April 2013 Weddings

RSVP from a VIP!

My old boss just RSVP'd that he and his wife are coming to the wedding!  Yay!  He was the best boss ever and I am so excited!  He made a big impact on me and was a friend while I worked there, his wife is equally amazing!  Woohoo!  I was worried they wouldn't be able to make it on a Thursday 70+ miles from where they live!  FI has 5 coworkers left to RSVP, one brother and his family and the rest are all of my OOT relatives.  Bring on the last minute RSVP's!!
Wedding Countdown Ticker
110 Invited! image | 65 Have their dancing shoes ready! image | 35 Don't wanna dance. image | 10 Must still be looking for their dancing shoes! image
RSVP Deadline: February 28th

Re: RSVP from a VIP!

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    I only got one today, which was from a couple I had already marked down as a yes.
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    edited February 2013
    That's so great! I'm always happy for the unexpected acceptances.

    I got two declines today. One from one of FI's coworkers (no loss there), and one from my nephew, whom I haven't seen in probably six years. I'm a little sad about that one, but oh well. He's in college and probably busy. My other nephews and neices will be there, though.
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    Nice! Most of the ones I'm still waiting for we know will be declines, but there are still about 5 or 6 couples who might be coming, who we're waiting to hear from.
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    Yay congrats! Those are always fun :) We got a yes two days ago from a grad school friend that I really didn't think would be able to make it (she currently lives in CA, is moving to Indiana, and has a <1 year old). I was super surprised and super excited.
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