I am at my wits end with our cat. He doesn't sleep through the night, he wakes up between 5am and 6 am and we usually wake at 7. Getting him to sleep is a nightmare because he meows incessantly and starts jumping all around the room.
About a month ago he started peeing on things and showing a lot of signs of anxiety in cats, so we have been dealing with that but it seems sometimes he gets annoyed and pees on things when we try to get him to sleep. Throughout the day he goes to the litter box just fine and nothing seems like it is wrong.
We have been tight on money so we haven't gotten to the vet, but I am taking him Monday. I have been reading every forum and cat/pet website I can find and it has not been much help.
I don't know what to do, I have tried playing with him before bed, soothing music throughout the night, being as gentle and calm as possible, but I can't take it anymore. I am so exhausted because since he started peeing everytime he moves on the bed or awakens, I get up to make sure he isn't peeing on things.
I haven't slept well in weeks and the semester is just getting started and getting complicated and I need to rest. I don't know what else to do, so any advice is very much welcome and appreciated.
ETA: words