Wedding Etiquette Forum

warning: long post, but it's a LONG story. was i rude? what do you think?

This happened to me several years ago when I was still married to my ex-husband.

He had a very close friend from high school who got engaged.  He was asked to be a groomsman.  We were invited to the engagement party.  It was lovely.  About halfway through the party the bride tapped me and said she needed to see me outside.  When we got out there she informed that she would not be asking me to be in her wedding just because my husband was being asked to be a groomsman. 

I never, in a million years, would have expected to be in her wedding.  I barely even knew the girl.  I thought it was a little odd but I just smiled and said, "I totally understand."

She then told me that she was willing to honour me by making me her "Go To Girl".  She explained that on the day of the wedding, if she needed any errands run or had tasks to be completed that she would be calling upon me to do them.  I smiled, said ok and agreed to help her. 

Wedding day comes.  I dutifully call her that morning to ask her, how I can help, what can I do?  She tells me "nothing" and that she doesn't need me to come to her bridal suite as she has all the bridesmaids and MOH and her mom and everybody there and it's really too crowded for me to be there.  I am told to meet the bridal party at the church and there receive my orders.

My husband leaves so he can go be in the groomsman pictures.  I make my way to the church and knock on the bridal suite.  I am told by the MOH that I am not needed, that they are very busy in there and the bride doesn't want me.  I am told to go sit on a bench and await orders.  I feel kind of strange by now.  Kind of lonely and weird and I am remembering my wedding day and I can't remember treating anybody this way.  But I figure, "well, hey, everybody is stressed out... maybe some stuff has gone wrong... it's her day... just hang out and be cool."

Finally mom of bride comes out and tells me that I am to go to the church vestibule and organize the little "tears of joy" tissue packs and that every woman, as she enters the church, must be given one.  And might I add that she spoke to me like an errant vendor.  At the time I had never heard of a "Day Of Coordinator" but looking back now, that was the exact vibe.

So I go to the vestibule and I organize and smile and greet people.  Mother of the Bride pulls me aside after everybody is seated and gives me my next assignment.  I am now told that, upon exiting the church, EVERY SINGLE person must be given a candle with a little paper cup on the bottom because there is to be candlelit procession the three blocks to the restaurant. 

Ceremony occurs, ceremony ends, wedding party retires to take pictures away from guests.  I do my very best to make sure that ALL 100 people hurrying away from the church to get outside get their precious candles and I am trying to explain to as many people as possible that there will be this candlelit procession but it's hard to grab everybody and wrangle and organize.  Keep in mind, I know NONE of these people.  I am there as a guest, as the wife of a groomsman.

Well, before you know it, of course people are lighting their candles and wandering away to the restaurant.  Somehow Mom of Bride finds this out, comes screaming toward me, "WHY ARE YOU LETTING THEM LEAVE?  WHY ARE THEIR CANDLES LIT?  WE ARE STILL TAKING PICTURES, WE ARE NOT READY FOR THE PROCESSION!"... IN FRONT OF ALL THESE PEOPLE.

 I was ready for the earth to open, I was so humiliated.  Then I am told that I need to hightail my ass (in heels) to the restaurant to make sure that everything is ready and organize the placecard table.  I do this, practically breaking an ankle to get there because I want it PERFECT for this bride.  I was a bride less than a year before and I knew how important perfect felt.  So I walk into this restaurant and I have to start questioning staff, "is everything ready?".  Which I feel super weird about because they have no idea who I am. 

Finally we are ready, the placecards are set up, the bride and groom enter the room first at the head of the processional.  I am the only person standing in the room, the bride is heading right toward me and I am smiling at her, excited to see her, hug her and see if she is happy with her reception setting.  She cuts me dead, walks right by me like I don't even exist.  I felt like a piece of scenery.  But I figure, "hey, she's stressed, she's exhausted, she's excited." 

I spent the next 45 minutes helping everybody to find their placecards and get organized to find their seat.  Strangely enough, as soon as I am done I realized, "hey, I better find my placecard." 

Guess what, no placecard for me.  Not only is my husband seated at the Head Table with all the bridal party without me, there's just no seat available for me at all.  I kind of fade into the woodwork for a few minutes and then suddenly the Father of the Bride seems to notice me.  He asks where my seat is, he has figured out I am a guest, he is very concerned.  I am touched by this.  He is apologizing like mad, here comes Mother of the Bride who is annoyed that Father of the Bride (who she is divorced from) is not where he is supposed to be, outside, with the wedding guests.  She tells him to get where he is supposed to be, looks at me like I am something on the bottom of her shoe and instructs me that I will be seated in a separate room, at a small table where the vendors are being fed. 

By now I'm kind of fighting back a few tears and I just nod and do as I am told.  The vendors I am sitting with are very nice people and we have a lovely meal - the food and drink was GREAT.  It was a very pretty reception. 

After dinner the dancing begins.  Keep in mind I have not exchanged one word with my husband since he left early that morning for photography.  They do the daddy/daughter dance, they do the bride/groom dance... then it's time for each groomsman to dance with their bridal party partner.  Then each groomsman is to dance with each other member of the bridal party, one by one.... etc...  Clearly this was going to go on for sometime...

At this point I broke.  I did something terrible.  I went out of the room and found the bar and had a good stiff drink.  Then I asked the bartender (who was very nice and could tell that I was clearly miserable) a favour.  I pointed out my husband and I asked him to give him a note from me saying, "I have gone back to the room.  See you when you are done here. Have fun. Love, Me"

Then I left and walked 10 blocks, in heels, back to our room.  He showed up around 4am LIVID with me.  Then I tearfully explained it all to him.  He was quickly mortified by the whole story. 

I never heard from the bride or groom again after that.  Granted, they were living in a different part of the state after they got married so it wasn't like our paths would cross.  My husband told the bride and groom some time later what had happened and nobody ever apologized.

Was I wrong to leave?  Was that bad manners?  What do you think about a situation like this?

Many thanks to those who took the time to read this WAY TOO LONG post.  I appreciate it.

Re: warning: long post, but it's a LONG story. was i rude? what do you think?

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    No you weren't wrong. You got seated with the vendors? Wow.

    I think you should've started by saying no to bring the go to girl.
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    Holy shitballs. No, I don't think you were at all rude for leaving. How you were treated is insane!!! I would have left too. Eff that bride! she should be ashamed of herself (though it sounds like she's a mornic ahole and therefor is clueless about her actions).
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    Wow, I can't imagine being so mean to anyone like that bride was! By the way, I've never been to a wedding where the bridal party danced together without their significant others (except for one choreographed dance once). Is that normal?
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    You weren't rude at all.  The couple and their family and wedding party members (other than the FOB) were insanely rude to you.
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    That's horrible.  :(  I would be livid with my husband too if he never even noticed I wasn't around that whole time either.  I would too be glad to not have to see those people again.

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    That is fucking bullshit. I can't believe you were treated that way. I agree you should just cut these people from your lives and forget about them.
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
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    But seriously... Is it normal to ask bridesmaids and groomsmen who are not a couple to dance together? I would feel really awkward if someone told me I had to dance with a stranger.
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    Blue_BirdBlue_Bird member
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Love Its First Answer
    edited February 2014
    That is just unbelievable. I am so sorry that happened to you, and I'm happy these people are out of your life. This should be posted as a cautionary tale to brides who want to "include" people by making them "Personal Attendants". I also recommend posting this story on Etiquette Hell.

    Edited for spelling.
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    Why am I posting about it so many years later?  Probably because I have felt a lot of guilt about walking out like that and I've been beating myself up about it for years.  Right after we got back from this Destination Wedding (we had paid a pretty penny to get ourselves there) I told some friends at work about it and they told me I was a terrible, selfish bitch for leaving without thanking the family for inviting me - that it was The Bride's Day, and I had to think about how she was feeling, etc.   I only recently found these boards and reading what you guys think of stuff I was curious to know what your thoughts would be.  I guess I wanted to be morally exonerated?  is that silly?
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    Hell no you were not a horrible selfish bitch!  OMG at those people that would think that - what assholes.  

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    Yeah the whole regimented "everybody must dance with each person one after another in the wedding party" was new to me.  It seemed like maybe it was some formal tradition.... this was a very large Italian family so I just assumed this was part of the deal.  I'm half Armenian and we have dancing traditions at our weddings - you get "danced in" to your reception by your family members. 
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    Wow, your better than me I wold have been a SELFISH BITCH and demanded my FH leave with me. Wedding Party or not, I will not be treated that way and would be damned if my FH would let someone treat me that way. You poor thing, you did everything right. Im glad to hear your out of that horrible marriage :)
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    Wow!  That is a horrible story. What a terrible bride and mother of the bride! Hope karma come along and smacks them in the ass one day. I would have done almost the exact same thing in your place, only I would have pulled my husband aside first and told him why I was leaving early before going. (Knowing how my fiance is now he either would have left with me, or would have gone in, demanded a seat for me, and then danced with me in the middle of the floor all night ignoring any more groomsman duties... and probably picked up our gift on the way out)
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    But seriously... Is it normal to ask bridesmaids and groomsmen who are not a couple to dance together? I would feel really awkward if someone told me I had to dance with a stranger.
    I've never seen this and think it sounds weird.

    OP, my heart was breaking for you as I read your post.  You were DEFINITELY not rude.  Be happy you've never had to cross their paths again, nobody deserves to be treated like that.
    Formerly known as flutterbride2b
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    Oh he was.  After our divorce I worked hard to try and transform our relationship into a friendship - I just didn't know when to quit trying.  It was pathetic.  The final straw was when I invited him over for dinner one night and he stole some of my medications.  He didn't even know what they were, just took him for his personal use.  At the time I was super broke and I was dependent upon a drug assistance program by the manufacturer for low-income people.  In other words, I got exactly how many I could use for 30 days at a time with no chance for more - I could NOT run out.  And I NEEDED those medications to stay functional.  At the time there was a ton of stress when I mysteriously ran short at the end of that month.  It was financially and emotionally scary at the time and I couldn't figure out where those pills had gone.  I later found out he had stolen them that night at dinner.  It really hurt me.

    Story has a sad ending, my exhusband died last summer - of an aneurysm - during sex.... with his current girlfriend with whom he'd had a child, less than a year before.  I found out he'd been arrested for domestic violence against this same girl less than a month before he died.  He was a big old mess.  He never displayed any violent tendencies towards me, I feel lucky I got out and away from him when I did.  It's all just sad, sad, sad all the way around.
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    Oh my god. That is very sad.
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    That is very sad.  But yes, you are lucky to have recognized that it was time to go and got out.
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    looking back Iearned some real lessons about human behaviour from it all... that's why when I hear stories about men having totally secret lives from their wives I never am surprised. we were together sooo long and I never really knew him. nobody wants to go into marriage suspicious but we really need to keep our eyes open & protect ourselves. people WILL lie.
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