Chit Chat

How are you all?

I know it's been a while since I've popped up here, so I'm just wondering how everyone was going.

It's been difficult finding the time to chat between setting up a reasonably complicated machine that came with Ikea level instructions (well, maybe that will teach DH to insist on doing it himself next time, rather than letting me call the technician), trying to make said machine work (which I'm still working on), and the general array of life dramas.  

Unfortunately my MIL is ill, and it's looking like the end is very near.  DH is up in Michigan with his family.  We couldn't both afford to go, and I figured that seeing as I've met his family once, maybe it would be better to let them be alone together.  One of my SIL did a lot of stupid things recently and is in legal trouble.  Again, something I'll let the family sort out, but it seems that people they don't have a lot of sympathy for her anymore, which is not surprising if you've read any of my other posts about her.  

I tried to go to a trade conference a couple of weeks ago, and managed to get all the way to Boston before I found out that my bank had cancelled my card because of a data breach, so, I pretty much had to turn around and come straight back, because no hotel would let DH pay with his card if he wasn't staying there (this is very strange, as it's not an issue I've come across in other countries).  That was such a disappointment.  I spent several days being depressed about it, until a friend told me that there's a similar conference next month in Salt Lake and still a lot of classes open, so I'm just deciding how deep I want to get in to this at the moment.  Unfortunately not all of the same instructors will be there, but I'll get to take some of the classes I missed, and a bunch of new ones with someone whose books I love.  So, I'm feeling better now.  It would help if I could get the machine working and do some practice before then though.

And somehow I've rediscovered the kitchen.  I'm having a ton of fun preserving vegetables and making my own butter.  Seriously, I recommend everyone try making butter.  It's very quick in the food processor, a little bit messy in the next step, and results in something so much nicer than what you get from the store.  You can do it with regular cream, but I bought some piima starter culture, and I've been using soured cream I've made at home.

Enough about me.  How are you guys?  What have you all been up to?

Re: How are you all?

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    Lady, it sounds like you have been in a whirlwind! I'm very sorry to hear about your MIL. *hugs*


    I've been good. H and I bought a house, so we have been really preoccupied with getting it all set up. Work is insane but that is a very good thing.


    Tell me more about this butter...

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    Hey Chica! I'm sorry about your MIL. 

    Nothing that new with me, just finalizing our wedding plans. We just bought a new DSLR camera to take to Australia so we have been taking pics of everything. I cannot wait to take awesome pics down under!

    I need to hear about this butter. I think my mom used to make her own butter at one point. I think I remember it being good. How do you make it? I would love to try and make my own!


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    Sorry to hear about your MIL.  
    Is making your own butter cheaper or just better, you think?

    I'm doing well. :)  I had an exam today and I have another one on Wednesday and then I'll be done until Summer courses starts.  In ten days, my GF is coming to stay for a little while, so I'm pretty pumped about that.
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    I'm so sorry about your MIL.

    I freaking LOVE homemade butter. It's more expensive, at least at grocery store prices for cream, but it is SO much better. Bake a loaf of bread and put it on there! It is positively beautiful. It's too expensive for day-to-day cooking use, though. :( seriously though, one day soon all yall need to go get a pint of cream and stick it in your blender or mixer or food processor. Cover it with a towel because an open container can sling buttermilk everywhere but it is so good.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
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    I'm so sorry about your MIL.

    I'm really hoping someone buys the food processor on our registry and then I will have to try making butter. What's this machine you speak of? I am intrigued. I'm sure you've posted about it before but I can't recall.

    I have been swamped with wedding stuff lately, had three complete meltdowns in a week. FI was being super sweet and trying to pick up the slack because his workload at the office was lighter than usual, but now he has to redo a month's worth of work in the two weeks before the wedding.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

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    Thank you all.  You're very kind.  

    @sarawifenow How exciting that you two bought a house!  That's wonderful news.  Good luck getting it set up.  I find it hard enough to get set up in a new rental, let alone somewhere that I want to do things to.  I'm just obsessed with painting everything and hanging decorations.  That's probably just me.  

    @pinkcow13 You guys are getting so close!  I'm so excited for you.  The new camera sounds like a lot of fun.  I've had mine for five and a half years, but it still works perfectly well... If I could only find it.  Do you have your trip all planned out, or are you just going to get there and see what you feel like doing?  

    @Doeydo How wonderful that you're almost done for the summer.  Do you have plans?  I miss having summer vacation so much; totally jealous.  Have a blast with your girlfriend!  I'm sure it will be lovely for you two to catch up.

    @blabla89  It sounds like things are tough for you guys at the moment.  I hope you can find some time to relax before the wedding.  I hope things ease up at work for your FI.  Hopefully his company will cut him some slack with the upcoming plans.

    On the butter: it's super easy to make, but make sure you use a high quality cream without any added thickening agents.  Just run it through the food processor or blender until the solids start separating from the liquid, and assume it's pretty done once you're not seeing a great change anymore.  While this is happening, you can choose to add salt, or other flavorings.  Salted butter will keep longer than unsalted, and personally I think it tastes better, so I tend to play around with flavored salts.  
    Pour everything in to a solid strainer over a bowl, and let it drain for a while.  Then push on the solids a bit, and try to get as much liquid out of them as possible.  Once you're done separating everything, run your butter under some cold tap water, then put it in a jar (I find glass works a lot better than plastic for this, but you can use a plastic box if you like) and put it in the fridge.  It also freezes well, so I put mine in to really tiny jars, and keep them in the freezer.  Then they come out whenever I have lovely fresh bread, or a friend comes over.  
    Like I said, it's messy, but so worth it for the right occasion.  Yes, it's more expensive than buying pre made butter, but on the upside, you also end up with buttermilk, which is great for baking, and particularly wonderful for pancakes.  


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    Oh, and the machine... I don't have it fully operational yet, so here's a link to the manufacturer's website -

    I'll let you know once I've got it all worked out.  

    Oh, and it was great that real-estate people gave us incorrect measurements.  They told us the room was 14 feet long, which sounded great, as the machine is 12.  It turns out that only one very slim side of the room is that long, but fortunately it was enough space to fit everything, and I can get around it (just, if I breath in) or climb underneath, which is actually pretty standard operating procedure for these things.
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    Oh sounds interesting!  I might have to try making my own butter sometime.  :)

    Yeah I'm looking forward to seeing her and spending time with her for sure.  No big plans for the Summer as of yet.  My grandparents will be back in the province again so I'll go see them a lot, I'm sure.  They live by the beach so it is referred to as the family cottage and was always a big Summer thing.
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    @doeydo It sounds lovely.  I miss the beach.  I didn't realize how much I did until we went back to Sydney for the wedding (mostly because I can't go in the sun).  I don't even know what people do in summer in the desert.  Mostly I'm considering whether I want to become nocturnal or not.  It makes running errands more difficult, but even today I sweating ridiculously just cutting fabric.  Sorry, went off on a bit of a tangent there.  
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    Oh wow, yeah it must take some getting used to living in a place with a different sort of environment and climate.  Don't be sorry!  If that was a tangent (I don't think so) it was very short, lord knows I tangent a fair bit sometimes.  :)  
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    I think we are going to just go there and wing it. I'm taking all the recommendations you gave me, though, along with a couple of bars/restaurants that I found on Yelp that I want to go to, and then we'll wing it from there. One of the restaurants has lobster thermidor which I have been dying to have for a while now. I am so excited!


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    I'm sorry to hear about your MIL. 
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    @pinkcow13 Sounds like you'll have a great time.  It's really hard to go wrong in Sydney at least.  Most of the little cafes have wonderful food, and there's so much to do.

    @climbingwife Thank you.

    My mother in law passed away this morning.  Everything is very strange now.  It was completely expected, but had only been completely expected for a few days, although she'd been sick for many years.  It doesn't make it any easier.
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    I'm so sorry for your loss. 
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