice, they're also an obligation in a lot of ways.  

    I considered a Memorial Day weekend wedding, and when I talked to friends, they were all really apprehensive about that because they'd miss family functions, the Indy 500, and other Memorial Day weekend plans.  I'd have had a ton of no RSVPs if I'd gone with Memorial Day.  
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    Even if most of your guests are local, a holiday weekend wedding sucks because that means you can't go away. If I have a 3-day weekend I likely want to make some plans, try to get out of town if I can. But if I have a wedding right in the middle of it, that means no fun holiday travel. Instead I have to hang around town bored on the Saturday and Monday so I can attend the Sunday wedding.
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