Attire & Accessories Forum

Earrings for sensitive ears

I have very sensitive ear piercings--the only luck I've had is with surgical steel (even gold/silver will cause an allergic reaction). I can't seem to find any shops that make beautiful chandelier earrings for sensitive ears. Any suggestions? Do you have any favorite shops that cater to sensitive piercings?


Re: Earrings for sensitive ears

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    If it's for one day, just cover the posts with clear nail polish. Do a couple coats and allow it to dry and the metal shouldn't bother you any more.

    I react to a lot of metals too, and that's always my solution for special events if I don't want to wear one of the two pairs of earring I have that don't make me itch.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    Have you tried palladium based white gold? I'm nickel reactive and that's safe for me.
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    I used to wear things like this, but my ears have toughened up a bit.  

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    I wore clip-ons, I asked the person who made them to me to put little cushion pads on each side.  They still bothered me after a few hours (We got through dinner, and then off they came and in H's jacket pocket).

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    Have you tried palladium based white gold? I'm nickel reactive and that's safe for me.
    This. Gold is too soft so "gold" jewelry isn't solid gold - it's mixed with a hard metal, like nickle. Lots of people with sensitive skin have issues with nickle. 

    I have super sensitive skin, including ears, and I've had luck with this, sterling silver and platinum. Whatever you buy, definitely test it out way in advance so you know if it's going to bother you. If it does, incorporate bling somewhere else, like in a hairpiece, a belt, your bouquet, etc. You want to be totally comfortable on your wedding day.

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