So I just found out that my friend, who married her boyfriend at the JOP last summer and moved abroad with him, is maybe having a PPD. This would be a benign annoyance, but just the other day she sent a message to all of us who were close in college asking for addresses, because she was getting ready to send save-the-dates for 8/15/15.
My wedding is 8/8. I am pretty sure all the people on the thread knew that, but of course I have not yet sent my own STDs. But also? I am pretty fucking sure that this girl knew my date was 8/8, because our other close friend asked me specifically so that she could tell Already-married friend.
And to her credit, she did not pick the same day as mine, which would have been really upsetting. But choosing the week after pretty much guarantees that if anyone can only make it to one weekend, then they will have to choose between us. Even two weeks apart would've been easier. All of our mutual friends are spread far and wide, but we're both having our weddings "back home," so it's travel for almost everyone.
I know there's not anything I can do about this (apart from getting my STDs out ASAP!) but I'm annoyed nonetheless. She's already married. I set my date in April. I'm worried our friends will choose her over me, and not just for scheduling reasons (because I am insane and insecure and lame, apparently).
I don't know. Does anyone have any words of emotional wisdom? I think I have the practical parts down (practical parts may or may not include casually congratulating them on the group thread for already being married, but not everyone even gives a shit about that so it really seems like sour grapes to even mention it, ugh). Also, I don't know that she's going to call it a wedding rather than a marriage celebration, but even if she does, the fact remains that our events are too close together for most people to make it to both, and I am sad about it.
This baby knows exactly how I feel