Wedding Woes

Just another manic Monday

I don't think anyone's here today! I know a lot of you have today off and for that I'm extremely jealous. We're closing at noon, though, so I'm going to go get my car maintenance done and finish hanging pictures at home.

I'm so ready to be done unpacking. We have 7 totes that haven't been unpacked. 4 of them are holiday decorations and will not be unpacked. 2 are full of junk from our nightstands that will be unpacked once our new nightstands come in. The last is full of Mouse's clothes that I need to go through and separate. H has been absolutely useless in this endeavor. He literally spent an hour trying to make sure that the dresser we bought for under the TV was even with the edges of the TV. When he asked me about it last night, I said, "Stop. No. Really. Just stop." It's like he's making up crap for himself to do instead of helping then he apologizes for it later. STAHP.

Re: Just another manic Monday

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    Hey, you're almost finished, so that's good! 
    Sorry your DH isn't more help. Not sure if this is how it is with him, but I know I personally have similar tendencies of perfectly aligning larger elements before moving on to the smaller things. It's not intentional, I just feel annoyed until everything is just so. Even when I make my bed, if the lining (which isn't visible after everything else is fixed) isn't perfectly taut and everything else great, I'll still undo the whole bed and re do it, stretching the lining more and centering the bedsheet's pattern and aligning all subsequent parts. 

    I'm off today and I'm going to watch Despicable Me 3 tonight! I'm SO excited. 
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    Gorgeous as always @lyndausvi
    Ohhhh how was despicable me 3 @NiceKindaSpice
    @DrillSergeantCat you are practically done!! I would be annoyed with your H too but honestly mine is pretty worthless when it comes to that shit too. 

    Life is good here. DH has been going to the gym at work pretty regularly, I am proud of him. I even went to the gym myself for the first time in forever on Friday. Might try to go tomorrow though my fabric order came in on Saturday so I pretty distracted by that. It was my first Shop & Ship experience and I was very pleased, less than a week for my order to arrive from (ironically) Atlanta. I already have everything cut and pieced for the baby quilt, now the sewing. Idk if I am scared or excited. The pattern I am doing is simple but apparently, from online quilting forums, very aggravating to get all the points to line up. Wish me luck.
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    I'm here.  I was supposed to work from home but comcast didn't want to me. We get out at 2, and then I'm going to play with the idea of trading my car in....yay!   I'm at a loss for what to do with my stupid laptop though? It's beyond my I.T. department I think.

    at home, I can get internet wifi on all 3 phones we have and my personal laptop. I cannot get internet access on my work laptop.
    at work - my work laptop is just fine.  

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    @drillsergeantcat, packing/unpacking is seriously the worst.  I hate manual labor of all kinds.  I just moved 3.5 years ago and DH and i are thinking of buying a house together....I'm like....can't we just do an addition to this house?  I got a really good deal on it and i don't want to move! and then DH, moving is a bitch.  Right?!?

    @lyndausvi, sorry it's hell week.  good paycheck at least?

    @nicekindaspice, I'll be dragged to that movie too, I'm sure.  If anyone wants to know, do NOT go see "house". It's NOT funny. I think I may have chuckled twice.  One was through the bloopers at the end.  Will Ferrell hasn't been producing anything great lately.  But I expected more out of Amy Pohler. 

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    6fsn6fsn member
    First Anniversary 5 Love Its Name Dropper First Comment
    We have a big picnic in our neighborhood every 4th.a few people with corvettes and motorcycles ride, a fire truck and sheriff car come out, all the kids decorate nikes and scooters. Then they stop at the grassy area in front of our house where the association provides hot dogs, baked beans, a face painter, bounce house, and oodles of prizes. Last year we paid our $20 annual dues and another $10 for raffle tickets. The kids won $50 in toys r us gift cards for their bike decorating and we wine another $50 some in raffle prizes. Plus had a heck of a fun time. I love our neighborhood for this. 

    @DrillSergeantCat. I'm utterly impressed with how quickly and efficiently you have managed this move. Honestly, I'm not surprised your husband was no help though. 
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    edited July 2017
    Hi WW! 

    I took a vacation day today and was going to go to an event hosted by our local progressive caucus, but instead I'm waiting for the maintenance man to get here to look at the bathroom sink and the dishwasher. 

    I spent Saturday morning and early afternoon cleaning the house and taking the car into the shop (nothing major but it did cost more than I thought it would). Housemate #2 moved in late Saturday afternoon while I was picking up my car and meeting with my sponsor. I went to my new writing group Saturday night and decided that I'm going to try writing poetry again, which I haven't done in years.

    Yesterday was my niece's birthday party, and then I went to the beach for my drum circle. Great day for it, but I'm going to have to be more diligent about hydration and sunscreen this summer.

    Tomorrow is going to be pretty low-key. It's the anniversary of FW's father's death, so I'm taking my cues from FW on what she wants to do.

    ETA: Clarification: FW and her father had a very complicated relationship, even before she transitioned. Her father had pretty severe mental health issues and was verbally abusive when she was growing up. He was an alcoholic and opiate addict on top of that and never got good-quality help for either his mental health or substance abuse. He died on Independence Day, two months after she and I started dating.
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    edited July 2017
    Jack is such a cutie, @levioosa! Healing vibes continue!

    ETA: Gorgeous pictures, @lyndausvi!
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    Hi WW. Hope everyone is enjoying/enjoyed their weekend. Not much going on here. Our initial plan to go eat at food trucks and see fireworks tonight has been cancelled. I ended up with a super small partial pay check that allows us to do nothing but pay bills. Oh well. We are very lucky and blessed in our life, so a few weeks of living frugally isn't the end of the world.

    Lynda - those pics are beautiful! Does snow melt not help with no rain?

    DSC - impressed you are almost done unpacking! We've been here 3 1/2 years and still aren't done unpacking!

    Leviosa - you and SO are good people to take care of the kitty!
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    Happy Belated Canada Day!!  We had a fire pit Sat night with my brother/SIL and my cousin/DH and watched the neighbourhood fireworks from the yard.  And the entire weekend has been spent packing and running to MEC for other things we needed to buy.  Now we're just charging everything up and getting ready to leave.  

    And on a shitty note, I can no longer find my moisturizer anywhere and may have to buy a new brand today, so I have something for my trip.  I hate trying to find new products.  Why do companies always discontinue the good stuff?? 

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    Happy Belated Canada Day!!  We had a fire pit Sat night with my brother/SIL and my cousin/DH and watched the neighbourhood fireworks from the yard.  And the entire weekend has been spent packing and running to MEC for other things we needed to buy.  Now we're just charging everything up and getting ready to leave.  

    And on a shitty note, I can no longer find my moisturizer anywhere and may have to buy a new brand today, so I have something for my trip.  I hate trying to find new products.  Why do companies always discontinue the good stuff?? 

    Ugh, that's always the worst. Maybelline discontinued my favorite foundation.  So frustrating. I've been buying the "nice" brands like Tarte, Urban Decay, etc. ever since and it's just not the same. If you try amazon they might happen to have some stragglers still on sale. That was how I found a few last bottles of my foundation. It helped me come to terms while I searched for new ones. lol. 

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    Lynda - those pics are beautiful! Does snow melt not help with no rain?

    Not where we live.  Our snow melted a while back. Rivers are full and running fast from the higher elevations.  Doesn't help us much down in the valley.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
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    @WinstonsGirl, have you tried Ebay for your moisturizer?  I found a bottle of discontinued perfume there for a bargain price.
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    I am so burned.   My shoulders and thighs are crispy and my toes have a reverse sandal tan.

    Last night I sprung for a Cabana Life long sleeved rash guard shirt, swim skirt and a tankini top.  I hope they ship soon.   I need to embrace being a shoreline mom.
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    CMGragain said:

    @WinstonsGirl, have you tried Ebay for your moisturizer?  I found a bottle of discontinued perfume there for a bargain price.

    I haven't, but that's cos we're heading out on vacation tomorrow and I don't have time.  I might look into it if I have time tonight.  It's not even listed on the Canadian product website anymore, so I think it's gone for good.  Everything else I can find with good reviews and good SPF coverage is at least $35 for a little bottle.  Ugh.  

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    I spent Sunday through Monday afternoon at a friend's lake house. It was so great just to float in the water for hours! I was consistent applying sunscreen regularly but I still got a little burned though. Yeah for Irish fair skin! 
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    banana468 said:
    I am so burned.   My shoulders and thighs are crispy and my toes have a reverse sandal tan.

    Last night I sprung for a Cabana Life long sleeved rash guard shirt, swim skirt and a tankini top.  I hope they ship soon.   I need to embrace being a shoreline mom.
    I love my rash guard, I get burned if I'm out longer than an hour, even with sunscreen on. I have the Op ones and they dry super quickly so they're comfortable to wear in and out of the water. I've embraced the fact that my skin hates the sun. 
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    Drive home from Buffalo yesterday, starting the purging of the house today. H spent all weekend getting it ready, there are just a few minor things we need to do before we list it. I love this house, it'll be sad to leave it, but so happy to be going back to Buffalo!
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