Wedding Etiquette Forum


Re: :TemerityJane:

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    Was it the fact that I answered the proposal with "oh sh!t" or the fact that I followed it up with "Oh my gosh, I don't even have pants on!" that got you? Heh.Thanks! It was really special for us.
    On bed rest since Groundhog's Day and every day since has been exactly the same.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Haha! I liked the whole thing really.Where are you living now that you won't drive around?
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    Arizona. I moved out here because he's stationed here and couldn't come to me. I was in a bad wreck when I was a bit younger that was pretty traumatizing, so I'm a tense driver at the best of times. Now I have no idea where I am and I work at home, so I rarely need to drive... the longer you go without doing it, the harder it is to get started again, I guess.
    On bed rest since Groundhog's Day and every day since has been exactly the same.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    OMG! That is probably the most awesome proposal ever. He was right to call you the Maid of Awesome!
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    My sister totally claimed the "Maid of Awesome" title.
    On bed rest since Groundhog's Day and every day since has been exactly the same.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Oh, the Nerdfighter community (oh it's such a long story) is full of all kinds of inside jokes and the fact that Nerdfighters are "made of awesome" is one of them. Just so happens it works well for a wedding, too.
    On bed rest since Groundhog's Day and every day since has been exactly the same.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Ah! My FIL's live in Goodyear!  Arizona is probably one of the easiest places to drive because everything is laid out in a square.  Every little "area" has its own grocery store and well... everything, right there.  It's not bad to drive around in!I was in a really bad wreck as well, and I'll never forget how angry I was with my parents when the forced me to drive the next day.  Now, I'm grateful because I don't have any lingering fear over that.  But, I haven't driven in a really long time either because I just refuse to here.  You want to meet some seriously f'd up drivers, this is your place to do it.
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    Goodyear is right down the street!My parents waited 8 months before they put me behind the wheel again. My brother and sister were both in the car as well and my parents were also very shaken, of course.I definitely really need to make more of an effort to drive, especially since I'm home all day and can easily run to the store during the non-busy hours when everyone is at work.Well, not everyone. Sun City is also right down the street, full of retirees WHO DON'T USE TURN SIGNALS.
    On bed rest since Groundhog's Day and every day since has been exactly the same.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I figured it was.  We've driven by the base more than a couple times.  Aaand those non-turn-signal-using old folks would be the FIL's.  FMIL will only drive somewhere by turning right.  When we visit, she has FI drive and always tells him to turn right instead of letting him take the shorter route by turning left.  He has to say, "Are you sure I can't take a left here?"
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    Lefts are a big problem for me. When Phil is driving, I cover my eyes when we turn left.
    On bed rest since Groundhog's Day and every day since has been exactly the same.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Well, you and FMIL need to get together then. Definitely. :)
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    Haha, I'll ride my sweet purple beach cruiser over to see her. That would make a grand total of 2 people I know in Arizona!
    On bed rest since Groundhog's Day and every day since has been exactly the same.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I warn you ahead of time, she and FFIL are a liiiiittle on the cooky side.  Like, yeah.  Weird.Where have you been? We were there once and I got dragged around to all these open houses up in the hills.  Man, I just wanted to go to Sedona!  I've been there before, but not for long enough time.
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    Well, Phil had surgery at a hospital in the city, so I've been... to that hospital.His family lives in Bullhead City, right near Laughlin, Nevada, and we were there for Thanksgiving.I go on base a lot, haha.Wow, this is making my life sound pretty sad! I used to say "I've only been here since March!" but that's 4 and a half months now.
    On bed rest since Groundhog's Day and every day since has been exactly the same.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    It's all right.  I'll be the last person to give you crap about staying in your house.  I get crap all the time!  It's pretty annoying.  Besides, it's super hot and the last thing I want to do at this moment is take a walk to an unairconditioned store or coffee bar....
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