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Furious...people are so effed up


Re: Furious...people are so effed up

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    People are despicable. I'm so sorry. I hope you manage to find a solution to this nasty situation!

    A friend of mine's cat was shot in the head with some sort of pellet/BB gun over the holidays. Cat's fine, aside from having a really ugly scar. They live in a fairly secluded part of town and don't really have neighbours, but they think it was someone from OOT anyway because the whole town is a conservancy so shooting ANY animal there is illegal, which all the locals know (and generally abide by). Probably some ill-mannered tourist and/or their offspring got said gun for Christmas and went out to test it on the first thing that moved.
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    slothiegalslothiegal member
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    edited February 2015
    WHAT.  THE.  ACTUAL.  FUCK.  I really, really truly and honestly don't know what I would do if someone had ever hurt any of my pets--I do know it would end me in a jail cell for at least the night, though.

    ETA I hate to bring this up, but I just had a "OH SHIT" moment--are these the same neighbors you mentioned a few months ago that used to do unspeakable things to their own dogs?

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    @slothiegal  yeah, they are.  They are so disgusting.  They have absolutely no value for animal life.  I think putting up security cameras (even fake ones) is a great idea.  Then at least they'll be held accountable to what they do.  

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    Those people seriously suck. I have no doubt that you are so pissed. If anyone did anything to any of my pets there would be hell to pay.

    One of cats, actually the one sticking her tongue out in my avi, we believe was abused by her previous owners. We found her wandering the street in the middle of winter and she was declawed. She walks with a slight limp in her back leg sometimes. When we took her to the vet to get it checked out he said that it is early onset arthritis and that she has signs of a previous injury that are common in cats that are kicked. If I ever meet these people I might seriously injure them. Every time it gets cold or rains and her little leg is in pain it seriously makes me want to track these people down. 
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    @jdluvr06 that is so sad!  Poor baby.  I'll be right there with you if you ever find them.  

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    H and I talk about what we'd do to someone if they hurt our animals probably more than we should. They would be sorry, for sure, and we would probably be in jail. 

    I'm so sorry. Bad neighbors are the worst let alone actual harmful bad neighbors. I'm tempted to ask what else they've done but I think it would get me too riled up because I already want to find these people and strangle them. The question of what to do when you know someone is abusing or neglecting their animals comes up a lot on my horse forums and basically, don't give up. Something will stick eventually, and I think CA is relatively stringent on their animal abuse laws. 
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    That is awful. And like another poser said, I think if a person harms an animal (or really another human for that matter) then they should recieve the same treatment.

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    My first instinct is to shoot the neighbor in the leg with a BB gun (hey, no video evidence!). But that would be Very Very Wrong, of course, and I certainly don't condone it (on a public forum. Hi, NSA!)

    I do condone:

    -Ordering All the Pizzas and sending them to their house. Use a burner phone.
    -Pissing on their flower beds in the dead of night
    -Posting a craigslist ad that encourages people looking for a kinky time to show up at their front door between the hours of 3 a.m. and 6 a.m. on a weekday
    -Sitting on your back porch/yard with a shotgun slung over your knees and giving them a long, hard stare every time they come outside

    I am so sorry. These people are pure trash, and I hope the law catches up to them soon. But in the meantime, do everything you can within the law to make them miserable. And cuddle your sweet dog!
    This baby knows exactly how I feel
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    levioosalevioosa member
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    edited February 2015
    I don't have an update regarding the neighbors, but I just thought I would let everyone know that pup seems to be doing just fine.  She's not favoring her leg anymore and she's back to her normal happy self.  She went outside with me yesterday, so at least she isn't too scared to enjoy her yard.  I'm working with my parents on options to make it clear to our neighbors that they're being watched--even if we're faking it.  Costco has a deal on security cameras so we might go with those.  It's a crazy package--there's like 15 cameras (my Dad is all hung-ho about putting them everywhere.  Dad, you don't need them in the interior hallway.  Nor do you need five different angles in the living room.  We don't have that much shit to steal).  

    Thanks everyone for your concern (and suggestions)!

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    There is a special place in hell for people who hurt animals.

    Could an arrangement of real and fake cameras help? Real gets you evidence but an overabundance would make the neighbors particularly uneasy.

    I'm glad the pooch is doing better.
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