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Happy Friday Eve everyone!

What's going on? Is everyone ready for the weekend yet?

The weather here is so hot and humid, it makes doing anything unbearable. Yesterday after work I ran some errands and by the time I was done, I told H to just order pizza, I didn't want to heat up the kitchen.

We ate delicious pizza (steak and cheese pizza) and watched BB. I have to pack tonight for this weekend since I'll be getting up at 4am tomorrow. NOT looking forward to that.

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Re: Thursday!!!!

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    Hello there! I am ready for the weekend, as today is my Friday! 

    We had an incident at cheer last night.. 4 of 21 girls were found to have lice. We have to pay to have someone come in and clean the mats and we need to keep checking the girls to make sure it doesn't spread. UGH. So friggen gross. I took the longest shower last night and just scrubbed the shit out of my head. I don't have any but I am NOT taking a chance.

    Tomorrow our office is closed. I don't have to use my own time since I worked a bunch extra to get ready for back to school so that is good. I'll prob clean up around the house, snuggle the shit out of Tessie and marathon Ghost Adventures. That night they are doing a movie night at the HS for all the Pop Warner kids. They rent a giant screen and play Remember the Titans. We have a ton of food and it's fun for the kids.

    Saturday I don't have any plans during the day, but at night I have my Fantasy draft!! I can't wait. Sunday I don't really have any plans either as of right now. Monday is our first game since it's a Holiday. It will be a fun football filled weekend and I can't even wait!
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    @caseface5 UGH lice is the worst, hopefully you'll be okay, but if I were you, I would start washing my hair with lice shampoo because if you do have eggs in your hair (not saying that you do), and you either blow dry your hair or flat iron it, whatever, the eggs will hatch. Not fun at all!

    @cocobellaf those puppy paws are adorable!!!! Quigley loves to sleep in bed with us, but with the weather, he's been sleeping by the ceiling bed which is at the foot of our bed, he tosses and turns all the time and then falls off the bed which wakes everyone up. We're thinking tonight about just having him sleep on the floor (I sound like a horrible fur parent now) just so he can be near the AC vent and not fall off the bed again.

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    @buddysmom80 - Baxter prefers to snuggle me at bed time, and then he goes to sleep in his dog bed until about 4 AM.  You're not a horrible fur parent!  Does he have a dog bed or a pad to lay on?  Poor little guy!!
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    Happy Friday Eve!

    Nothing much doing up here. Tonight I'll stay late and study for accounting where there are no cats walking across my book. Two meetings and class today, so I'll be hopping most of the day. Tomorrow night is for gaming. Saturday my mom and I are going shopping for work clothes when I can pick up things on Labor Day sale. Going to dodge the rain and t'storms as much as possible. Sunday nothing much doing, and Monday I have to work. 
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    @buddysmom80 - where are you off to at 4am? Sorry if I missed it before.

    @caseface5 - scrub away!

    @CocoBellaF - puppy paws make me squeeeee!!

    I had posted another thread but @buddysmom80 and I had a jinx moment so I'll just copy below:

    I have a half day tomorrow and they are letting us WFH so it's sort of my Friday today.

    I hurried out of the house a few minutes early this morning and STILL missed the train. So now I have to wait 10 min. I swear, no matter what time I leave my house I always just barely miss the train. I hate relying on public transportation.

    I don't have a ton of weekend sister is hosting a pool party at her new place on Saturday so I'll go to that. Unfortunately FI has to work so he will miss it. That's it for plans! I have a lot of TV to catch up on though (like the entire season of Teen Mom 2!).
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    @cocobellaf he does have a dog bed, we bought him an $80 dog bed from LL Bean that he never uses. I'll probably bring it in the bedroom tonight. I feel so bad though because he loves laying in the bed with us (especially over H's head). I'm sure he'll be fine.

    @keptinstiches, my parents and I are having a game night this weekend. I'm bring Ticket to Ride and Risk so we'll see how that goes. The last time our family got together to play Risk (circa 80's) my grandfather got so mad, he threw the board across the room and told everyone that he didn't fight in WWII to lose in a board game. So yeah, it could be an interesting night.

    @jenjen047, I used to take the train to work and I would get SO MAD when I would pull into the parking lot and the train would start pulling away from the platform. Sooooo close. The thing that sucked though was that the next train was an hour later, so I would have to drive to work. Ughhhh.


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    @buddysmom80 That was my plan, however I was talking to one of the parents last night and she said not to because if I use the treatment and then get them, I have to wait the period of time to use the treatment again (I think it's 10 days). So I am turning to the natural stuff, Listerine and Tea-Tree. One of the girls also said to spray rosemary on your head. I like these all better than the vinegar they used to say to use! Usually we have one girl every year so we always know it's only a matter of time, just crazy that this year it was 4!
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     @caseface5 I didn't know about that with the 10 day waiting period! I love tea tree oil though! I would use that over vinegar even though my mom used to rinse my hair with vinegar when I was a kid and it made my hair SO SHINY. I had like long Cher hair back in the day.

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    @caseface5 the best way to not get lice is to NOT wash your hair!!! The oils suffocate them and it makes it hard for them to move around! I am one of 7 kids and every year we went through a lice season, easy when we go to three different schools collectively! I would just use dry shampoo for as long as you can possibly stand it and when you NEED to wash use lice shampoo.

    This morning I'm cleaning and banging out some homework before I help my friend out at her store. I'm trying to pay off my credit cards before my thanksgiving trip so I am working my ass off. So far, I've cut my balances in half across the board, which I'm super proud of! I don't usually carry high balances but I have a few cards that don't charge interest yet so I usually make big purchases (like my tv) with those so that I have time to pay them off "for free." So that's really what I'm taking care of right now.

    School started yesterday in my town, so that means my job in the afternoons is going to be MUCH more annoying. We are walking distance from both the high school and middle school and they ALL walk to Starbucks after.
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    Busy week! We just moved into the house a few days ago so it's still kind of a disaster zone with boxes everywhere and my parents are flying in today to stay with us. I'm excited but wish it was happening like a few weeks from now. We're going to the Cape for a few days and H is being pissy that it's going to be so much traffic driving home on Labor Day but I'm like this one fucking weekend is all I ask of you ALL year to see my family, so stfu. lol

    @buddysmom80 why are you getting up at 4am? Where are you going?

    @caseface5 Hope you get some awesome players on your draft!

    @cocobellaf oh man that picture is adorable

    @keptinstitches boooo no fair that you have to work Monday. Do you get another day off to make up for it?

    @jenjen047 sweet, pool party sounds fun! Is that the sister who was in Africa?



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    @jenna8984 You just reminded me to stay clear of the Cape this weekend! Luckily our game is not that way, so we should be good. Traffic near me get terrible because we live off a road that can be taken as a back road to avoid 495.
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    @jenna8984, I'm getting up early tomorrow because I'm going to work from 6-2:30 and leave right from work. I'm going to the Catskills this weekend to my parent's house so it'll be at least a 3.5 hour drive up there.

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    Ugh, my CW's daughter is having twins and all. freaking. day. my CW is on the phone with vendors planning the baby shower. Like, get some work done, this isn't the royal wedding.

    The guest list is 150. For a baby shower...

    I can't.

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    I have never been more ready for a long weekend. Sorry I couldn't check in yesterday. This week has been SO busy for me at work. Last night I went to the gym (after taking a few days off) and it was pretty rough. Sill feeling it this morning, BUT I'm glad I went. I'm excited for lunch today because I'm meeting my mom and brother. Tonight I don't think DH and I have any plans, just cooking and catching up on our full DVR.

    I welcome Friday with open arms!!!

    @buddysmom80 - Pizza sounds delicious!
    @caseface5 - Yikes! I hope you guys can get rid of them quickly. The poor girls that have them are probably miserable.
    @CocoBellaF - Adorable!
    @KeptinStitches - Send some of that rain my way!
    @jenjen047 - That's frustrating. While I don't have to take a train for work, I DO have to leave extra early because traffic is so bad. So it's not fun having to wake up extra early just to be able to get through traffic, ugh.
    @untouchablets - That's awesome you are getting things paid off. DH and I try not to carry a cc balance. We did just book some things last minute for our fall trip so we are trying to pay that off before we go!
    @jenna8984 - Sometimes I feel like our house is still a disaster zone. We moved in 6 months ago and still have some unpacking to do! Your trip sounds like fun!

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    @cocobellaf cute!

    @jenna8984 whooo new house! :)

    Finished drawers on the bed last night and got some of the filing cabinet all set up! I put all our cards from the shower and wedding in there for now. I plan on getting a shadow box for them, but I'm picky lol

    Slowly working through the mess that is our table. I have no idea why it gets so damn cluttered. It's our "catch all"

    Tonight is groceries. I really don't want to but that's somewhat out of the question as we're out of cat food and I planned on picking up dinner tonight.

    This weekend not much is planned really. Not feeling my bday this year {28} so it's pretty low-key.
    Saturday Matt and I are doing dinner at Tucker's Marketplace {giant buffet, so delish!} and then going to watch the light show on Parliament hill. It goes through Canadian history. Really interesting!
    Sunday we're doing a late lunch/early dinner at my mum's.

    Monday is my actual bday. No real plans. Prob just laze around the apt or something.
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    @buddysmom80 150 people baby shower?! And she's planning her own?! Oh fuck no, I'd send a card and be busy that day if you're invited. And have fun at yuor parents, that sounds like fun!

    @misskittydanger have a great birthday weekend, and happy b-day since most of us won't be around to post on Monday!



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    @jenna8984 both my CW and daughter are planning it. Her daughter is a control freak so she'll do X and daughter will call and say "MOM, I WANTED Y DONE, FIX IT" and she does. I hope I don't get an invite, my CW knows H and I have been having troubles getting KTFU so if she doesn't invite me I'm okay with that. Also it's cash bar at the venue, so yeah, not going even if I'm invited.

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    @jenna8984, I don't get another day off in exchange. They kind of have me over a barrel - I'm a temp employee until the end of December. One of the people who will be making decisions about whether I get hired never takes holidays, frowns upon those who do, and openly said "no one in this group takes holidays because they don't have time." Not ideal, but I love this job so I'll put up with perhaps more than I should.
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    @TwoDimes - I've got nothing to help with Indy other than a shoulder to cry on.  I'm going to try a cooling dog bed (with gel).  Its coming from Amazon.  I think Raj gets up because he's hot.  Not sure if that would help you but I'll let you know how it works.  
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    @minskat30 - Zumba again. I alternate between weights 2 days a week and Zumba 2 days a week. It's my preferred method of cardio! :)

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    @minskat30, we'll probably go to The Limited, Kohls, Herbergers, and Macy's.
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    @southernpeach89 - First of all, you look amazing.  Second of all, I have zero doubts you'll be back into fitness in no time nonetheless...think you have more important things to do for now like, I dunno, birth a bebbe.  ;) 
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    How many of these do you remember from your childhood LINK ?  I remember every one like it was yesterday sadly other than the spirit duplicator.  

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    I have those same Target stools but in Walnut!
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    I just got so much more excited for football.... TOM BRADY IS FREE!!
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    Odd question that I'm hoping some of you will have ideas for!

    I have a bunch of bubbles left over from the wedding. I planned on giving a few to my friends for their kids, but I'll still have a crap ton left! Any suggestions on what I can do? I don't entirely want to just throw them out :\
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