Outdoor Weddings

Where to buy?!

Hi ladies! I have a few questions. First off, does anyone have any white table clothes from their wedding I can buy or know a great place to find inexpensive table clothes. I think it will be cheaper than renting them. Also I am having a hard time finding a place that will let me rent a dance floor without having to rent a tent. I already have the tent and most places I have spoken to wont let me rent a dance floor unless it's installed under one of their tents. This wedding is a DIY do any suggestions are greatly appreciated!!!

Re: Where to buy?!

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    I would look over on Wedding Classifieds and check your local Craigslist as well for the linens.

    Are you renting this tent as well?  If so, I would imagine they would also have a dance-floor to rent.  I am not much help on the dance-floor issue....obviously.


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    for table cloths see if there is restaurant or catering company that will let you rent them.  I am no help on the dance floor either, sorry.  I know there are floors you can make and piece together, but would have no clue where to rent them (you would have to buy the ones I am thinking of).

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    Our restaurant could rent them cheaper than I could buy them. I bought runners at tableclothes.com.
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