Getting in Shape

Workout accountability Monday

Morning all!

I am up early so I figured I would get the ball rolling.

This weekend was not bad but not great for workouts. I  didnt get any formal workouts in but I got a LOT of exercise. FI and I decided to make our wedding favours-jars of pickles!!
we dont own a car so just collecting the supplies was a workout (  FI is still not 100% so I decided to carry/lug everything and try and make it look easy so he didnt feel bad about not being able to help) let me tell you..walking with 40 pounds of cuc's on your back is not easy!  after the prepping/cleaning and canning process I was  exhausted and most of my body hurts more then after a hard workout!

tonight I may spin or go for a run not sure yet.

happy monday all
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Re: Workout accountability Monday

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    Saturday I did the cardio that I missed on Friday, and yesterday we began putting the sheeting on the walls (man, that stuff is HEAVY!) Today will be more of that.

    Going to hit the elliptical first and try a magazine workout that looks to be a hybrid of yoga and plyo - should be interesting. I'm getting close to my revised goal and need to get some weight training back into my routine, so I can get some muscle tone going on!

    Happy Monday everyone!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    Soup - Jars of pickles?! How cute! What's the meaning behind those?

    Got in two really good work outs this weekend and did really well food wise. Saturday I did arms and shoulders and ran 3.25 miles. Sunday I ran 3.85 miles and did back and abs. I'm trying to increase my milage a little bit. FSIL and FMIL came over Sunday and we finished our centerpieces. I have my final fitting this week. I always get super nervous before a dress fitting!
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    Good morning!

    This weekend was okay workout and food wise but not ideal.

    Friday I got to the gym and did 35 minutes on the elliptical, but I had got there late so that was all I had time for before they closed.

    Saturday I got a 3 mile walk in with FI and a friend...after we of course finished eating dinner at a restaurant. It just about evened out.

    Yesterday FI and I biked up to the gym. I did 25 minutes on the stairmaster (finally increased the intensity and I felt like It was going to kill me!), then I got 20 minutes of weightlifting. We biked from the gym to an ice cream place a couple of miles away, then we biked home. The ice cream was probably a poor decision but we've both been stressed and felt like a treat.

    I want so badly to go to body combat tonight and get a workout in, but I seriously don't think I have time.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:238Discussion:cfeb0250-0ddc-4b91-b798-3a22791a51f9Post:dd405dab-def7-42ef-8386-ee38ff76f6db">Re: Workout accountability Monday</a>:
    [QUOTE]Morning! Soup - Jars of pickles?! How cute! What's the meaning behind those? Got [/QUOTE]

    thanks! we often get teased about how much we love pickles and keep a large amount on hand at all times.  We have also hosted/ been to pickle parties where groups get together and...well they get together to make pickles :)  We thought making them for a favour would be unique and something personal. I really hope they turn out because they were SO much work!
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    Good morning everyone!

    This weekend was.. not great. We were up at FI's family beach house doing work (staining, digging holes for posts to screw this stupid lattice to, etc.) so we were so busy that food got very little thought. BBQ'd hot dogs, pop and chips. Then FI's dad made steak & potatoes Saturday night. Then FI insisted on ice cream on the way home last night. *Sigh*. We got ice cream at about 3:00, and I didn't eat anything after that until breakfast this morning. My body just felt heavy from all of the crap food.

    Today I've got to drive up to Edmonton to take a few more things I'll need for the school year and to test out my public transit route. I have to take a bus to the LRT (light rail transit) and then the LRT to the university. I'm used to just driving to where I need to go, but this will be much cheaper (and enviro friendly!) - I just have to practice the route before I have my first day of class lol.

    Today food is going to be good. Exercise will happen in the form up lugging things up and down stairs.

    Have a good day everyone!
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    Welcome back from the weekend everyone!

    @kwitherington - feel better!!  hopefully a little rest will do the trick.  I've been feeling not great the past few days as well and think i might be coming down with something as well.  grrrr.

    This weekend was... good and bad.  Saturday I took a 3 mile walk and ate well.  But didn't really work out because I was resting for Warrior Dash on Sunday.  Actually running the race on Sunday was a LOT of fun, and so much harder than I thought.  I routinely run 5-6 miles per day, so I figured a 3 mile run with obstacles wouldn't be so bad.  But let me tell you, it was tougher than I anticipated.  I think because you never get into a rhythm so I always felt like I was trying to catch my breath.  Plus the course was VERY hilly, and I haven't been the greatest at including hills in my running workouts.  BUT, I completed it in 46 minutes, and was able to do all of the obstacles without assistance (even the upper body strength ones that I was concerned about).  And my FI ran it with me, so it was something fun and new for us to do together, yay!!  I probably shouldn't have stopped on the way home at my local festival to eat an elephant ear, but oh well, you win some you lose some!

    Today I'm a little sore, and my legs are pretty cut up and bruised.  Plus it's TOTALLY a snuggle under a blanket kind of day here in Ohio, so my motivation is pretty low.  But I'm going to try to get out for short recovery run, somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 miles.

    Good luck to everyone today!!
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    @entropic- Happy wedding week! 
    @Maribeth - enjoy the final fitting, I am sure it will go well.

    The weekend was good workout wise.  We did a hike on Saturday the first time in about a month since H has been sick.  Was good to get back out there.  We went shopping to start getting equipment to begin P90X next month. 

    Unfortunately food on the weekend wasn't nearly as good a few cocktails on Saturday & junk food at the movies.  I partially feel that with the HM starting this week I should really just forget about the healthy stuff and pick it up when we get back.  

    August 2012 - Married! Follow Me on Pinterest
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    On the honeymoon I'm not going to be very strict. It's one week. We want to be able to go to restaurants and drink and things. I'm not going to totally binge or anything but I'm not going to food log or anything. I don't plan on working out either. There isn't a gym and I don't see myself running outside in the heat so I'm not going to waste all that space in my suitcase.
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    While I didn't exactly work out today, I did do some arm and ab exercises, AND I managed to go to the mall and not buy anything (that includes food)!
     A small victory in my book :)
    I was running about a mile and a half every day, but that was when I was working at a summer camp. Wouldn't be the worst of things to get back into...

    Oh! If anyone is interested in Weight Watchers but can't afford it, try using SPARKPEOPLE.COM it's completely free and has an app for your smart phone if you're able to do that.

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    Hey everyone,

    Great job on weekend workouts!  I did pretty good this weekend with workouts - kept to my normal Bootcamp and Zumba, with a few walks in the mix as well.  Food wasn't as good, as we celebrated my birthday!  But today I was back on track.  Since I'm off all summer, I enjoyed working out in the morning, but now that I'm getting back in the school routine, I couldn't work out until after work.  I did bootcamp today and gave it my all.  I had a back to school open house and snacked a little, but not terrible!  Just got to keep working hard!

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    edited August 2012
    @KW & Entropic: Happy wedding week!!

    @maribeth: The final fitting will be've worked so hard and you will look great.

    About the HM convo: girls, you better be burnin' LOTS of calories on the other way! ;)

    My weekend was fine...wanted to do a test 10K for my race this Saturday but ended up doing 5.3mi cuz I had to go to the bathroom. (TMI, sorry...) Then yesterday I kicked my own booty doing weights at the gym, tons of upper body and squats/lunges/etc.

    Tomorrow is a busy day so I decided to run today instead of tomorrow...definitely rough on my sore legs but I did almost 4 miles so I am happy about that.

    Food has been decent...neighbors had a bbq on Saturday and the food was delicious! I didn't get too crazy though...
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    @kw totally missed it was your wedding week too. Congrats and enjoy! We are headed to Yellowstone and the Tetons for our HM. The first part will be lots of hiking and working out. The second half in Jackson is more relaxing.

    August 2012 - Married! Follow Me on Pinterest
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