Snarky Brides

Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness!

Please keep eating chiplote ladies, it's working. Cali Jr has gained 12 oz, YAY!!!! She only gained 2 last time!!! I am so excited, A and I just hugged outside the u/s room. Her cord is NORMAL!!!! I am such a proud momma.So the stats, Savannah gained 10 oz and weighs 3lbs 8oz, Cali gained the 12oz and weighs 2 lbs 9oz. The cord flow should again be under a ratio fo 4 for this gestation age. Savannah's was 2.6 and Cali's was 3.4 (she was 4.2 on Monday). YAY!!!They were 36% discordance and now it's 26%!!!!! I am so happy! Savannah is in the 40% of growth and Cali is now above the below 10% and is at 12%. (This is huge)The nurses all hugged me when I came back up and were all excited for us:)
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Baby Trail Blog
"Someday we will look at our babies and know it will be worth it. If it was easy, we would not have had our babies, the babies we were meant to have." From Amy052006
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Re: Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness!

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