Wedding Party

Modern Age kinda sucks :/

Most of the girls I asked to be a bridesmaid in my wedding turned around and so no because I want it to be traditional. I heard things like "not paying for a dress i am only going to wear once" , "don't like my picture taken" , and "sorry i have a kid to raise." I understand that we all have different things going on in life but it sucks knowing that girls I have known since I was three are not really on the same page as me. Does anyone have any wedding party alternative ideas? My fiance is not happy with having guys on both sides that we are close to because they are not girls. Is asking older cousins of mine okay? I mean at least then I would be able to get to know them better. Just asking since I was looking forward to a little extra fun before the big day.

Re: Modern Age kinda sucks :/

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    I'm having 2 as well (FI has 7 guys) my sister and my best friend since childhood.  I don't want more and I don't need more.  I also haven't asked them to do anything or expected anything from them.  My sister is going to be 2 months post baby so she isn't sure what kind of dress she wants until she knows what her post-baby body will be so I told them to just get together and pick something that they both like closer to the wedding.  That is ALL they are responsible for.

    There is NO reason to have high expectations from anyone for your wedding... sorry but I feel as though you may have scared them off.
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    I'm not exactly sure what you're asking.

    It sucks that your friends turned you down, but that has nothing to do with the modern age.  It sounds like they don't feel as close to you as you do to them.  Don't ask your cousins or someone just to have fillers.  
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    Maybe you could clarify your expectations a bit. Or ask them what you could do in order for them to be able to accept. It is frustrating that your lives are not on the same page. If all else fails, ask them to still help you get ready the day of so you can at least be in their company and share the day with them
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