Wedding Woes

My friend gives me FOMO

Dear Prudence,

I have a friend who comes over weekly to watch Jeopardy and have dinner with my wife and me. I rarely see this person outside of our one day a week meeting, but she has many different groups of friends and she’s constantly talking about them and showing me pictures and videos about their times together. I really like her, but I feel very envious of the fun things she does without ever receiving an invite to participate. I don’t really understand this compartmentalization of her friends who circle each other but never meet. I’ve even told her that it makes me feel bad to hear about the fun she’s having and not be invited, but she doesn’t seem to get it. I don’t want to stop our weekly visits, I really do enjoy her company. Do you have any suggestions on how I can swallow my envy and just enjoy her for what she is without feeling sad about being excluded?

—Friends with Friends

Re: My friend gives me FOMO

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    Have you ever suggested you two do something different or in addition to Jeopardy? The shaking off of pictures is weird especially since you said it hurts your feelings but if you want to do something else with her you can plan it! 
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    banana468banana468 member
    First Answer First Anniversary 5 Love Its First Comment
    Tell her that you want to keep doing things but your relationship feels one sided and you feel hurt that it seems to be isolated to your house. 
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    levioosalevioosa member
    First Anniversary First Comment First Answer 5 Love Its
    Agreed. And you don't have to rely on this one person to improve your social circle. 

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