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AW - New Family Member!

Happy Monday, ladies!! 

I was going to put this in the Monday thread, but it's too important, and I didn't want it to get lost. 

THIS happened yesterday: 


Violet is a big sister!! 

H & I adopted this little meatball from the Humane Society yesterday. His name is Bruschi (after my most favorite New England Patriot of all time), he is a 10 month old pit bull/bulldog mix of some sort, and he is the most adorable little nugget you ever did see. 

He & Vi are best friends already. As soon as she saw him, she play bowed & her tail was going a mile a minute and they just started running and wrestling and playing. He's so good too - when he starts to get a little too rough, as puppies will, she tells him, and he stops right away. We got him a crate, and he slept in it perfectly last night - just one little whine when we went to bed, and that was it. 

Luckily H works close enough to home that he is able to come home during the day to let him out - he's mostly potty trained, but they told us he might regress a little bit from being in the shelter, so we're working on it. 

I love him!!



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