Wedding Woes


I'm working again.  I have the most ridiculous cough.  It's making sleep really hard to come by.  I'm trying every.single.home remedy I can think of (or google) to quell it.  I hope it goes away soon.  I do not want to go back to the Dr. again. 

I did get laundry ran, dishes done, and made dinner yesterday.  Go me, lol.  :) 

What's up with y'all today?  ;) 

Re: Tuesday

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    The kids were off school and DH was off work yesterday so we all had a nice long weekend together.  Things have been crazy around here so it was nice to have time to reconnect with DH.  Oh and I also did our taxes.

    Today I need to catch up on laundry.  I skipped one day in my routine and fell behind real fast.

    Other than that, I'm just working and trying to make my mind understand that today is Tuesday, not Monday.
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    I was off yesterday. Thank you, Jesus.

    I'm well rested and ready for the day. I think.

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    Ugh persistent coughs are the worst, I'm sorry OP. 

    I'm really distracted and on edge. Add me to the list of current Knottie homebuyers. We're getting ready to list my place this weekend and view some properties; we need to get preapproved for a mortgage. Oh and we have an appointment with our accountant this weekend and we need to clean/declutter my place. Just... stress. 

    And my absolute favorite coworker resigned. His last day is in a couple weeks and I'm super bummed. 

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    Tonight is my book club and we're doing "Bitch Planet" which is one of my absolute favorite comics ever, so I'm excited.  Then I might go to a show, depends on how tired I am.  I'm ready for the weekend already.
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    After yesterday's "snow day" (freezing rain started late afternoon, after school would have been out, and melted when it hit the ground), school called a two hour delay this morning.  I don't even think it got below freezing last night (it was 41 when we were waiting for the bus), but I guess they weren't sure about the forecast, and were being cautious.  Judging by the FB comments, it was an unpopular decision.  I just feel off-kilter because now my routine is off.

    Looking ahead to the summer.  DH's birthday is 3 days before DD's, and I'm looking at returning to the Smokies so we can celebrate DH's birthday with river rafting and DD's at Great Smoky Mountains National Park.  She's been asking to go back pretty much since we left last summer.  :) 
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    My mom and brother are on their way up to visit.  I'm doing some last minute cleaning before they get here.  And they're bringing real cheesesteaks!  And we're starting DD on "solid" food today.  Then DH and I might go out for a little bit, since mom offered to watch DD for us.  So a big day:)
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    There's been an open pint carton of milk in my office fridge for weeks. This morning I come in and I can smell rancid ass milk when I walk in the door. Everyone is just going about their business, putting their lunches in the fridge where this milk is, not a care in the world.

    Sure, office. I'll do that too.


    Image result for someecard betting someone half your shit youll love them forever
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    I'm working from home today because I was at the ER late last night getting my hand stitched up because I dropped a knife I thought I was holding with a stronger grip than I actually was (I have skills, I know). And I didn't sleep well at all last night either. I'm thinking a nap is in my future.

    Also @ShesSoCold I hate it when people at work forget food in the fridge and then pretend it doesn't exist when it goes rancid and stinks to high heaven! It makes me wonder what kind of grossness is going on in their fridges at home.
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    @ShesSoCold I was guilty of this yesterday. Left a pot of tzatziki in my lunch bag over the weekend and completely forgot about it.  Yesterday my coworkers kept complaining of a smell like rotten milk - took me till about 3pm to realise I was the culprit. For shame.
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    I'm wasting my entire lunch time...for the second day in a go make a desperately needed deposit into my checking account.

    Bought medicine yesterday from my online Canadian pharmacy ($280 vs. $550 in the States).  Only to find out that they now charge a $25 for paying with a credit card.  Seriously?!?  $25?!?  So I paid with my checking account instead.  Hauled off at lunch to go make a deposit and cover the charge.

    Forgetting it was President's Day and the banks were closed (sigh).  So now I have to do the dance all over again today.  I am seriously hating that pharmacy today. 

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    Side eye: My retired teacher MIL sent my SAHM ass a LinkedIn request.  Does she think it's the new facebook?
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    There's been an open pint carton of milk in my office fridge for weeks. This morning I come in and I can smell rancid ass milk when I walk in the door. Everyone is just going about their business, putting their lunches in the fridge where this milk is, not a care in the world.

    Sure, office. I'll do that too.


    LOL that's awful- there's actually a commercial that illustrates that exact scenario, but I can't remember what product it's advertising. 

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    6fsn said:
    Side eye: My retired teacher MIL sent my SAHM ass a LinkedIn request.  Does she think it's the new facebook?
    I think, unfortunately, there are more and more people viewing LinkedIn as the new Facebook. One of my connections, who is looking for a new job, just changed her LinkedIn profile headshot to a pic of her sitting in a rocking chair holding her baby. Now, on facebook I would have no problem at all with this pic - I would think it's cute. But on LinkedIn, I find it completely unprofessional.
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    6fsn said:
    Side eye: My retired teacher MIL sent my SAHM ass a LinkedIn request.  Does she think it's the new facebook?
    I think, unfortunately, there are more and more people viewing LinkedIn as the new Facebook. One of my connections, who is looking for a new job, just changed her LinkedIn profile headshot to a pic of her sitting in a rocking chair holding her baby. Now, on facebook I would have no problem at all with this pic - I would think it's cute. But on LinkedIn, I find it completely unprofessional.
    She may also have just hit "grow your network" and it sends requests to everyone on her email list. 
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    MNNEBride said:
    6fsn said:
    Side eye: My retired teacher MIL sent my SAHM ass a LinkedIn request.  Does she think it's the new facebook?
    I think, unfortunately, there are more and more people viewing LinkedIn as the new Facebook. One of my connections, who is looking for a new job, just changed her LinkedIn profile headshot to a pic of her sitting in a rocking chair holding her baby. Now, on facebook I would have no problem at all with this pic - I would think it's cute. But on LinkedIn, I find it completely unprofessional.
    She may also have just hit "grow your network" and it sends requests to everyone on her email list. 
    That's a good point - I hadn't thought of that!
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    6fsn said:
    Side eye: My retired teacher MIL sent my SAHM ass a LinkedIn request.  Does she think it's the new facebook?
    I think, unfortunately, there are more and more people viewing LinkedIn as the new Facebook. One of my connections, who is looking for a new job, just changed her LinkedIn profile headshot to a pic of her sitting in a rocking chair holding her baby. Now, on facebook I would have no problem at all with this pic - I would think it's cute. But on LinkedIn, I find it completely unprofessional.

    That is wacky!  If it looks unprofessional to you (and sounds like it to me), it is really going to look unprofessional to someone looking for a new hire.  Plus, she is setting herself up to be discriminated against.  No employer will state "we prefer not to hire new mothers", but you know that attitude can be out there.
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    I wasn't sure if the roads would be icy this morning so I left early and had plenty of time to grab coffee before work today. 

    @ShesSoCold I am totally that milk jerk this week. I normally buy a little thing of milk to use in my coffee during the week. But last week my Dr. had me cut out dairy so I only used it Monday and Tuesday. Luckily, I am the only one here so nobody is bothered, I will throw it away on trash day.

    I just signed up for my barn's March schooling show. I am stoked. It will be my first show in 10+ years and my first dressage test ever. I am hoping to really get into eventing after the wedding when I have more money to spend.

    Other than that just waiting to hear from my sister about her car. She got into an accident and asked to borrow (I already know she won't pay it back) the money to cover her deductible. I told her I would do it but now I am having second thoughts. She is really trying to figure out a way that doesn't involve me, so I appreciate that. 
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    FI and I had a great weekend at the Rockabilly show. Both the 39 and 40 won trophies, so that was awesome! The 39 won Best Street Rod and the 40 won Honorable Car Club Choice :)

    FI got me a Star Wars bracelet and a Frankenstein & Bride purse for Valentine's Day. I told him that we will have to actually make plans for Valentine's Day next year because the car show will be the weekend after.

    After 3 days of sitting in the sun, I couldn't wait for Monday because I had the day off and I did nothing (other than go to the grocery store). I caught up on some DVR'd shows. FI wasn't home most of the day, he was doing his own stuff which was totally fine with me.

    I get to go find my wedding dress on Saturday :) I'm nervous and excited at the same time.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    edited February 2016
    I was off yesterday, which was awesome. I got a much needed hair cut and color and spent a lot of time doing nothing. I had a really hard time falling asleep last night, so I woke up in a fog this morning.

    Just as I was getting ready to leave my house for work, I found out that an 18-wheeler hauling auto parts was overturned on the interstate, which was obviously causing tons of traffic. I ended up being 45 minutes late for work, which threw my whole day off. At least I wasn't the only one. Everybody who travels that part of the interstate for work was late because of it.

    The rest of the day was weird. I was training someone all day, and will be training her again tomorrow. It's hard to get real work (or Knotting) done when you have someone sitting in your cube with you.

    DH texted me before I left work to come home and said he had a surprise for me. Turns out he is going to be off on Saturday, so we will get to spend the day together. We haven't had a day off together since September. I am one happy Mrs. B after that news :smiley:. Definitely makes up for my long day!

    ETF spelling

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