Wedding Customs & Traditions Forum

New twist on feeding each other...

I dont remember where i saw it or read about it, but somewhere i w=saw that instead of cutting the ake and feeding each other, you have your best man and maid of honor stand with you at the cake and once you cut the cake, instead of feeding each other, you turn and smear it on the MOH, and BM. My question is, how do you get them to stand up with us?

Re: New twist on feeding each other...

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    Why on earth would you want to smear food on your MOH and BM?  As far as getting them to stand up with you, I guess you'd just have to ask them if they would like to stand up so you can smear your wedding cake all over them.

    This is really weird.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:36Discussion:398bbd9f-bdfb-4ee6-8e51-968ebebd0568Post:80891b49-2960-455d-bd2c-4261a27278ef">New twist on feeding each other...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I dont remember where i saw it or read about it, but somewhere i w=saw that instead of cutting the ake and feeding each other, you have your best man and maid of honor stand with you at the cake and once you cut the cake, instead of feeding each other, you turn and smear it on the MOH, and BM. My question is, how do you get them to stand up with us?
    Posted by DaisyDwyer91[/QUOTE]

    Please don't do this.
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    Wow thats really mean. It's not cute or fun or funny in anyway. I wouldn't be above punching someone in they put cake in my face.

    So no, I won't help you concoct a plan to decieve and embarass your nearest and dearest. 
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    I'm not even a fan of the B&G smearing cake on each other, but smearing it on your BM and MOH?  Without getting permission?  What a wonderful way to show your love for them.

    Why don't we all stop trying to make our weddings just so funny and original?  

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    I wouldn't let anyone smash cake in my face, not even FI. Why would you want to do this to one of the most important people in your life? Are you harboring some anger towards them?
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    edited April 2013
    Why stop there? Throw a cake at your grandmother, that would be really funny, especially if she slips on some frosting and falls. 
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    I think any kind of cake smearing is completely classless. 
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
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    You want to honor those closest to smashing cake in their faces? Wow.

    Don't do this. 
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    edited April 2013
    This is the stupidest idea I have ever heard.


    Literally. THE. Stupidest.

    Where did you hear of this? Please tell me it was on an episode of Springer.
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    Horrendous. So tasteless and humiliating. If I were in a wedding and the bride smashed cake on me I would cry, and that would probably be the end of our friendship.
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    Based on your previous posts, I'm going to go out on a limb here and call MUD.

    I mean, unless your MOH and BM are cool with this, then why the heck would you want to put food on them? And if they ARE okay with this, then why are you asking us how to get them up there so you can smash cake on them? I mean, if they are cool with this, just tell them to stand up next to you when you go up to cut the cake.

    All in all, this sounds like a terrible waste of perfectly good cake.
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    I don't like cake smashing in general, let alone when you bring innocent parties into the picture.

    It is rude.
    It is classless.
    It is MEAN.

    How are they going to get the icing out of their clothes, their hair and then repair their makup?
    photo composite_14153800476219.jpg
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    RamonaFlowersRamonaFlowers member
    First Anniversary 5 Love Its Name Dropper First Comment
    edited April 2013
    This is really only a good idea if you really hate your BM and MOH and are dying to publicly tell them so.

    Seriously. This is just tacky and really mean to people you allegedly care a lot about.

    *I felt sorry for my husband before I met him. Take a number.*

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    Dear God, please let this be MUD. There can't be a real person out there who thinks this is a good idea.
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    Just saying, if a bride did that to me, she would very quickly have red wine ALL over her dress. And I don't even usually drink red wine. But I would find some and throw it on her in a hurry.
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    This is awful. If you did this to me, the verdict would be out on whether or not I would talk to you again.

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    Did you search the internet for the absolutely most classless thing you could do at your wedding?  I mean other than getting naked and mooning the crowd.
    Don't make me mobilize OffensiveKitten



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    This is the worst idea I've heard in a long time.  And I teach high school, so I hear a lot of really bad ideas.
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    In Response to <a href="">New twist on feeding each other...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I dont remember where i saw it or read about it, but somewhere i w=saw that instead of cutting the ake and feeding each other, you have your best man and maid of honor stand with you at the cake and once you cut the cake, instead of feeding each other, you turn and smear it on the MOH, and BM. My question is, how do you get them to stand up with us?
    Posted by DaisyDwyer91[/QUOTE]

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    Also, if you tried to do that to me I would slap you so hard you'd be wearing my finger imprints for all the rest of your wedding day photos.

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    In Response to <a href="">New twist on feeding each other...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I dont remember where i saw it or read about it, but somewhere i w=saw that instead of cutting the ake and feeding each other, you have your best man and maid of honor stand with you at the cake and once you cut the cake, instead of feeding each other, you turn and smear it on the MOH, and BM. My question is, how do you get them to stand up with us?
    Posted by DaisyDwyer91[/QUOTE]

    <div>W. T. F.</div><div>
    </div><div>Seriously, that's all I got. Nuts man, just nuts.</div>
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    I would be SOOOOOOO mad.
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    Oh and hey, at the same time you are doing this, you should rig up a catapult, and have the DJ fling punch on them from across the room, at high speed.  Bonus points if the punch is full of still frozen strawberries and ice chunks.

    ... and then...

    SCREAM "Ba-zing-ga!"

    Yes. You totally should.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: New twist on feeding each other...</a>:
    [QUOTE]Sweet little 6lb 5oz baby Jesus with a head full of hair, I just googled "cake smashing, maid of honor".  I am officially horrified at the apparent popularity of this idea.
    Posted by StageManager14[/QUOTE]

    I now find the need to google this. I'm.....horrified by the idea of smashing cake in my friends' faces. I mean, B&G - if they agree to smashing, go for it. It's not something I would do and FI already know to not try it. Why on earth would you smash cake in your friends' faces? You'd get something spilled on your dress real quick if you did that to me.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:36Discussion:398bbd9f-bdfb-4ee6-8e51-968ebebd0568Post:c8c5c05e-e2a7-4801-ade8-faf8f73d1ecc">Re: New twist on feeding each other...</a>:
    [QUOTE]Did you search the internet for the absolutely most classless thing you could do at your wedding?  I mean other than getting naked and mooning the crowd.
    Posted by Peledreamsofrain[/QUOTE]

    Actually, the most tasteless thing would be pretending to get naked and moon the crowd, but then--SURPRISE--turn around and depants the unsuspecting MOH and BM.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: New twist on feeding each other...</a>:
    [QUOTE]Why don't we all stop trying to make our weddings just so funny and original?  
    Posted by monkeysip[/QUOTE]

    <div>Because brides are constantly struggling to one-up each other with the most original ceremony, coreographed first-dance, and inappropriatly funny bridal party pictures.</div><div>
    </div><div>The cake smearing idea would only work if everyone was already plastered drunk and they didn't care. Personally, I don't recommend either.</div>
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    In Response to <a href="">New twist on feeding each other...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I dont remember where i saw it or read about it, but somewhere i w=saw that instead of cutting the ake and feeding each other, you have your best man and maid of honor stand with you at the cake and once you cut the cake, instead of feeding each other, you turn and smear it on the MOH, and BM. My question is, how do you get them to stand up with us?
    Posted by DaisyDwyer91[/QUOTE]

    <div>If I were your MOH I would deck you. Flat out punch you in the face.</div><div>
    </div><div>This is *literally* the worst idea I've ever heard.</div>
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Anniversary 
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: New twist on feeding each other...</a>:
    [QUOTE]Sweet little 6lb 5oz baby Jesus with a head full of hair, I just googled "cake smashing, maid of honor".  I am officially horrified at the apparent popularity of this idea.
    Posted by StageManager14[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>Oh. My. Word.  I just googled it too.  If someone did that to me, I would probably grin and bear it and not make a scene but I would not be happy.  Or, I quite likely would grab a handful of cake, and smear it back!

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    I've  seen it done.  Planned ahead, and all participants knew what was going to happen.  Plus, they were all pretty schnockered at the time.  The only people laughing were those 4 people. Everyone else just kind of sat there in shock, dumbfounded.  And then there was a LOT of whispering and eye rolling after.  Kind of took the fun, party atmosphere out of the evening, too.  Everyone was so appalled that they went through with it that the party was pretty much over at that point.  I heard it took a lot of conversations with parents, grandparents, and other parties with opinions to knock it into their heads what an awful thing it really was. 
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: New twist on feeding each other...</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: New twist on feeding each other... : Actually, the most tasteless thing would be pretending to get naked and moon the crowd, but then--SURPRISE--turn around and depants the unsuspecting MOH and BM.
    Posted by NOLAbridealmost[/QUOTE]
    Good lord, don't give OP any ideas!

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