So, this past week, my FI and I had our second premarital counselling session with our Orthodox Christian priest. I know my faith tradition is different from many of you on this board, but I thought you find his thoughts interesting. We had a discussion about birth control, and for me it answered some of the questions we were discussing a number of months ago on the big birth control thread.
Unlike Catholics, Orthodox Christians are allowed to practice birth control. I asked our priest what kinds were approved by the church, and he said as long as it doesn't prevent implementation of the embryo on the uterus lining, it's fine. I asked him if the Pill would qualify as an abortifacient, and he said no. He gave his blessing for us to use the Pill, and he said our reasons for waiting (i.e. wanting to finish grad school) are totally legitimate reasons for waiting to have children.
Anyways, just thought I would share. Of course, this shouldn't replace any discussions you might have with your own religious clergy, but I thought it would be informative for those of you wondering.