Getting in Shape

Working out when sick

I have an allergy-induced sinus infection. I generally alternate between Zumba and kickboxing (dvds for both) with a rest day (just sun salutations in the am) every 5th day. With this sickness my energy level is wayy down, so I didn't do anything today. I don't want to get out of my routine, but also don't want to not get adequate rest, so I'm thinking maybe just the yoga and the 20 min express zumba workout until I'm back to normal.
 When you ladies are sick, how does it affect your routine? Do you forgo the workout for extra rest, lighten it up, or go on as usual?
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Re: Working out when sick

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    I've been sick for 4 weeks now... Yup. It blows. 
    I blacked out in my Body Step class last week. Prrreeetty awesome. 
    Unless I'm so sick that I'm stuck in the bathroom all day, I don't quit my routine. Usually hitting the gym helps my immune system kick out anything I have (I have NO idea why this thing is sticking around for FOUR WEEKS >_< ) 
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    When I get sick I usually get SICK.  It's usually something that hits hard but fast.  In those cases I really hate to get out of the routine, but I feel so awful that the thought of walking from my desk to the printer at work makes me feel worse, so going to the gym goes out the window.  I get over most things in about 4 days, so I just take those 4 days completely off, then go to one of the classes I usually take.  I know enough of the girls that they give me crap if I miss more than one, so it's enough motivation to get back into the swing of it.

    So essentially I have nothing useful to add to conversation other than do what your body tells you you should do.  For me that means completely laying off, but as some PPs have said going to the gym actually helps them get over it, so to each their own I guess!
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    Whats best for when you are sick,  is lighten it up and break a sweat,  but thats IT!

    Don't try and "Push through" it.  you'll just end up putting more stress on your immune system, which is already stressed from the illness its trying to combat.

    If its just in your head,  ie sniffles and sinus,  then you can can usually keep going with the cardio,  don't go all out though.  You don't want to prolong anything,  because then you just have more crappy workouts.

    If its in your chest,  like really bad coughing or respiratory infection,  you want to avoid cardio, you wont lose your fitness in a week or 2,  so don't worry.  

    I know it sucks, and I know how bad you want to keep it up,  but tis not worth it in the long run,   be smart and FEEL BETTER!!

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    edited February 2012
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Working out when sick</a>:
    [QUOTE]I've been sick for 4 weeks now... Yup. It blows.  I blacked out in my Body Step class last week. Prrreeetty awesome.  Unless I'm so sick that I'm stuck in the bathroom all day, I don't quit my routine. Usually hitting the gym helps my immune system kick out anything I have (I have NO idea why this thing is sticking around for <strong>FOUR WEEKS</strong> >_< ) 
    Posted by firsttimersluck[/QUOTE]

    <div>Please please please go see a doctor. Have you been working out since you passed out? I don't know your medical history but I would have taken that as a major sign to go see a dr. Being sick that long is not normal, it's really taxing on your body, and it needs to be addressed asap. I hope you get better soon!</div><div>
    </div><div>OP, if you really are sick or if you feel a cold coming on, please don't push through it. You could do more harm than good and prolong a cold if you stick it out. And don't worry about missing days, our bodies have great internal systems and will maintain our progress as long as you watch what you're eating. You're not going to lose progress if you take off a few days, you may feel weaker at first yes, but that's just bc you're getting over a cold. </div><div>
    </div><div>ETA: If you really want to do something, i would just do the sun salutations until you're better. </div>
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    Thanks for all the responses and well wishes! It is all in my nose and sinuses, so today I did my yoga, tai chi, and the shorter Zumba. I've always been active, but have family history of heart disease so I want to start taking extra good care of my body. I'm not really worried about if I'll lose progress, because I haven't really made any that is visible.
    Thanks again!
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Working out when sick</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Working out when sick : Please please please go see a doctor. Have you been working out since you passed out? I don't know your medical history but I would have taken that as a major sign to go see a dr. Being sick that long is not normal, it's really taxing on your body, and it needs to be addressed asap. I hope you get better soon! 
    Posted by Jaridds68[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>It was definitely my fault for pushing it on an extra hard Step class that morning. </div><div>I'm feeling better this week, finally. </div><div>It's just all chest... I've been struggling to breathe, but honestly it's not uncommon here (Seattle). This time of the year is just sooooo doom and gloom, that it makes it hard to get better once you get sick. I usually get sick only once a year, but when I do it lingers on</div><div>You're right.. I should probably pop into the doctor, but I'm stubborn.. and now that I'm feeling better, I wouldn't know what to have him check haha</div><div>
    </div><div>Yes. Since then, I have worked out every day but last Sunday, so about 8 gym sessions and doing just fine. Promise ;) Thank you for the concern! </div>
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Working out when sick</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Working out when sick : It was definitely my fault for pushing it on an extra hard Step class that morning.  I'm feeling better this week, finally.  It's just all chest... I've been struggling to breathe, but honestly it's not uncommon here (Seattle). This time of the year is just sooooo doom and gloom, that it makes it hard to get better once you get sick. I usually get sick only once a year, but when I do it lingers on You're right.. I should probably pop into the doctor, but I'm stubborn.. and now that I'm feeling better, I wouldn't know what to have him check haha Yes. Since then, I have worked out every day but last Sunday, so about 8 gym sessions and doing just fine. Promise ;) Thank you for the concern! 
    Posted by firsttimersluck[/QUOTE]

    <div>Glad you're feeling better! I'd still go check out what's going on...esp since it's in your chest, I'd be worried about pneumonia/walking pneumonia. I can be stubborn too but sometimes I need a friendly kick in the butt ;)</div>
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