Wedding Woes

Julie did the difficult, but correct, thing.

Dear Prudence,

I’ve been friends with Julie for almost 20 years. I have always admired her self-conviction, confidence, and ability to know/go after what she wants without being burdened by the thoughts or opinions of others. She has a strong self of sense that I have always wished I could figure out. Julie has always been clear she does not want children and, until six years ago, steered clear of dating men with children. She met Ben at a mutual friend’s destination wedding and had a fling with him that continued once the wedding weekend came to an end. We were all surprised that their relationship continued and blossomed into an engagement because Ben has a son from a previous relationship. Julie said that they were able to make it work because Ben only had his son, Jalen, 50 percent of the time so she and Ben spent a lot of time together when Jalen was with his mom and then when he was with Ben, she was “around” but focused on her work, hobbies, and friends. Over the years, we saw the three of them together a few times and Julie had the role of “dad’s fun girlfriend.” Jalen seemed comfortable and friendly with Julie, much like all of the kids in our friend group are toward her (she doesn’t dislike children, just doesn’t want any).

About six weeks ago, Jalen’s mother passed away unexpectedly after a cardiac event. Shortly after the funeral, Julie broke off her engagement with Ben and moved out. Over brunch recently, she told me that once she found out that Ben wasn’t going to share custody of Jalen with his maternal grandparents, she decided that she couldn’t figure out a way to make it work with Jalen living with Ben full-time and decided to move on. She talked about how things might be different if Ben had been open to boarding school for Jalen or a shared custody arrangement with grandparents but she only signed on for being with someone with 50 percent custody, not 100 percent. I honestly shouldn’t be shocked—this is very on-brand for Julie, and something I probably would’ve admired about her in the past—the courage to know when a situation isn’t going to work and extricating oneself from it is not one that many know how to do.

However, all I can think is that Julie is a callous and selfish person! I know she did the right thing because it is better for Jalen to not grow up with a stepmother who resents his presence but she’s been in his life for six years! She was ready to marry Ben! I can’t wrap my head around the type of person who can just up and leave that matter-of-factly. My husband has become close to Ben the past few years and says Ben was blindsided and although he knew when they started dating she didn’t want kids, thought that she had at least accepted and liked Jalen. I guess the breakup conversation was pretty cold and emotionless and Ben says he’s never really seen that side of her except for when she was on a business call. Julie and I usually do a lot of things together during the holiday season and she has been texting to set up dates for us to get together but I just can’t bring myself to commit. I just don’t want to be around her as she talks like the past six years didn’t happen and she didn’t just break up with her fiancé because he wouldn’t send his kid to boarding school to make life more convenient for her. I hate feeling like this. I don’t have kids of my own so it’s not even like a maternal instinct is coming out. Julie has made decisions in the past that I don’t agree with but none have affected me quite like this. How do I get past this?

—Not Brave, Not Selfish

Re: Julie did the difficult, but correct, thing.

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    You’re treating Julie poorly because she’s being who she has always said that she is, and that’s not fair. 

    She was clear she wasn’t a parent and wasn’t interested in taking on that role. And when a horrible situation presented itself where she’d need to be more of that role, she declined and behaved the way she always has. 

    It sounds like everyone expected Julie to be someone different just because there was a tragic situation rather than recognizing she’s been clear about who is she is from the start. 
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    I think this is unfortunate and not surprising.  Julie is being true to herself.  Like it or not, herself IS someone who is a bit selfish and she gets to put that to others saying how she won't compromise but also is saying to her former FI that she knows she need to be fair.  She's not unfeeling in it but I think people can see it for what it is.  She's not going to be a doormat and she's not going to compromise.  That's also OK. 
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    Not wanting to take on a full time role as stepmother isn't seflish, full stop. 

    What, she should've married Ben and pretended (like I've seen some women absolutely do, even to their biological children) that she loves being a mother?  That's horrible and that's incredibly horrible to do to a child.  Children know when they weren't wanted.  

    It's a dealbreaker for her.  

    LW, you're being an ass, really.  Just ghost Julie and move on, b/c honestly, you're being the selfish and callous one by thinking that someone should subsume themselves into a role like that when they don't want to.
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    She's not being selfish and not wanting to be a stepmother is not about wanting a life that's not convenient to her. It's unfortunate that things changed, but that doesn't obligate Julie to put herself in a situation where she knows she'll be unhappy. Be proud of her for having the courage to stop it now rather than forcing herself into what will eventually become a bad marriage and will likely be a bad situation for Jalen. 
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    Raising someone else's kid full-time is not easy and I don't recommend it unless you can put your full weight behind it.  I raised a kid that was basically abandoned by his mom and thankfully, he didn't know any different, but it wasn't without difficulty.  I can't imagine stepping into the role after the kid had a loving parent who died and dealing with the fallout of that kind of grief in a child and trying to navigate now raising them full-time.  

    Julie made an incredibly difficult decision to remain true to herself.  Did you even consider that she may have been trying to convince herself to work it out and it would be OK? She may have been 'cold' during the split conversation because if she did give into emotion, she may have made promises she couldn't keep.  Who knows?!    IDK why your thinking can't be framed as, "Man, my friend just ended a relationship with someone she thought would be her life partner because circumstances changed and that must have been really hard and she's probably heartbroken." 

    LW is far too invested in this to the point that I find their letter and hand-wringing over this so annoying.  Yes, a sudden death of someone close in age to you is shocking and yes, a motherless child is awful, but that doesn't supersede Julie's right to make decisions that are right for her.   
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    You don’t have to be friends with people you find repellantly selfish. You don’t need to come to some grand conclusion about whether Julie is right or wrong, it’s ok to honor yourself and your feelings and take a step back. 
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    I have a bit more sympathy to the LW than you all.  I'm not saying Julie made the wrong decision, but it is pretty cold the way she did it and I also find it surprising.  Surprising because I just don't see most people walking away from the love of their life and presumably a child they cared about at least somewhat.  Though no judgment on Julie making a different choice.  Just how she did it.  And I hope she goes back to dating men who have no children and don't want children, so she doesn't break someone else's heart.  It's always a possibility that something could happen to the other parent.

    I had a close friend do something like this years ago.  She married a guy who had full custody of his 5-year-old son (Blake).  She supposedly loved kids and wanted to be a mother someday.  Even worked as a p/t nanny for a couple years after high school.  They were together for about 2 years and then divorced.

    I sympathized and asked if her ex was going to let her spend time with Blake, on occasion.  She made a face and said, "Doesn't matter, I don't want to spend time with Blake.  I'm not his mom, why would I want to see him?"  I was really taken aback and said that I assumed she'd grown to love and care about him, being part of his life for that long.  She said she didn't care about him.  Turns out, she never even said good-bye to Blake.  Just packed her stuff and went to her parent's house when she had finally had enough.

    I know she was furious with her STB-ex.  But Blake was just a little boy and she was the only mother figure he had ever known.  I'd only met this child a handful of times, yet I cared more about him than she did.  My heart broke for him.  I thought maybe her anger was still in the way and she'd soften later on.  But nope, she never did.

    It wasn't a dealbreaker for our friendship.  But I never saw her in the same way. 
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