North Carolina

Good Morning!

Just wanted to say good morning and hope everyone has fantastic Tuesdays!  I am researching caterers now, and am having trouble finding ones to even get back in contact with me! grr. Any Wilmington/southport ladies have any caterers they would like to share?  Enjoy your day, all! :)
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Re: Good Morning!

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    SassyPants150SassyPants150 member
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    edited December 2011
    Jennie -  I've been appalled at the amount of time it takes for most vendors to return your messages.  I'm in sales and if we waited like that...someone would have already bought something and that's the end of that story.  That's been the most disappointing part of this process.

    Still trying to recoup from the was a great weekend in the mountains of Western North Carolina and with friends.  We picked up our marriage license on we have papers now!

    Going to get fitted in my dress on Friday...I can't believe that I'm getting down to the wire!  Got to find some new bathing suits for the honeymoon...does anyone know what stores still have a big selection?  I noticed a lot of department stores have already consolidated to just a rack or two of bathing suits.  Yikes!

    Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!
    Favorite thing about fall...Florida Football!

    What's cookin'? BFP: May 16, 2011 DD born January 19, 2012 | Chart BabyFruit Ticker Anniversary imageBabyName Ticker

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    pirategal03pirategal03 member
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    edited December 2011
    Good morning.

    I'm really really really hoping today is better than yestreday.  FI's father had emergency open heart surgery yesterday afternoon for a torn aorta.  He was in ICU last night but they expect to downgrade him this morning.  It was a 5 hour surgery and then a couple hours of recovery before they let us see him, and the surgery didn't start until almost 4pm.  It was a long day for everyone. 

    I want to punch whoever came up with the "trouble comes in threes" saying. 

    Soooo I'm hoping that today is better all around.  I hope you all have fabulous days. 
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    SassyPants150SassyPants150 member
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    edited December 2011
    Mary - sending knottie vibes to you and your family!
    Favorite thing about fall...Florida Football!

    What's cookin'? BFP: May 16, 2011 DD born January 19, 2012 | Chart BabyFruit Ticker Anniversary imageBabyName Ticker

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    edited December 2011

    Good Morning everyone! i had a nice relaxing night last night, which was great since I had a super busy weekend.

    Jenni- I'm having a BBQ/Fried Chicken type dinner and we are using Cap'n Bills. John and Erin are fantastic, and have been very helpful and responsive to any email I've sent them. They really remind me of that one friend's parents in high school that everyone loved and thought of them as their own parents. I highly reccommend them. They also helped me find my rental company and cake baker because I was having a hard time with those as well. He cooks everything on site, so it's fresh and his buffet style is set up for 2 hours, so people can come up as many times as they would like and he will keep refilling everything for that amount of time. It's not like some buffets that pack up as soon as everyone has been thru the line once.

    Malea- I need to go HM shopping too. I've noticed that as well, all of the summer clothes and swim suits are getting gone! Good Luck.

    Mary- Sending vibes your way for FI's dad... I agree that whoever came up with that line should be punched in the face.

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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:115Discussion:7a5d7321-a575-4aba-818b-2c9862dad002Post:4204014e-9521-41c0-b536-435d79649bef">Re: Good Morning!</a>:
    [QUOTE] Got to find some new bathing suits for the honeymoon...does anyone know what stores still have a big selection?  I noticed a lot of department stores have already consolidated to just a rack or two of bathing suits.  Yikes! Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!
    Posted by SassyPants150[/QUOTE]

    I saw a lot at "Dic's Sporting Goods" this weekend.  It wouldn't have been my first thought to go in finding bathsuits but they had a ton (20X20 section) in CLT at SouthPark Mall.
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    edited December 2011
    sorry for the misspelled retail store but apparently it a forbidden word on TheKnot.  haha.
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    TinyTRex321TinyTRex321 member
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    edited December 2011
    Good morning!  Tonight I am going to a black tie Casino Night event for my FH work.  Kind of random that it's on a Tuesday night but it makes sense because of his coworker's that travel schedules.  Should be a good time. I always like a chance to dress up and I'll get to see what FH looks like in a tux. :)

    Mary - I am so sorry about your FIL.  I will keep you guys in my thoughts.

    Malea - have you tried looking online places? I have found some cute/ very functional swimsuits in the past on  I usually order a bunch and then return what doesn't work.  The best thing about them is that you can return any of their items to a Sears. 
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    pirategal03pirategal03 member
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    edited December 2011
    I noticed over the weekend that Belk had their swimsuits on sale but they still had a pretty good selection.

    ETA: I'm talking about Crabtree and Southpoint
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    CJ4578CJ4578 member
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    edited December 2011
    Mary I'm so sorry! I know that must be rough, how is he doing today? Any updates?

    My evening was good- except for the part where we went on a bike ride and I hit a pole. Yup, I totally ran straight into one of those yellow poles on the bike path. (Yes, you can laugh, I am- though my shin hurts like a b*tch.) I remember now why I usually came home sobbing from my bike rides when I was a child...

    But I will not be stopped! I got back on and rode back home (and to the grocery store for some ice cream because, seriously, ice cream makes everything better. Yes, though, it does defeat the point of the weight-loss-exercise.)

    Looking forward to a lazy night tonight- no more getting in fights with poles for me. :)
    -- C
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    NcsuPsychNcsuPsych member
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    edited December 2011

    I hope everyone has a better day than yesterday.:o)

    I found out yesterday that the model home beside us finally sold and they'll be closing next week. Builder said it was another nice young couple. So that'll make three lived in houses!! Yay! :o) Now, if only another developer would come in and buy up the land so we could have an actual neighborhood :o)

    I'm also scheming a way to throw DH a surprise Bday party :o)
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    Beth0882Beth0882 member
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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:115Discussion:7a5d7321-a575-4aba-818b-2c9862dad002Post:ef87939f-43aa-4a5a-a226-104483494f4f">Re: Good Morning!</a>:
    [QUOTE]- except for the part where we went on a bike ride and I hit a pole. Yup, I totally ran straight into one of those yellow poles on the bike path. (Yes, you can laugh, I am- though my shin hurts like a b*tch.) I remember now why I usually came home sobbing from my bike rides when I was a child... Posted by CJ4578[/QUOTE]

    The last time I rode a bike (which was the first time in years I got on one) I crashed into a concrete wall.  I took a bike tour in Munich about 6 summers ago, and for some silly reason they stop in a beer garden and encourage you to drink large pilsners of my coordination, which wasn't great to begin with, got worse.  Towards the end, they stop us, tell us we are about to go down a hill, and at the bottom of the hill we have to turn right onto a bridge that crosses the river, and there is a concrete wall at the beginning ofthe bridge, and DO NOT HIT IT.  Of course, out of the thirty riders, I am the one who hit it.  I ended up with a contusion the size of a baseball on my shin that took about a year to go away, and it still aches in that area when it is damp outside. Luckily this was at the end of my six weeks studying abroad so I only had to hobble around for about a week!  No more bike riding for me!

    Mary - you and your family, and your future family, are in our thoughts!
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    CJ4578CJ4578 member
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    edited December 2011
    Oh no! Beth, that's horrible! FI keeps talking about going on bike tours in Paris and I'm just like "have you seen me on the bike?" and he's all "you'll get better!" and of course my response is something like "vacation is for relaxing/I don't want to end up in a French hospital!"

    If I mention your accident, combined with my incident with the pole, I think I may win. :)
    -- C
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    edited December 2011
    Mary, good thoughts for you and your FI's family.

    Tough start to the day. I am still have issues with this ridiculous clock in system at UNC. It hates my password and won't sync with my user name. So, after calling the help desk and potentially getting it all straightened out, I thought my day would improve or at least get back to normal.

    Well, I was totally wrong. A guy from our department was found dead last night/this morning. It has yet to hit the news. I feel for his family. He is leaving behind a wife a young son. I don't know any details. I'm sure it will be in the news later today or tomorrow.

    Today is the final day for our hotel block.  We have a good number of rooms booked. I also love the fact some folks have booked a room but have not sent in their RSVP.

    I know that as of 10:20am my day will improve.
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    wlfpkbridewlfpkbride member
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    edited December 2011
    Good morning/afternoon! I felt like crap this morning so I went back to sleep after DH left for work. I slept longer than I wanted to but I feel much better now, I'm just behind on my to-do list for the day :-/ DH and I are looking for a love seat (we already have a couch) & we're being kind of picky. I keep finding great deals on couches that meet our requirements. We just don't have room for a couch. 

    Beth, Eurotrip should have had your incident in a scene! I could definitely see something like this happening to me. 

    Mary, my t&p are with your family. 

    Malea, I can't believe how close you are! 
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    janice1980janice1980 member
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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:115Discussion:7a5d7321-a575-4aba-818b-2c9862dad002Post:6c036556-0fc3-41aa-8b0e-965731702883">Good Morning!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I am researching caterers now, and am having trouble finding ones to even get back in contact with me! grr. Any Wilmington/southport ladies have any caterers they would like to share?  Enjoy your day, all! :)
    Posted by jennieweaver1[/QUOTE]

    Jennie... best of luck to you.  I wish I could help, but I not familiar with Wilmington.. but my heart goes out to you. 

    I just went through this, there are still caterers I have not heard back from. grrr!  But from my understanding, it's bridal showcase season.  I guess there are 2 main times of the year there are "bridal shows"  January and August... so just hang in there and don't feel bad if you have to call more than once!

    on a different note... Happy Tuesday everybody!
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    janice1980janice1980 member
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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:115Discussion:7a5d7321-a575-4aba-818b-2c9862dad002Post:2681b2e6-f26d-4732-b509-5e43e7400433">Re: Good Morning!</a>:
    [QUOTE]FI's father had emergency open heart surgery yesterday afternoon for a torn aorta.  He was in ICU last night but they expect to downgrade him this morning.  It was a 5 hour surgery and then a couple hours of recovery before they let us see him, and the surgery didn't start until almost 4pm.  It was a long day for everyone.  Posted by pirategal03[/QUOTE]

    So sorry to hear this Mary... I hope everything gets better!!  Knottie vibes your way!
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    pirategal03pirategal03 member
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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Good Morning!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Mary I'm so sorry! I know that must be rough, how is he doing today? Any updates?
    Posted by CJ4578[/QUOTE]

    He's up and moving around this morning, but still in ICU.  They think he'll be downgraded in a couple hours.  That's all I know so far. 
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    carolinagal78carolinagal78 member
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    edited December 2011
    I'm glad I'm not the only one having problems w/getting people to call me back. I am in the process of trying to hire a wedding planner and I have left msgs for 2 and have got email responses but no actual call. ugh!

    Funny bike story. Glad you are ok but I couldnt help but laugh. I'm not too smooth on a bike either.  And you are right ice cream makes everything better...good for you!
    image 114 Made the cut!
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    edited December 2011

    Where are you getting married? I can give you the name of my coordinator. I'm in the Triangle.

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    wlfpkbridewlfpkbride member
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    edited December 2011
    Caterers were a pain for me when we were still looking. I'm stubborn so if they didn't respond the first time I called or e-mailed I didn't bother. That's probably not a good strategy but we ended up deciding on a venue that provided catering :-)
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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Good Morning!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Just wanted to say good morning and hope everyone has fantastic Tuesdays!  I am researching caterers now, and am having trouble finding ones to even get back in contact with me! grr. Any Wilmington/southport ladies have any caterers they would like to share?  Enjoy your day, all! :)
    Posted by jennieweaver1[/QUOTE]

    I used Bon Appetit & loved them. They are on Carolina Beach Rd. Laura is the catering coordinator - she can come on a little strong, but she knows what she is talking about & actually is really helpful on the wedding day getting things organized and running smoothly (kind of like a day of coordinator). Their food is delicious and their buffet presentation is beautiful! Everyone commented on my food both for it's taste and look. I think their prices are reasonable, and if your wedding falls in certain months you get specials (for example I receved free plates & glasses, and free decor package for a July wedding).
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    jennieweaver1jennieweaver1 member
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    edited December 2011
    Hey brokenhalleluia, Bon Appetit is actually one of the places that won't get back in touch with me, I've called twice because I have heard such great things. I'll end up trying again, but that will probably be the last of it. Hope everyone's days have gone well! I'm sending up good thoughts for your FI's father, Mary! And same goes for your co-workers family and friends sgreen! 
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    RSVP Date: Sept 08
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