Wedding Customs & Traditions Forum

who will walk me down the aisle?!

I have never met my father and don't exactly get along with my grandfather. Could my best friend (who would also most likely be my maid of honor) walk me down the aisle? I don't  have many other close friends other than my boyfriend (of 3 years)'s family..and the walking of the bride down the aisle is suppose to be giving someone away and it doesn't exactly make since for his family to give me to his family XD. Just need some opinions. 

Re: who will walk me down the aisle?!

  • Anyone you want can walk you down the aisle - male, female, relative, non-relative. If you are close with your FI's (you said boyfriend - I'm assuming you are engaged though?) family, I think it's fine to ask one of them to fill the role.

    And of course, there's nothing wrong with swinging it solo! "Giving away" is kind of an antiquated notion, IMHO. You are a grown, independent woman. For me the role is similar to that of the wedding party, a chance to honor someone who has been a significant figure in your life. And someone you want to hug right before you get married.

  • I hope you mean FI and not BF because otherwise you are jumping the gun.

    To answer your question: Anyone can walk you down the aisle, best friend, mom, whoever. You could walk with your FI if you want! Or walk alone. My dad didn't come to my wedding and my brothers walked me down the aisle and gave me away. My FIL offered to walk with me if I needed to which was so sweet but I wanted that moment with my brothers.

  • At a friends wedding the bride and groom walked out together and I thought it was sweet. There's also nothing wrong with walking alone, that's what I will be doing!
  • You don't have to look at it as someone giving you away - it's just someone who escorts you down the aisle.  If you want your MOH to do it, go for it!
    **The OMH formerly known as jsangel1018**
  • Anyone can escort you down the aisle or you can walk alone.  
  • CMGragainCMGragain member
    10000 Comments 500 Love Its Fourth Anniversary 25 Answers
    edited February 2015
    No, escorting you down the aisle is completely different from "giving you away". 
    Anyone can escort you down the aisle.  You choose.  You can walk with your groom if you wish.  (My sister did this.)
    There is a place in most wedding ceremonies that says "Who gives (or presents) this woman in marriage?" or something like that.  It is often omitted.  If you do decide that you want to do this, then the person who represents your family says either "I do", Her mother does", or "Her family does".  Personally, I like the last one.  Anyway, this is the part of the ceremony where the bride is "given away".
  • edited March 2015

    I have never met my father and don't exactly get along with my grandfather. Could my best friend (who would also most likely be my maid of honor) walk me down the aisle? I don't  have many other close friends other than my boyfriend (of 3 years)'s family..and the walking of the bride down the aisle is suppose to be giving someone away and it doesn't exactly make since for his family to give me to his family XD. Just need some opinions. 

    Anyone can walk you. Nothing is set in stone so do what makes you happy. Hell, walk yourself down even. I dont like the whole "being given away" connotation, although I had both my parents walk me. Your mom could even walk you.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I agree with what everyone else has said. It's your choice. If you're close with your Mom or siblings, ask them to escort you. 
  • It is really, really your personal choice. I walked myself down the aisle alone, with the bridesmaids "having my back".  My parents did meet me up front to signal their consent to my union (that was important to me, personally).
  • My FI's younger brother is going to walk me down the aisle. I was thinking of walking alone, but FI suggested we ask him because he has such a close relationship with us both. He is so excited to have such an important role!
  • I walked myself down the aisle and I have to say not only was it a personal choice but it was the best choice for me.  You have to do what is right for you.  It can be anyone--- but it is your choice. 

  • Jen4948Jen4948 member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its 25 Answers
    Anyone, or no one, can walk you down the aisle. It's entirely up to you.
  • My favorite cousin will be walking me. Pick someone who means something to you.
  • @emmaaa - zombie

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