Chit Chat

When traffic relaxes you * edited to fix illogical rambling

edited March 2015 in Chit Chat
When you are talking about taking a certain street, when giving directions while driving, sometimes, it is imperative to say street or avenue after the name of the street. 
  If you say, "I am going down Elmwood." ( Here, everyone in Buffalo knows exactly which street you are talking about...  Elmwood Avenue.) 
   If you say, "I need to make a right down Delaware (Here, you need to say Delaware Avenue or Delaware Road, when you are in Buffalo, so people know which street you are talking about). 
   Today, I was taking my mother to the train station and on the way there, I just said,  "I'm gonna take Dick all the way in," (Here, I should have said, "I'm going to take Dick Road all of the way in.")  My mother asked "You're going to take Dick all the way in?" She looked at me in horror, and then burst into laughter when she realized I was talking about street directions and not being a weirdo talking about graphic sex with my mom. That's one way to lighten the mood.
   Feeling better now, and about to draw myself a bubble bath.

Edited for brain being stupid. Did I have an aneurysm? Hope this makes any sense now. Maybe I do need a drink!

Re: When traffic relaxes you * edited to fix illogical rambling

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