Michigan-Grand Rapids

Grand Volute Ballrooms Winter Package Reception 6,000.00

Are any of you guys out there doing this package as well? And / or if you know someone? I am having a few issues and want to find out if any one else is. If you are, will you please let me know. Any info would be appreciated! Good, bad or in-between. Thanks!

Re: Grand Volute Ballrooms Winter Package Reception 6,000.00

  • cenyoncenyon member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011

    Are any of you guys out there doing this package as well? And / or if you know someone? I am having a few issues and want to find out if any one else is. If you are, will you please let me know. Any info would be appreciated! Good, bad or in-between. Thanks!

  • hz80408hz80408 member
    First Comment Combo Breaker 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    Try posting this on your local board
  • edited December 2011
    I am doing this package and I've had TONS of problems.  Its been the most frustrating thing ever.  I thought that booking the package would make it easier because everything would be included but it has been awful.  We're just hoping to get through it and have it done with.  What problems have you been having?
  • SnippylynnSnippylynn member
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Comment 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    Why are you having problems? it seems weird for them to cause issues before the wedding.
  • cenyoncenyon member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011

    Every meeting we have they change something. We were told we would have first pick for time of dinner (we signed contract first) and then all the sudden we couldn't have dinner till 8pm! They made an exception to have it at 7:15 like it is our fault. Then if you "upgrade" anything you loose certain parts of your package. Like you get free soft drinks and one keg included, well if you get any open bar deal you loose your keg beer and soft drinks and they will not take anything off!! Also we had to pay to set up a cash bar and we lost our free bartender. IT IS A JOKE. If you are thinking about going with this DON"T. Kent has been nothing but rude and unprofessional to my entire group. I am waiting till after my day to bring this up to people, because I know he would ruin my wedding. It is that bad. They are nickel and dimming us in every possible way. There are a million other things too. They also just told my mom they changed the credit card charge from 2% to 2.5% and that is in the signed contract for 2%. I am waiting till my day is done and then people are going to know the truth. Are you have similar problems? What are yours? I would love to get all the brides with this package together for a meeting with Kent. He told me no more then 5 people have complained about the package. I am so frustrated they have ruined this entire process for us!

  • jleigh1902jleigh1902 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I'm doing the package and do agree that they do nickel and dime you in other areas. However I have never had a problem with Kent being rude at all. He's answered all my questions promptly and changed things when I asked. Even with the "nickel and diming" it doesn't come close to what the cost would be during the spring/summer especially with nothing included (DJ, cake, etc.). Without the package there would be no way we could afford this place.
  • jleigh1902jleigh1902 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Also, if you signed a contract about the credit card charge being 2% and there's nothing in it about the possibility that it could change, then I think you could legally fight that.
  • akhensley81akhensley81 member
    First Comment First Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    Wow! I'm so sorry you're dealing with that! Is it too late for you to look in to using a different venue?
  • cenyoncenyon member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011

    We are three weeks away. I would if I could. I know it is going to be fine in the end. I just feel very mislead by everything. What's right is right.

  • SnippylynnSnippylynn member
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Comment 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    I don't know why you would pay to set up a cash bar.  Was there a bar already included?  I guess that you have to work within the confines of the signed contract, but it does suck when people aren't flexible.  
  • edited December 2011
    Our problems have been more communication issues between Mary Ellen and Kent.  We scheduled with Mary Ellen (and she has been very nice) and apparently someone else scheduled with Kent, and they didn't seem to make sure the schedules meshed properly.  Now my entire wedding has been pushed back (an hour or so - so not the end of the world) and its very frustrating.  Also, the "contract" they make you sign is a joke.  They expect you to hold up to everything in it, but they do not hold up to it on their end.  The contract says we are in a different ballroom, at a different time, with a different meal service.  Its been very frustrating.  Im pretty soft spoken, but luckily my mom can bitch them out when necessary.  We are finding that if you are firm and insistent they usually try to make something work.  Best of luck!
  • edited December 2011
    THanks for posting this! I just today found their winter package online and thought it seemed like such a great idea. I came on here specifically to see if anyone had any reviews on it. I would possible still look into it but it's so helpful to see what problems someone else had to potentially avoid them! Thanks again for posting and hopefully good karma will help make your wedding day go smoothly. Remember to take a deep breath and you guys are going to have a blast, no matter what :)
  • cenyoncenyon member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011

    The night was wonderful, but double check that they have the volume for the dvd turned up. They had to restart ours and turn up the volume. Also we had like 15 people not show up and they brought out the food anyways so tell your guest to eat doubles and let your mistress know to inform waiters to keep bringing the food out so it doesn't go to waste! If I think of anything else I will let you guys know. I would not recommend booking with the Grand Volute unless money isn't an option. But Kent really is trying to make as much money from you as possible even if it isn't morally right. They lost my business and all the people and friends I know.

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