Wedding Woes


Good morning, WW!  What's going on today?

I am having one of those days where I have accomplished more before 9:00 than I do the whole day some days.  I am fixing things left and right and might make myself a superhero cape.  Except...


That recruiter I was on the fence about?  I have a phone interview with his client at 10:00 this morning.  We'll see.  I don't think I have enough info to get a good read on them until afterward.  Odds are neither one of us will be starstruck.  I am not wearing a speck of purple, coincidentally.

Meanwhile, Mr. Heff's job is sucking the life out of him.  He got home "early" (7:30) before the kids were in bed, and then had to sit down and write up something because at 5:00 they asked if he could have it ready by 8:00 this morning.  He looks exhausted.  I think vacation will help, but long term I think he needs out of that job.

Re: Tuesday

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    mrsconn23mrsconn23 member
    First Anniversary First Answer 5 Love Its First Comment
    edited August 2016
    I'm having the opposite morning.  The kiddo's alarm went off an hour before I was supposed to get up and then he wasn't awake when it was time for me to be up (10 min past when he's to be up and at 'em).  I'm slow and grumpy and just now got my coffee made. 

    I did my legs in yesterday during my workout.  They are sore.  

    I have an in-office day tomorrow. 

    More school fuckery:

    1) I got an automated call about DefConn's vaccination status and how it needs to be on file 09/02/16.  I've done everything I can, including moving appts, so if they kick him out of school Sept. 2nd...I'll blow up the nurse for not having her shit together, I guess.  

    2) Last week the High School needed to send an e-mail to us.  I am listed as the kiddo's stepmom, but everything is signed off on for me as a contact.  I guess this, after 1.5 years in this district, has caused some sort of  brain wrinkle in someone. They freaked out that they didn't have DH's e-mail (even though I put it on a form (or two)) and hauled the kiddo in the office to ask if they could call DH.  The kiddo, bless his heart, was all, "My dad's asleep.  Please just e-mail or call mrsconn."  I think there was 'she's not your *real* mom' conversation and the kiddo's all, "I don't know my 'real' mom.  I've never met her. Mrsconn is the only mom I've ever had.'  So he got them to agree to call DH that night.  They never called and ended up sending the e-mail to me anyway.  

    So yeah, less than 3 weeks in and I'm done with the bullshit. 
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    I walk the puppy every morning stupid early so she'll be less inclined to devour the chewable items in the house.

    So, this morning, I left the house at 4:30 for our walk, and I made it to the end of the driveway before I realized I forgot my keys.  No problem, I thought, the spare key is under the welcome mat.  It's all cool.

    We walk.  Pup does her thing, we wake up half the dogs in the neighborhood and return home in time for me to leave for work.

    I lift up the welcome mat to let myself back in the house.... and there's no key.

    Apparently, DH locked himself out at some point when I was away and forgot to put the spare key back when he let himself in.  I can actually see it sitting in the little key basket (which he never actually uses, and so he would absolutely consider that a win).

    So I'm standing there in the dark (because I forgot to turn the porch light on), and Hiccup is just looking at me like, "Well?"  

    I call DH.  No answer.  I call him again.  Still no answer.  This is the morning he would sleep like the dead.  (And, because it's dark and I'm on a horror novel binge and the night always brings my irrational fears to life, there's that brief moment of panic where I actually believe he might be dead.)

    It takes me far longer than it should, but eventually I start checking windows.  The one above the kitchen sink is, inexplicably and most fortuitously, unlocked.  So there I am, wriggling through this window 5 feet off the ground, praying none of the neighbors wake up and call 911 because of a suspected B&E.

    The spare key is now back under the welcome mat.  When I reminded DH of the importance of putting things back where they belong and told him about the key, he was silent for a moment.  Then he said, "You know the garage door was unlocked, right?  You could have used the garage keypad and come in that way."

    I could have crawled into a hole and died.

    In retrospect, it's hilarious.

    "And when they use our atoms to make new lives, they won’t just be able to take one, they’ll have to take two, one of you and one of me..."
    --Philip Pullman

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    I am slow and tired this morning. It's dark, rainy, and windy here so I'm having trouble finding motivation to get anything done. 

    Maybe ive been reading too much of the Simone Biles coverage @mrsconn23, but what is with the emphasis on 'real' biological parents (which side note is bullshit, a real parent is whoever is doing the parenting IMO). Good for the kiddo for explaining it to them, but why should he have to?
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    @mrs.conn, that is a whole month's worth of fuckery, between the two schools.  Ugh.
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    @Heffalump  poor Mr Heff :( 

    @mrsconn23  that's such b.s the school is putting you through! Shouldn't matter who bio parent is, especially if you're set as point of contact!

    @AtomicBlonde  Definitely doesn't help you're reading horror novels. Kudos on being up at 4:30am! Jeez!

    Not much last night. Despite the fact my mum's friend is suppose to move into our place, there's a chance she may not get it so we figured we should clean stuff up in case someone views the apt. Our disaster of an apt ....
    40 days people, 40 days!!

    Tonight is roughly more of the same. I want to get some of the stupid little shit packed up and have the metal things we have on our wall taken down, so we can patch up the holes. We'll still have more when we take the tv from the bedroom down, but might as well get started!
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    IDK @charlotte989875.  I have not adopted the kiddo, but DH's divorce decree, which they have on file, gives him sole legal and physical custody.  And I am a guardian of the kiddo since I am married to DH and I sign every.single.form.

    If we were new, I could understand.  But this is the third school year and the second year of HS.  Plus, I don't understand why they didn't believe the kiddo (to contact me). 

    So yeah, it's fucking ridiculous.
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    I am on my way to the airport. My shuttle driver missed his exit and now we are taking a "short cut". My flight on friday was a disaster. It was delayed 4 hours and I fell asleep on the plane and my kindle was gone when I woke up.

    The weekend was good though. It was nice to hangout with FH. Now I will have a couple days to myself before he comes home 

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    HeffalumpHeffalump member
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Love Its First Answer
    edited August 2016
    Also, in FWP:
    • I was going to RSVP to two parties today, and I left the invitations/contact info on the counter at home.
    • I can't decide if I want to go to Costco--if I'm going before the trip, it should probably be today, but I'm not sure I'm feeling it. 
    • I took out our beach tent, and the thumbscrew adjustment is rusted through and stuck.  I was going to order a new tent, but the Amazon reviews say that the quality has taken a dive between the one we bought and the version now for sale.  Debating whether to try another brand, or just rent something there. 
    • The Awful Birthday Party people dropped DS's favor off in his cubby at school yesterday.  Even their favors sucked.  :p
    • And a meeting I hate that I was going to miss next week has been rescheduled for after I'm back.  Boo!
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    Holy crap, Mrs.Conn, I'm pissed on your behalf. How shitty for you and kiddo.

    Last night I didn't accomplish any of the things I wanted to. Most of which were things I wanted to accomplish on Sunday but didn't then either. So today I will work out and either grocery shop or clean the floors. Up to H.

    I should have called in sick and done those things, plus I'm excited about the syncronized swimming I saw in my DVR from yesterday.

    Image result for someecard betting someone half your shit youll love them forever
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    Welp, I lost my job on Friday.  I had already updated my resume and was sending out feelers.  Yay for being moved into a position which I didn't really have experience for, with a boss who didn't want me in the first place.  My computer was cut off when I left my office for "the talk" and I rushed home to drink and change all my PWs.  Because I've been told by Diva that he's read all of someone's personal e-mails before when they left their Google account signed in.  Gross, yes?  IDK if I had theknut open, but if I did *waves*.

    I had to do some work this morning on one of my groups.  And now?  I'm having a beer.  B/c 2016 can go fuck itself.
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    Ugh, I'm so sorry Varuna. Sending hugs and beers.
    Image result for someecard betting someone half your shit youll love them forever
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    I'm sorry Varuna. I understand how you feel. And, yes, F*#K 2016!
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    Oh, no @VarunaTT!  That's horrible on so many levels!  I'm sending all the hard liquor your way, too, in addition to the positive vibes of support.

    "And when they use our atoms to make new lives, they won’t just be able to take one, they’ll have to take two, one of you and one of me..."
    --Philip Pullman

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    So sorry @VarunaTT.  I have been there - it sucks hard.  
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    So sorry, V. ::hugs::
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    This is the 2nd time I've been fired.  And while I don't want to be illogical, I've been fired by the same sort of person each time.  Both were men who I wouldn't let bully me around or be scared of them.  Diva all but tried to call me stupid to my face and I wouldn't let him.  He accused me of lying and I would't let him. His biggest complaints were typos and that I didn't indent something for ease of his reading.

    Also, his history:

    Me -- internal promotion (not requested or asked for, simply done), 6 months w/him soley, after 4 years with business;
    Previous to that -- left Post-It note stating she quit one afternoon, 6 months;
    Previous to that -- internal promotion, left after 6 months;
    Previous to that -- internal promotion, left after 2 years;
    Previous to that -- internal promotion, walked out after 11 years;
    In this miasma, numerous paralegals, all less than 6 months;
    Previous to that (M) -- hired for him, walked out after 15, was convinced to stay with agreement that she would no longer work for him ever again.

    When I told M I had been let go, she hugged me, pointed at me and said, "It's not you, you are good at your's him and it always is."

    It's just exhausting and I don't have another income to fall back on.  I've got some good feelers out already, I just wish it hadn't hit this point.
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    That really sucks Varuna. I hope your feelers find you something great!
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    6fsn6fsn member
    First Anniversary 5 Love Its Name Dropper First Comment
    I am so sorry v. 

    I am am so proud of my baby girl today. She asked to go off the diving board, walked up, jumped, and swam right to the side. Next time she did a backstroke to the side. She's 5. My almost 8 yo has gone off once- the last day of swim lessons when there was a guard in the pool. 
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    That sucks @VarunaTT. At least you get to day drink without feeling guilty? Silver lining. 

    Thats fantastic @kimmiinthemitten! And think of all the fun tops you get to buy now. 
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    VarunaTT said:
    Welp, I lost my job on Friday.  I had already updated my resume and was sending out feelers.  Yay for being moved into a position which I didn't really have experience for, with a boss who didn't want me in the first place.  My computer was cut off when I left my office for "the talk" and I rushed home to drink and change all my PWs.  Because I've been told by Diva that he's read all of someone's personal e-mails before when they left their Google account signed in.  Gross, yes?  IDK if I had theknut open, but if I did *waves*.

    I had to do some work this morning on one of my groups.  And now?  I'm having a beer.  B/c 2016 can go fuck itself.
    Damn. That royally sucks. Sending you lots of positive vibes and hugs.
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    @VarunaT, that super, super sucks.  I'm sorry.  At least you're done with all his bullshit.  You'll find something better, and in the meantime, life is too short for his nonsense.  ::cracks open imaginary beer, toasts you::

    @kimmiinthemitten, congrats on your new, improved boobs! 

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    edited August 2016
    Excited for you, @kimmiinthemitten!
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    tawillers said:

    Sorry about the school crap, conn.  I would be livid if someone pulled the "not your real mom" stuff with Son.  DH and I would be in the office raising some hell.  It's not up to them to determine who is and isn't a "real" parent, and it sure as hell isn't appropriate to discuss it with the child.

    I'm actually getting a little heated.

    Aww.  Thanks. 

    I told DH that when they called to TELL THEM that I'm the secondary parent.  They didn't call and e-mailed me anyway.  So maybe they pulled his file? 

    I don't think it was 'not his real mom' and more 'just his stepmom'.   But again, I am hardly the only custodial stepparent.  And I get that people have complicated custody shit and acrimonious divorce situations, but they also should be able to pull his contact information and see that it's just DH and me listed.  *sigh*  

    DH has to to get the kiddo from school today, so I may encourage him to go into the office and have them pull the kiddo's file and just let them know, AGAIN, that communication can be directed through me.  Hell it should be, since school admin shit is something I take care of 90% of the time. 
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    @VarunaTT  that's awful to hear :( Vibes for something great soon!! (until then, all the drinks!)
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    My face feels like it's about to explode. My teeth hurt. Days like this I just want pancakes, but I can't cook pancakes for shit. 
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    Something to cheer you up

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    Varuna Im so sorry.  That sucks so much.  

    FI told me today that he is 100% set on changing his last name to mine.  We had discussed it before, but he was always kind of "meh" about it. His family sucks and he no longer wants their last name.  I'm happy to keep my name (was going to anyway.  I will never have the same last name as his dad), but now I need to look into changing the babies' names.
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