Wedding Woes

having a kid vs. dying alone

Dear Prudence, 
My husband and I have been married for three years. I am about to turn 30, and we are discussing the possibility of having children, although we are both leaning no. I have never felt a maternal need for kids, though I would love to have a dog. I have friends with children and while I love playing the part of auntie, I am exhausted after spending a day with them. When I think about kids, I mostly think about the negatives: They are expensive, we won’t be able to travel, and I have a family history of mental illness and some other diseases I would hate to pass down. There is one thing that keeps me from saying “no,” and that is that I am afraid of being alone when I am old and can’t fend for myself. I see my grandmother and have no idea what she would do if it weren’t for my mother and her siblings. I recently visited my old nanny in a state-run nursing home and it left me with nightmares. Should we have a child to make sure someone is there to care for us? Should we look into the Hemlock Society? I should add that I am generally not a strong person and have told my husband many times I pray that I die before he does.

—Don’t Want to Die Alone

Re: having a kid vs. dying alone

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    Long term care insurance exists. As do friends.
    Image result for someecard betting someone half your shit youll love them forever
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    Long term care insurance exists. As do friends.
    ...and there's no guarantee that your kids will want to/will be able to take care of you when you get older.
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    Also therapy to help with anxiety and other issues.
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     I should add that I am generally not a strong person and have told my husband many times I pray that I die before he does.

    Can I just say how much I hate that she feels this way?  

    After MIL died, a lot of people (including FIL) talked about how MIL wouldn't have been able to 'handle' FIL dying first.  I know it's a way to comfort themselves, but I feel like it sells her short.  MIL was the soft heart of the family and had incredible empathy for people, she was a pretty formidable woman in her own way.  And I think with family support, she would have been able to go on after FIL.  I just...feel like you don't know what you *can* handle until you have to deal with it. 
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    It's all on an individual basis... Just because you have kids doesn't mean they'll "be there" for you in old age...  Our late neighbor lady's kids were fine example of that!  She lived to be103 and for the last 25 years of her life they parked her in an Alzheimer's unit at the nursing home (her husband had dementia and she wanted to stay with him while he was alive - she was as sharp as a tack even into her 100's!!! He died after 8-10 years in there but from cancer and they abandoned her there).  I saw her more than her kids did - and I'm 6 hours away - her kids/grand kids didn't even bother to show up for her 100th Birthday!)... 

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    Of all the bad reasons people decide to have a kid this is probably one of the worst. PP are right, there is no guarantee they will even want to take care of you and if they find out that's the only reason you had them is pretty much a guarantee that they won't. I feel like if your heart isn't in it then it isn't right for you and that's totally okay.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    DH and I don't want kids.  I have some people that use the "you need kids to take care of you" line to try and pressure us. My response is that by not having kids, we can save more money to put toward sufficient care when we are older, if we need it.

    If my siblings are in better condition than me, I have no doubts that they would take good care of me.  We are all very close and help each other out whenever needed.  And we also spoil our nieces and nephew, so hopefully they would take pity on us if we needed their help.


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    Always the best reason to bring a new life into the world, surely.

    Get a dog, get insurance, get some dirt on the young couple down the road and blackmail them into looking after you in your 90's??
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